News - Please Stop Playing Warzone 2 Like This

Who cares if I die 50, 000 times? Who cares if this happens? I just want to get the objective. That's it, and if I get the objective, that must mean that's two thumbs up whenever reality isn't. Domination: you want to make sure that you have map control. Map control is key, and sometimes flipping or pushing a little bit further to get good spawn traps could benefit your team tremendously.

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But you have to pace it, you have to time it, and you have to think about it. Sometimes obtaining a really good power position is more crucial than hopping right on the B flag as fast as possible, especially if you're facing more skilled, experienced players, and then hardpoint. I can't tell you just how mind-blowing I am.

Sometimes, when I see more than one person hop on the hard point, it just absolutely blows my mind once again the obj mentality If you're not on OBJ, if you're not playing OBJ, you're considered a bad player. All you want to do is kill and hunt. No, in reality, all you need is one person on the obj, and at least if you're playing 10 vs.

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10, one to two other people backing it up, so if that one guy on the obj dies, they can cycle through and hop right back on, so you keep getting points, but when I see in, you know, a 6 vs. 6, all six people on the hardpoint, or in a 10 vs. 10, almost all the 10 people on the hardpoint I just think to myself, What's the purpose?

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We have nothing covered. Our right flank is open, and our back flank is open. Our back flank is open. Literally all we're covering is the three to four directions that you know the hardpoint is on right now, and they can just all swarm in wherever they want. No, it doesn't make any sense sometimes to play out of the hard point.

It's playing objectively because you're helping the people who are on that hardpoint stay on it and stay on it longer, and if you go down, you die. First and foremost, you held them off, and secondly, you alerted your team; they know that someone is coming from that direction now, so they can change the direction and look that way.

Again, blindlessly running towards objects, Is not playing Obj anything that's worse than just killing and hunting? I will make that statement now blindlessly: running to Objs, Is it worse than just completely ignoring the obj and just killing hunting and going for streaks? 1, 0% worse than that, please guys, we got to change the mentality, change the mindset of what it means to be an OBJ player, and start being a little bit more smart about it.

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You know what I'm saying? Don't bash players; we're just trying to assist in different ways, and again, this goes across the board to all different games, not just Cod. You know, Battlefield Rainbow 6 valerant, or CSGO. Just like this again, we post daily here at 8 in the morning Eastern time, and last but not least, we stream pretty much daily.

I almost forgot that we don't stream on Sundays, but I will be back on Monday, over on Kick, so of course, if you guys want to tune into that stream, see what it's all about, you know, show some love, and just obviously hop into the open lobbies.

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