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So yeah, next up is the M16. I have changed my opinion on this gun from terrible to okay; it's a fun weapon if nothing else, but it needs the right tuning and definitely is not as good as the other two weapons as far as TDK and reliability. Go If I'm being frank, it's not even close, so with that being said, it is still a respectable weapon that can definitely be strong, but, yeah, stuck at the beat here, our next weapon is going to be the f-tac.


Recon: The biggest thing about this weapon is that you have to extend the range. It can take two shots at a fairly close range, but you cannot get that same power in the mid-range, which is really where it needs to shine as a rifle. is an okay weapon, but it has to respect the kind specifically and then stop it from any higher Our next "beat your weapon" is going to be the expedite 12.

Shotguns are fun and extremely powerful in their close range, but they are simply not an ultra-versatile weapon. This does put a massive cap on the shotgun class in general, and it kind of leaves the worst of the shotguns to be beaten here. That being said, up close, even the worst shotgun can outdo pretty much anything else.

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Next is the eBR14, which is essentially just a slightly better F-TAC. Realistically, you're better off using the one-shot kill marksman rifles, which is why this two-shot weapon is stuck a beat to your right next to the f-tac. It's still reliable, though, and if you find yourself missing a lot of shots, this may be the Marksman rifle of choice for you.


Our next V2 is going to be the Bryson 890; it's a good shotgun. It's really the same exact situation as the expedite 12. The mag reload is nice to make it load quicker, but ultimately it just doesn't really have anything to make it stand out in its class. Next on the beach is going to be the Bryson 800; it's the same as the Bryson 890 in essence, just with slightly better stats at the cross to the magazine.

The load sits in the B tier as a result of its lack of individuality and the shotgun classes' lack of range versatility. Our final beta weapon, which just barely misses the A tier, is going to be the 556 Icarus. This is the first LMG I've enjoyed using; it has good recoil control and good CDK; it feels pretty quick; and it is essentially just a large AR.

I liked this gun; it is a good beginner or newbie-friendly gun that has decent potential, but there are just simply higher skill ceilings. Alternatives Moving on up into our A tier, we have weapons that are ultra competitive but barely lose out on one or two elements that keep them from ascending to the cream of the crop.

guns list

Our first weapon of this year is going to be the STB-556. And honestly, it's really solid; its sort of combination of high recoil, decent control, and medium damage combined with a medium fire rate allow for it to be super consistent even on your bad days. The TDK, of course, does in fact suffer from this sort of setup, meaning you'll probably get outgunned by the FS here.

Our next weapon is the Victus XMR, and this thing is insanely slow but has some serious reliability. I do not recall ever getting a hit marker with this thing, but it's difficult to make it reasonably quick, and as a result, it is stuck in the ATR for the exact same reasons as the stb. It's very reliable, and it will help you on a bad day, but it can be easily outperformed by some other options, such as necessity.

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9k I used to see this as an S-tier weapon, but it's just a tiny bit less mobile than I would like, and I've come to realize that there are SMGs with a better TDK. Despite its increased damage, although it's very marginal In any case, it's competitive, but I can't really put it with the best of the best in good faith, so I leave it as a very solid choice.

mw2 weapons

Our next eight here is the eval 46, and this is essentially the opposite of the vasnes. It's super mobile, but just barely not enough damage for me. I find myself getting outgunned regularly; however, this thing is an insanely powerful flanking weapon due to its quick speed and rotating ability. Next, we have attack 5.

I think it's the best BR, but even so, it doesn't really break into the top tier for me; it's a pretty solid choice, especially with full audio, but it kind of just becomes a high-damage AR that gets beat up by other alternatives; at that point, even by weapons on its own platform, it's definitely a respectable choice.

Just not s tier for me Next, we have the SAV-50. This gun is extremely quick and, when built correctly, is essentially a super-aggressive sniper. It is one of my personal favorite loadouts. It involves this weapon, so it does hold a pretty special place for me, but I can't lie and say it is a tier just because I know that there are better weapons to come next.

mw2 weapons list

We have the RPG, and this is the best LMG, in my honest opinion, but the LMGs are just too slow to be good, and they lose out on TDK to other slow options like the RPG. can, however, be built to have comparable speed to an AR, which makes it a very viable weapon in the first tier. It has the second-best handling of the LMGs without any of the sacrifices to recoil control or damage, and it is uniquely strong for its class.

Our next weapon in the first tier is going to be the minibag. This thing with just a small buff on fire would be a massive s to your pick. It's super reliable as far as recoil and control go, and the extra-large magazine makes it very novice-friendly. It's honestly great; there's not a reason not to give it a shot aside from the fact that there are SMGs, which are absolutely superior as far as TDK goes; our best shotgun also falls into this tier, the Lockwood 300 most range in the class.

mw2 weapons tier list

Reliable one-shot reloading as a result of this combination, with its high damage and ability to fire a very quick follow-up shot to easily clean up kills that don't get one-shot reloaded, can be an issue when fighting multiple opponents, but the range and damage allow you to make up for its weaknesses.

On that front, next up in the alphabet is the Lochman 762. It's in essence the same as the attack 5, but the attachments available to it allow for you to make a much higher-handling weapon than the tech 5 is capable of. The cost of this is, of course, having lower stats almost all across the board at a base level, and it's still not as good as any of the exterior weapons.

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Our final atrio gun is going to be the FSS Hurricane, which is a very fun SMG and is essentially a mini-back with slightly better TDK but is more difficult to control. It's solid but not as good as our top-tier SMGs. Not much else needs to be said about this one. Moving into our s tier, we start off with attack 56, which I would say is slightly worse than the other ARS I have in this tier but not by enough of a margin to beat all the way down in the a tier.

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