News - New Updated Warzone 2 Weapons Tier List - Every Gun Ranked - Call Of Duty Warzone 2 Guide

cod mw2 guns guide

These are my up-to-date meta weapons for Modern Warfare 2. It's important to note that none of the items have any particular order within them. For example, anything in the seed tier I rate pretty equally, unless I otherwise state. So we're going to get right into it, but powerful weapons will only take you so far, so be sure to check out our website, {115}, where we have loads of guides coming designed specifically to help you get more kill streaks and increase your KD.

These ads are made by some of the top coaches in the game, and you can get them for an absolute steal if you come today and pre-order to get half off of your subscription. Today, starting off this detour, we have, in my opinion, the worst weapon in the game: the SO14. I know last time I got some disagreement on this, but if I had to select a weapon for a 1v1 where the worse the weapon is, the higher the reward, I would still never pick the SO14.

I do not see the merit in running this terrible gun, and I rate it handily in the details, but I guess your mileage may vary. Next up in the detour is the Lockwood MK2. I actually used to like this weapon, and I still do, but as I've continued to play around with what the current guns in the game are capable of.

cod mw2 guns list

I have decided that there's not really a reason to run this thing. It has a too narrow one-shot range on enemy hitboxes, and the speed is not worth this With hefty skill costs, there are other marksmen and rifles that can do the same thing but just significantly better. Our final D2 weapon is going to be Cast Off by Four.

You can argue it's not that bad, but it's not even the first cast of Unlock, and it's by far the worst one. I don't see why you'd run this over any of the other Cast Off variants. You are just intentionally taking a downgrade with this gun, so I rate it in the database as such. Simply put, there is not enough damage or appeal.

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Moving up into our seat, here we have our first weapon to attack M. You sacrifice damage, fire rate, clip size, and mobility for marginally increased range. The other attack weapons are far superior; emit attack M is comparably weak and simply a poor choice of weapon. Next in the stack is the SPX 80, and this one is up against unfair odds like the Sab 50 and the SPR-208.

cod mw2 guns tier list

Alternatives are far better than the sniper, even though it's a sniper. With the right gunsmith tuning, it's got the most handling of any of the sniper rifles, but it simply does not give a good enough trade-off since you can simply build the Sab 50 to be a better sniper than this thing is, or for closer range engagements, the very popular SPAR-208, which also works extremely well.

Next, we have the sock and mg38. It's just simply too slow; this is a problem with most LMGs, but the second is one of the two slowest LMGs that make it pretty difficult to do anything other than hold angles with; if that's the play style you're going for, just use a marksman rifle or sniper instead to use the one-shot advantage that those weapons have.

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Our next LMG in the C tier is the rap age, and it's really just not good. It's a little bit faster than the second or the Rawl but not enough; it's too slow to push with, and again, if you're going to be playing with slow weapons or holding angles, it's far better to just use a sniper or a marksman rifle and face the exact same problems as the sakin, and we have the Rawl, which is essentially the same exact thing as the sakin but with easier to control fire rate and recoil.

cod mw2 weapons

It's simply not good with the meta-versatile weapons that hold angles well but are also good for pushing at key moments; our next weapon is the LMS, which is simply outperformed by its cousin, the Lochman 762. I don't really see a reason to choose this weapon over its alternatives. It's okay, and you can get kills with it pretty much with any weapon, but if you're looking for a reliable weapon, the LMS is probably not it.

Our next weapon in our seats here is going to be the Lochman 556. It has the worst damage of any of the AR classes, and it really does show that trying to compete with the M4 when you really don't have any reliable assets to back you up is a huge ask, especially when you can just take the Lockman sub over this and get a far more defined gun with clear benefits.

cod mw2 weapons guide

Our next featured weapon is going to be the Lab 330. Simply put, it does nothing better than any of the other snipers; it has a worse damage range and even worse handling than the Signal 50. Why does it seem so pointless to run this thing? Even the slow sniper has better handling than this one; it's in the same bracket as its cousin, the SPX 80 shocker.

Our final seater weapon is the HCR 56. This weapon can be a serious contender for being in the B tier, but sadly, I just do not see the appeal in running it. Wise It's just barely not fast enough to be highly damaging enough, and it feels like the worst traits in LMG, A combo with the worst traits of an AR moving up into our B tier is the bass.

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P, it's decent, but the SMG tier is ultra competitive, so in order for this thing to be all right, you need to have it maxed out and use some of the really good attachments, especially on the handling side. It's definitely worth trying out, but it's just not as good as the other SMGs. Our next B2 weapon is the mx-9; I'm not sure what it was, but it felt identical to using the bass.

cod mw2 weapons list

P it's all right; it's not a terrible weapon. I didn't struggle with it all that much, but I was just left wishing it was just a better SMG; it's just too competitive of a category for it to really be considered any higher. Our next opponent's weapon is going to be the M13B. I actually loved playing with this AR, but I shall not pretend it's better than the higher tiers.

It's super fun, super chill, and can be built to be insanely strong, but it's just not a high-tier weapon at its current level. A signal of 50 is super strong in the right circumstances, especially in longer-range maps that involve holding a particular angle down. There are actually better alternatives, and while they aren't as easy to use, they have a higher ceiling.

It's still a strong weapon, no doubt; it's definitely a B for your pick. Our next primary is going to be the riot shield. I don't know it's a shield; it blocks bullets and is useful when it's on your back sometimes. So having the overkill perk can help, and it's great for meme builds or coordinating pushes due to its disruption.

cod mw2 weapons tier list

It's a bit hard to rank it against guns, and I don't really think you should; it's more of a utility pick or like a meme pick, as I said before, so I'm just going to leave it right here on the beach, where it's pretty average. It's not great compared to an actual weapon, but it does what it does very effectively.

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