News - How I Mastered Human Aimbot - Part 1 - Warzone Coach Pro Guide

aim guide

You are going to be accused of having Aimbot just like I have been thousands and thousands of times because this is The Ultimate Guide to having the best aim in the game today. You will master every single skill and drill needed to have the perfect crispy aim, and this is not just for Call of Duty.

Whatever shooting game you decide to play, the skills that you will master today will transfer over as well. You will learn about the six main pillars of aiming, centering, recoil control, tracking, clicking, the best settings for the controller, mouse, and keyboard, and a neglected but highly important last pillar.

One important thing that you guys need to keep in mind is that the journey to becoming the best player is not just about having a good aim; it starts there, but there's also movement and decision-making, and then having the ability to combine all of these skills and use them at the same time while playing the game.


Centering is the art of making sure your crosshair is aligned both vertically and horizontally so that you have your sight on your enemy without trying or having to do a minimal amount of correction because you are already aiming near the target. A lot of the time, you're going to hear about streamers being accused of having wall hacks because they managed to land their crosshairs exactly where the enemy was, even when they didn't have any information that helped them do so.

I'm not saying this to say whether they are cheating or not. That's not the point. What I'm trying to explain is that once you have good centering,. You are naturally going to have suspicious moments and aims, just like them. Now follow these four steps to achieve perfect centering. Step one: vertical centering Go to your settings and make sure you have the center dot turned on, and make sure that it's not on static.

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Although it looks clean while static is on, it's not actually where the weapon is aiming, as you can see when I turn that off. If you want, while you're training, you can enlarge the dot to make sure that it's easier for you to know where to center, but as you go back to the match, make sure that you turn it off because this could block major information for you in the game.

aiming tips

Now watch your own game play. If you are aiming towards the ground most of the time or shooting people in the legs, this is the first bad habit that you need to change. Fix that by hopping into a custom multiplayer match, or plunder if you don't have multiplayer, and then simply walk around while focusing on aiming up and keeping your crosshair somewhere around the chest area.

I usually like to do this while drinking coffee and listening to music, since I'm not shooting at anybody yet. Do this for 5 minutes each day, and then progress by adding bots to multiplayer or fighting people in plunder while making sure that you are aiming at where the chest should be and nothing else.

Now two extremely important things for you guys: number one Whatever exercise or drill you are working on from this guide, focus on the purpose of that exercise, and only that. So if you are practicing centering, focus on whatever you should be doing, and do not be concerned about the kills; do not be concerned about the wins; those will come naturally, for now you're building good habits.


And only that. The second thing is that there's only one thing that's more important than understanding a skill and practicing it, which is consistency. Because, like I said, building good habits is important, and for that to happen, you can't just practice it once and say, That's it. Now, I have Aimbot.

You need to consistently work on it every day or couple of days so that you build a proper muscle memory and have the best and fastest results possible. Step two: horizontal centering. You will see a lot of aim. God's saying is to aim where the enemy can be, which is correct but not the case every time.

better aim guide

Sometimes you have to aim down on purpose or even aim in the middle of nowhere. For example, if I know the enemy is somewhere in this room and there is only one exit, of course I'll aim at the only place he can come from, but that is rarely the case most of the time. The enemy can come out from two or more spots, so you should aim at the center of these points so that whatever spot the enemy comes out from, you will have to do a minimal amount of aim correction, and if there are even more possible spots, it's not enough to see when I'm advertising.

I don't advertise, so I can see everything around me more clearly. Just keep that in mind when you're watching a large area of the map, and now for aiming down, although I said it's a bad habit to do so, which is still true, there are only two cases where you should do that just for a short time. The first case is if your weapon is blocking off spots of important information.

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Here, aiming like this blocks off this point, so I aim down just to make sure I'm able to see all the possible spots. The second case is when I reload. My weapon is blocking off important information from the right side, so I aim down while I'm reloading just to make sure that I see everything all the time.


Practice this for 10 minutes a day in the same order without and then with bots or plunder, and for controller players, practice all these drills without aim assist. This is crucial to developing the proper skill and even taking advantage of aim assist when you turn it back on. And now for step three: corner centering.

This is the exact technique that gets people accused of using wall hacks, or how did he know he was doing that type of stuff? You don't have to know now that you understand the importance of centering both vertically and horizontally. It's time to combine it with your movement, so when peeking around corners, make sure that your crosshair is as close to the corner as possible.

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While you are moving around that corner for this drill. I personally love using shipment because of its layout, so when I'm walking around the corner. I focus on moving my aim to the left when my body is moving to the right, and vice versa. When you add bots or start playing some close-quarter fights in War Zone, you will see how you're going to automatically have your sights on the enemy, even though you didn't know they were there.

broken loadout

Now practice this for 10 minutes a day, and now for the fourth and last part of centering, pee one spot at a time. This is the easiest one when centered around a corner. Don't get too excited and overdo it. There will be times that the area you are peing can have multiple spots that the enemy can be in, so peak one spot at a time to make sure that you are not being shot or seen by more than one person.

Stream Schedule. Thursday - Viewer Challenges 3 pm EST. Saturday - High Kill Games 12 pm EST. Sunday - Viewer Games 12 EST.
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