News - Cheaters Are About To Get Clapped Warzone 2

cronus playstation 5

I hope you're all having a fantastic day. Sincerely, you know it's YouTube, and you can only prioritize so many different articles. I tried to get as many hot topics out as I could, but this article has to be made regardless because I think it's extremely important, you know, for pretty much everybody out there to understand what's going on, and hopefully this will continue into the future.

When it comes to Call of Duty, but of course, ladies and gentlemen, before we go ahead and dive deep, if you do enjoy what you have here today, don't forget to go ahead and subscribe and hit that bell. You know, it supports the channel a ton and helps us get out there in the algorithm a little bit better.

And last but not least, if you guys are interested in any of my live streams, I do stream over on Kick pretty much daily. So ladies and gentlemen, also very quickly, this is the brand new camo, guys. Again, I knew what I was getting myself into. You know, it's not like we didn't know what the camo looked like, but now that I see it on my weapon.

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I got to be honest; it kind of looks like puke does it not. Remember back in the day in my old 2 2009, when everybody called the fall camo the throw-up camo? That's what this kind of makes me think of, you know, except maybe you had like a strawberry milkshake or something like that and you threw it up onto a gun.

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Not the best-looking camo, but still, you know, we've had a decent amount of good-looking camo throughout the weeks and months, so I can't be mad with one of them looking a little iffy, but I want to know what you guys think. I'm not going to lie for eight weeks; it seems a little underwhelming. You would think that they would put this as, like, you know, maybe one of the weekly challenges or one of the event camos, but you know, so be it.

But ladies and gentlemen, let's get straight into the article today. Today is going to be an amazing day, ladies and gentlemen, because, as you can see right here from Charlie Intel, the new PlayStation 5 system software update today appears to have disabled the ability to use cronis software on the PS5.

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Console cronis manufacturer Sony has issued a notice on their website stating they are trying to fix the issue but that for now it is disabled CU. This is phenomenal. This is phenomenal. Finally, someone else, besides you, knows Activision or EA, or you know these publishers or these games; finally, it's actually the consoles themselves that are coming for these devices.

This is huge news, ladies and gentlemen, because again. I made a article about this a while ago, but people underestimate how easy it is to cheat on consoles; everybody always pinpoints it on PC, and obviously, as you know. PC has tons of cheaters, and honestly. PC has the worst cheaters. You have things like Aimbot wall hacks, you know, so on and so forth, but that doesn't mean that it's not absurdly easy to cheat on the console.

I mean, the Zim and the Cronis. Have you ever made thousands and thousands and thousands of purchases? Every month, I'm not talking about lifetime; I'm talking about every month people are purchasing these things every month. Thousands are being purchased, okay, and these things are being used on the console, so to say that the console doesn't have a cheating problem is just being completely deaf to the overall situation here, but this is absolutely huge.

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But we are still a bit away from making sure that Call of Duty is a you know a safe good place to not have to worry about, losers. Who just don't know how to play a game or losers, who just enjoy making people pissed off and ruining other experiences, and again, if that's you, please just get a life.

I'm begging you to get a life, but again, I guess my saying that isn't really benefiting the cause because that's what they want you to do. That's the worst part about cheaters. That's the worst part about cheaters, because you can't talk crap to them. You can't roast them because that's what they want.

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They want you to get angry. The whole reason that they're doing it is again two reasons: they're either awful at the game and need some assistance, or they're trying to piss people off, you know, so when you roast them and you get pissed off, that's literally feeding into them. The best thing to do is, I guess, shut up and not say anything.


But back to what I was saying, we are kind of a long way off from this problem being completely resolved. You know, this is only on PlayStation 5, and from what I've heard, apparently you can still, you know, just skip the update and use your cronis without having to worry about anything. If you still use the online features, you can still play Call of Duty.

From what I hear, the next update is the one that comes after the one that you know is supposed to ruin Cronis and all this stuff that will be mandatory, and then you'll be screwed, and you have to update. But first and foremost, the first update isn't mandatory; you can skip right past it, and then secondly, all the other platforms don't have to worry about this whatsoever; the PlayStation 4 can still go ahead and use cronis without any problems; Xbox players, nothing just yet from Microsoft, so they're still able to use it; and of course.

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PC Go ahead and plug in the cronis to your PC, and you could probably I guess I don't know if you could use it for PC, to be honest with you. I don't know why they want to do that. You know, just from a simple business perspective, you would think the smartest thing to do is to make sure that your product works across the board on everything, so even though it's a good step, we still have a long way to go, and even if you want to go ahead and turn off crossplay so you don't have to deal with Xbox or PC players who could still potentially use cronis, you still have PlayStation 4 players.

You know what I'm saying, so at the end of the day, you are always going to be facing it. Now I will say there's probably not as many people playing on the PlayStation 4 anymore compared to the PS5. So you might not have to worry about it as much, but it's still going to be relevant; it's still going to be there, and if you're on Xbox or PC, you're absolutely screwed.

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It's not like you can only beat PlayStation players. You know what I'm saying; if you could, that's kind of messed up. You're always going to be playing in crossplay with other PC and Xbox players, so you're probably going to be dealing with it non-stop as well. But you know, even though I said some gloomy news and some gloomy information, still, this is fantastic; it's a step in the right direction, and this is the step that we needed because Sony isn't a small dog; they are a massive corporation, and they own the freaking, you know.

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