News - New" Unlimited Souls Farm - Fastest Way To Get Souls Warzone 2 The Haunting Event

farm souls

In this article, I'm going to show you guys how to earn souls as quickly and easily as possible. In the normal way, it can be quite difficult to earn these souls, and there are lots of rewards in the Haunting Store that you can redeem souls for, so you're going to need to earn hundreds and hundreds of souls.

So in this article, I explain how to speed up that grind to make it as quick and easy as possible and how to farm those souls. really quickly got a very good new method in this article, so I hope you guys do find this useful. If you do, be sure to leave a like so that other people can find this article too, and make sure to check out my other haunting, event guides like The Secret.

Wise, and Chessboard, and Easter egg guides to get some very cool secret rewards. I've also got other guys like how to defeat all the monsters, such as the butcher and the swamp creature, in the hating event as well, but without further ado, let's start straight into this guide. I've made a couple of guides on this already, and I think because the methods are constantly changing, I wanted to make an update.

fastest way to get souls in modern warfare 2

Guide There's a new mode that has just come out, known as Zombie Royale. The other methods I've mentioned are good, so if you want to check them out, feel free to do so via the card on screen. And you can do it on either map because it will swap between Von Dead and Almazar. Knight, but I think Almazar.

Knight is probably better for this what you want to do is basically when you spawn in this zombie Royale mode you start off as human but if you die you become a zombie and then eventually you have a chance to become human again when you spawn in what you want to do is straight away jump out the plane fairly quickly and if you've got parachute Auto deploy turned on then obviously you want to quickly use your parachute, and then deactivate it again so that when you get near the ground, you won't auto-deploy a parachute and your character will die.

fastest way to get souls in mw2

But basically, all you want to do is drop out of the plane onto the ground and kill yourself, as that will allow you to respawn as a zombie now. The good thing about being a zombie is that you have several abilities. Obviously you can't have any weapons or use equipment but what you can do is you've got certain abilities such as super jump so you can jump, very high very fast and get around the map really quickly, the other good thing about being a zombie is that you can go into the gas cloud and you won't take any damage so you don't have to stay out of the gas so this is good because it means, you can a get around the map very fast and B you can go to areas that have been cut off by the gas cloud which means you won't be disturbed when going for Souls now obviously there's lots of different ways you can go for Souls like getting kills and things but a very quick way to do it is by opening chests.

The orange ones, like the elite ones, are better, but most boxes will give you them, even the basic brown ones. But, like I said, the orange ones are more likely to give you souls. Normally, every time you open, you get a soul, and the cap in Zombie Route is 16, so basically, you need to open 16 boxes or less.

get souls in mw2

Now, what I would recommend is going somewhere with lots of loot crates, so this could be some of the more interesting points of interest. It can be rooftops, or it can also be that at the moment there's a great place, which is the zy observatory, so if you go there and you go below zy observatory, in the season 5 event it was blown up, and so if you go beneath that in the tunnels.

I'd recommend coming from the back road and going in through the cliff side rather than down from the top, but basically what you want to do is you want to go into those underground tunnels in the Z Observatory. And basically, there's loads and loads of orange boxes, so you just want to keep opening them as fast as you can, and as soon as you get your 16 souls, you can then just back out of the game and you won't lose any of them.

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It will all count towards your total. The thing is, this seems to be becoming more and more popular. A lot of people are starting to know about this. It's more ideal if the zy observatory is in the gas cloud, because then that means only zombies can get to it. If it's not, then you'll have people going there too, unfortunately.

how to get souls fast in modern warfare 2

But if it's not, that's fine; you can just go somewhere else. But, like I said, ideally, it's best if the zy observatory is in the gas cloud. That way, you can just go and open these boxes and collect those cells if you end up turning back to humans again during your grind, for example, if you pick up antidotes.

Sometimes, if you open boxes, they'll give you antidotes. If you pick up four of these, you'll accidentally turn into a human, so do try and pick them up; otherwise, that's not going to help you. But if you do become a human again, you can obviously just kill yourself once again once you get these 16, like I said, back out, and it should take you maybe 5 or 6 minutes, not long at all, to get those 16 cells, and then you can jump straight back into the match and try it again so easily.

how to get souls fast in mw2

You can earn up to 200 souls per hour fairly easily with this method. I hope you guys found this useful. If you did, be sure to leave a like and check out my other haunting event guides, like how to complete the witch's book, the chessboard, and secret Easter eggs. They've just been added to the game in Vondal on the new Von Dead map, so make sure you go check them out.

I've also got guys who know how to defeat all the monsters.

Also read:
NEW UNLIMITED SOULS FARM - FASTEST WAY To Get Souls in MW2 The Haunting Event.
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