News - Pro Hardpoint Tips. Ranked Play For Dummies (warzone 2)

These guys all put aside once again playing my life. I'm going to have to travel here in a second because no one else has my tunnel. I'm probably beat here. This guy's in the wrong corner, hopefully, but yeah, I was. Beep, I might as well just rotate now. I'm going to see if I can get a pick on Old from this top, like my teammate gets him, but these guys are all going to spawn tunnel.

modern warfare 2

Now look where my teammate is. They should be rotating through the top mid and right in front of me here, stand, so one's probably going to be close cut, and the rest should be rotating. The top had to go back to Barber. I'm dead there, but nonetheless, spawns are very, very readable on that hill.

I mean, it's basically tunneling towards my right tunnel side. I'm just getting gunned. Unfortunately, maybe this class isn't too good or the Rival is just that good because they got this guy in a sec. Okay, come on, don't do this. Man, is this guy? I think this guy K double doors—yep, in the corner he's weak.

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Maybe get a different class because right now this is what I was using yesterday, but I'm not really sure it's pretty slow. This guy is an instant child. These guys are kind of manipulative about what's going on. Here, no, I spawned out. This guy just got a kill from deep back. Hopefully, my teammate can find that kill.

modern warfare 3

Back Barber My teammate does have God steps, though, which is good. I'm going to make a front cut. I'm going to help my teammate. This guy standing here needed the back door. You have to watch that. Buddy, no, my teammates are trolling; they're watching God's steps, and they're simply not looking.

I'm just going to spawn and flood, and now these guys are going to be flooding through the back. Obviously, throw your attacks and try to waste trophies. I know where these guys are spawning. One can be coming tunnel in a second; they're also going to flood top mid, so I'm just going to hold top mid while my teammate watches left; hopefully nothing top mid; they might just be rotating here.

Okay, no, they're flooding through the shortcut and tunnel, so it's kind of tough to read that one, but my goal now is to go. These guys are probably right in front of me. Yep, swiping out this guy got them both to see you, buddy. Now these guys are spawning out. No, this one guy is the last guy; hopefully my teammates can kill this guy.

modern warfare iii

The rest will be flooding through ticket; obviously, I'm spawning tunnel; these guys will be garage and ticket cruise missile trophies no longer stop them, so I need to play my life back. Here, they could be in the garage or in that garage up, but I don't really want to rush this. I'm kind of just getting my teammate.

Time is dead; it is over now. I'm trying to keep them off. I'm going to slide sh garage cut see you, buddy, and Last Guy believes in garage, though no, he's in the back. Damn, my teammate needs to get that scrap time. These guys are spawning tunnels. No, they're not. They're still spawning tickets, so once again, I'm basing all my information basically on where my teammates are spawning.

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I'm going to die to this unfortunately, so I'm trying to CH out and control before I die. Now it goes back to P1, so rotation is in, and my teammate gets that first Blood Gorgeous, I'm going to try to take a step out here. Bottom, middle, and try to kill this guy mid-steps for my teammate. It looks like this guy has already pushed out there.

mw 2

Is the point relocated SEC to the taret area? Nice back, guys. These double doors This guy hits the top, Green. This might get a little sketchy now, but I'm just going to hit time. These guys are still all going to be flooding through this mid-hall because they're forced to play this time. My teammates aren't really watching anything; this guy's just sliding around doing whatever he wants.

I need to get my teammates left immediately after I get this; kill that just in case someone else is there, but now the rest are going to be flooding right here. Hopefully my teammates don't get in the way here. I'm going to reposition and kill this guy once again. They're all going to keep fighting this; they kind of have no choice; they're one shot, man, but yeah, I mean, very, very readable spawn there.

My teammate might die off, but luckily we have rotation at P2, so I should be able to win it here. I'm going to kill this guy in the garage with my teammate. I'm going to stun their tunnel because they might be trying to pinch it. We spawn there; back in time, it's GG. Ladies and gentlemen, rank Play for Dummies episodes 1–250 to 191.


Victory little 36 bomb I'm not a big fan of the class. I'm not going to lie; I'm probably going to change it up, but I tried my best to walk you guys through some of the decisions I was making. Make sure to drop a like and follow. And subscribe if you enjoyed rank play for dummies. Whatever maps you guys need, I've got you.

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