News - Raal Mg Is Amazing (and Evil) Weapons Of Warzone 2 Ep. 10

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G, Modern Warfare 2 is a weapon I've been looking forward to reviewing because it's just the epitome of fun. Yes, it is a super fun weapon. If you like that powerful I set up my cannon and destroy you style of play, then yeah, the rifle is fun, and the stats really aren't important. Basically, you're going to get a two-shot kill if you're hitting people in the torso and head.

If you start hitting them in the limbs, you're going to get a three-shot kill out to like 70 meters plus, so in six V6 maps, you are two to three shotters. Don't worry about the stats; just play with the weapon yourself and get used to the recoil. We'll talk about some builds later that'll help you reign in that recoil and play with the weapon in a couple of interesting ways, but those barely matter.

I was so excited to review this because I just wanted to gush over it. Sometimes in a Call of Duty game, you have a weapon that's just the epitome of cool, novel, or just fun. It's just a fun weapon, and the Rel checks all of my boxes now. Obviously, you do have the downside of slow swapping. This thing is slow.

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Reloading this thing is slow. I was using it to get headshots for the Path of Ronnie challenge today, but I wasn't using fast hands. I'll get more into that in a second. I will say, yeah, the thing is very slow. I died simply due to the lower movement speed not allowing me to strafe. You know, out of the line of fire of an enemy, it was really bad, but boohoo, it's not a light machine gun; it really should not be in the light machine gun category; it should be in the just machine gun category.

When I look it up, people describe it as a machine gun—a heavy machine gun. You are just short of firing 50-caliber ammunition out of this thing, and the fact that you can do that with a 100-round box magazine makes it so worth it. It's so worth giving it a try, and I guess I'll get into ammo types because, again, stats with the rail are not important.

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Does it really help your gameplay to know that it takes like six milliseconds to fully aim down sight with the whatever stock or the whomever barrel? It doesn't matter; that's not going to affect your gameplay. The moment you use the weapon and realize how fast it aims down your sight, you're good.

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The numbers mean sh*t. What you've got to think about is ammo types, so if you run armor-piercing rounds, you're going to wall-bang people across the map. You are going to constantly wall-bang people. You're going to shoot through things you didn't know you could shoot through. You're going to deal damage you didn't know you could deal through materials.

You're going to decimate kill streaks. You're going to decimate the cover. It's going to be perfect if you use overpressurized rounds. You are a sniper or anybody that's trying to pre-aim you. Nightmare, because you are dealing a ton of damage and you are hitting them very hard anyway, and they are likely not going to win the gunfight if you get one hit marker on them, giving them more Flinching is just a way to secure those kills and completely counter snipers.

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This thing is really good at long-range combat and lane watching, so that's not a bad trait to be able to have. You hit them, and they're at half health, and they're stuck there for like eight to nine seconds. It's really rough to get hit by a light machine gun that hits that hard, and then even if you escape, you're just out of the fight for like a sixth of a minute, and it's just really rough, so what I think is kind of fun is that no matter which ammo type you use except for hollow point rounds, which are useless, you're going to be having a lot of fun if you run incendiary ammo on the rail.

You're going to deal so much damage to kill streaks that you're going to shoot them down before they can fire, but I recommend frangible. To be annoying. I pressurized for countersniping, but almost always I run armor-piercing just so I can plow through cover like brick walls and pretty much anything else.

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Yeah, you can shoot through that, by the way. I don't know why I was going to start listing things there. Pretty much anything else This is one of the few weapons in this game that I get accidental kills with because multiple enemies will push me on, like a hard point or down a tight lane, like a border crossing, or whatever, and I'll start firing at one person.


And the people that are kind of moving in and out of the gunfight trying to get a shot on me get hit once or twice and they're dead, or I start shooting to kind of suppress somebody on a flag and I start shooting through their cover. I get a hit marker, and then I keep dumping rounds into the wall fishing for more hit markers, and I get a double kill because the bullet went through the wall and killed two people.

It's rough, like it's really fun, but it's almost It's funny how many times I start getting hit markers, and then I'm like. I'm in a gun fight; I'm probably going to win this, and then I just completely obliterate somebody and their buddy. I get accidental kills with the Rel Mg, and I think that's a testament to how fun this thing is.

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Now you have to be willing to do the unthinkable. I know a lot of you are going to cringe at this. You have to adjust your play style if you're going to be using this thing. Run and gun; stop it; you are running, essentially. You are not using a light machine gun; you are using a mushing gun. This is for locking down a far lane on Turok and holding out the narrow passageway at the border crossing.

This is for shooting people through walls and head glitches. This is for just tearing through things, but you have to be ready. You have to have your gun ready. Run this thing with a bipod. On short walls, so you can just have that much more accuracy. This thing does have a lower rate of fire of around 550 RPM, and so what you're definitely going to want to do is run a 100-round box mag because it's so funny how much sustained fire you get with a 500 RPM, 100-round box mag.

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When you run that, you're going to be able to keep putting rounds downrange; you're not going to burn through the mag and constantly have to be reloading; you're going to have the time and ammo to assess and fish for hit markers through walls; take on multiple opponents; and keep people suppressed.

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Yeah, just because I love this thing so much, it's not meta. I wouldn't call it meta. But the fun thing about it is that once you are zeroed in, you are bipotted, or mounted, and you have a nice scope or clean optic. If you want to shoot and an enemy walks in front of you, the likelihood of them walking out alive is very low, so now let's get into my favorite builds.

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