News - Rebirth Island 5 Tips To Win Every Game With High Kills. Warzone Coaching

I don't know what's going on here, but that's nine kills on the board for scy, like I said, decimating the lobby. We got nine kills in the third circle; we're on a tremendous pace, right? now, And these snipes from the Moors guys. If you're not running the Moors, I'll say personally that I'm not much of a sniper guy myself, but if you are a sniper and you are not using the Moors, I don't know what you're doing.

We're going to have the class setup on screen right now for you guys. Take a screenshot if you're on your phone, and start running this class. So now we see that the circle is pulling down towards the stronghold, previously known as security, pulling up more and more kills. I am currently sitting on 12 kills out of nowhere, just ripping through this lobby, and guys, like I mentioned, our whole team is playing extremely close together.

One of the biggest things for sure too is that if you happen to go down, if you're able to get your load out, that's fantastic, but if you even look around on the ground with all the fighting that's happening, all the players that we're eliminating are dropping so many meta weapons and so many perks.

One huge tip that I want to give you guys for sure if you're trying to push your pace is: don't be addicted to having to use your load out. There are so many players who are dropping meta soas, dropping Moors snipers, and dropping retes. It doesn't matter if there are so many metal weapons on the ground, so if you ever need to try and pick up the pace, get back in the fight and assist your team.

You shouldn't be putting too much time into looting; instead, if there's a gun on the ground, it might not be your favorite color. Just pick it up anyway and start frying. That's one of those things for sure: if you're getting knocked out and you're trying to get back into the mix as quickly as you possibly can, pick up other players metal weapons and keep on moving.

Get back to your team and drop those kills for every 30 seconds or minute that you spend looting. That's the time when players are getting knocked out of the lobby, and there are players and teams like this in your lobby. I understand that, and these players are feing to try and get kills. Doubt once again, as I say, feing to get kills.

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We got players up at the top of the living quarters, and we are taking the fight to them once again, guys, applying pressure to every player that we see. If we are running towards them, we are playing confidently, saying, Hey, if we run up on you guys, you have to run because we're not losing these fights.

Whether or not you have the gun skills just yet, that's one thing. Of course, I preach all the time: practice your gun skills. Get into those 1V ones as often as you possibly can and snipe up close to get the break as well. Scythe is comfortable with the sniper, basically using an SMG, because that's one of those things: if you play as an aggressive player, you get very comfortable in those crazy situations because you are in them so frequently, so he didn't have time to switch to his SMG.

Just there, he is able to get a snipe just to help assist in that fight and keep Carnage alive as well. Right now we have Cass rotating over towards the bus station, or at least the bus station building. Guys, at this exact moment, let's just listen in really quickly and see what's going on the UAV Tower.

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I don't have one. Where are their headquarters up top? They had to move down. I got a PA. I got a pa okay they got to drop down they got to drop down Grandpa I'm speeding up. I'm going to speed up and get a UAV real quick because I have enough of them. PA, nice that's one down, one's one shot, one's one shot, he down, he's down, he's down right in front of you, nice, ni the other on the left, other on my left, he at the CR at the crest, he's so weak, the other one's dead though 100%, he's dropping down now right now.

Right now, guys, as I said, we took about 20 seconds there, and the lobby has now been decimated; it's a 2v one, and there's not much else I can really say right here this is about to be GGs and just like that an 18 kill win for Scythe 30 all together for the team, and guys if you learned anything from this article if your if your gamepl does not look like this as far as the intensity and pacing.

I'm not expecting you guys to run into a lobby and start frying like crazy if you're not the most competent shooter, but I highly recommend practicing your shots as much as you possibly can and then playing as a full-on team. If you're someone who's looking for a team, then I highly recommend joining Discord.

There are players looking for teams that are serious all the time; they're either trying to grind in rank to hit Diamond or Crimson, or they're also trying to get a new contract just like this, so with that, that's going to be game number two for our boys.

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