News - Loose Ends Mission. Ultra Realistic Graphics. Call Of Duty Warzone 2 Gameplay


Recover I've got a blank check, and we're going to use every scent of it to kill Marov. Despite what the world may say, we are not savages; we don't kill civilians; we use precision. There's an evil man hiding in these shadows, and we're going to bring him into the light once his face is re-felt. We will write history.

Gentlemen, these are the last safe havens left on Earth for Marov and his men. It sounds like we have to be in two places at once, which is impossible, not for the one 41-50/50 chance to take out Marov. Eh, Captain Price requested permission to take the safe house with roach-granted soap, and I will take the bone yard in Afghanistan very well.

We will cut off all avenues of escape. Now, strangely, we could have sworn we ended this war. Moving vehicles have been neutralized. Be advised that we have not, I repeat we have not spotted the marker off, and no one else has left a house. Those trucks may have been decoys over that bouncing on the house.

Basement, clear copy basement, clear, all clear Squad, regroup on me, scarecrow photographs, gler that shepher, this is Ghost. No sign of macarov. I repeat, no sign of macarov, Captain Price. Any luck in Afghanistan? Plenty of at least 50 hyp guns here, but no sign of Marov press. Our intelligence was off.


The quality of the intelligence that was about to change this safe house is a bloody gold mine that copied that ghost. Have your team collect everything you can for an operation. Playbook names, contact tax places, everything we're already on it, sir Maerov will have nowhere to run, that's the idea.

I'm bringing up an extraction. Force ETA 5 minutes to get that Intel Shepher out the roach, get on Makarov's computer, and start the transfer of ozone. You're on rear security. I've got the front, go, on my way, task force. This is the price. More of Ma's men just arrived at the boneyard. Cover me i'm going to stop that guy over there and use his radio to tap into their computers.

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We're going silent for a few minutes. Good luck up there in Russia. Out roach, there's an armory in the basement. Better stock up while you can. Makarov's men are going to do whatever it takes to keep us from leaving when it's Intel. We need to protect the DSM until the transfer's done. Use the weapons caches and set up your claym.

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If you have any left-handed defensive positions, let's get ready to engage. The enemy will quickly detect helicopters coming in from the northwest. I'm in position, Roger. That enemy hilo's approaching from the northwest. We got to cover the front line, dropped him, and now I'm moving to the main windows.

I need someone to mine and cover the driveway approach. Roach, use your clay on the driveway, and pull back to it. The RPG team moving in from the southwest got it. RPG team moving in from the southwest, I have eyes on additional hostile forces moving in on your position. They're approaching through the solar panels east of the house.

That's a kill. They're moving in through the solar panels east of the house. I'll try to cut them off as they come to the trees. Use your claymations if you have them. Plant them around the trout east of the house. See, the RPG team is approaching from the west; he's got a solid copy. The RPG team is approaching from the west.

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What the hell is that? Be advised that you have a large concentration of hostiles moving in from the southeast. They just reached the perimeter. I'll try to thin them out before they get too close. I recommend you switch to scoped weapons. Everyone covers the field to the southeast. Move i have eyes on them.

Here they come. They're in the field. RPG team moving in from the east Roger, that RPG team is moving in from the east. Sniper Team One is a strike team. Be advised, we have enemy helicopters approaching from the Northwest and Southeast. Enemy helicopters in 15 seconds Roger that 15, Roach the transer complete I'll cover the main approach while you get the DSM.

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They're dropping in more troops west of the house; they must The Boat House covers the West approach; that's one down; we got 240 RPGs; the dining room window has an L86 machine gun; roaches; I'm covering the front; get the DSM; we got to get out of here. Roger used them to cut them down as they came out of the tree line.

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That's a kill. Roach, the transfer is complete. I'll cover the main approach while you get the DSM. Target guns hang in there; this is Viper 26 standby for rocket attack over Roger. Hit them hard on that hell and make sure they're down. I'm on it coming around heading 2, Roger. I got them lined up goldag on the ground watch for snipers on, Thermal.

Loose Ends Mission | Ultra Realistic Graphics | Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Gameplay.
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