News - Fastest Way To Get Souls Warzone 2 And Warzone The Haunting Event. Warzone 2 Unlock Ghoulie Camo Fast

fast souls in mw2

All right guys, so today we're going to be having a look at how you can go ahead and maximize the amount of souls you can get on Modern Warfare 2 and War Zone. Obviously, you guys want to go ahead and get all these lovely free rewards in this game. We've got 15 rewards so far, I believe, or 20 rewards or something like that.

In total, we're going to be having, and you're going to need approximately. And if you haven't already, go check out some of the articles on my channel. Yes, this article could be very useful for some of these tips, which are the best SMG loadouts you can use, and of course, with that being said, there's also another loadout you can actually get that doubles your souls, which is fantastic.

If you download the Vault edition of Modern Warfare 3, you actually do go ahead and have the option to go ahead and get this lovely weapon here up on screen. Now this weapon actually goes ahead and allows you to double up your souls. Now. I have not seen. This doubles up when I've been using this weapon, but it might have been and I've not noticed it, but I have been looking and I haven't noticed it at all.

fastest souls mw2

So if you guys are having the same situation, if you are getting the souls and the weapon, then feel free to go ahead and make sure. Now Of course, the ghoul camo looks pretty cool, and that's what everybody is going to be wanting to get, as well as, of course, these souls. It's very easy to get in a way, but it takes a lot of time, so I'm going to try and reduce that time for you now.

Of course, by getting the kill, it either drops two to three souls, depending on what game mode you are playing. You'll then have to go ahead and run up to the souls and capture the souls as though you're playing Kill Confirmed, now in regards to multiplayer. The fastest method is going to be Shipman.

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Shipman 24/7 has been in this game for as long as I can remember. I've not really played the game for 9 months, hence my not posting because I've had a few problems that I've discussed before and a shipment 24/7. It was on then, and it still hasn't been turned off within 9 months by the looks of it because it's still on now, and it's always the best place to go if you want to grind your camos, kill challenges, etc.

fastest way to get souls in mw2

It's a very small map, and there's a lot of conflict, and you're going to get a lot of kills and a lot of deaths, but these specific game modes are actually capped, so if you get a mod, for example, kill confirmed, you're only going to be able to go ahead and get yourself two souls, but if you play domination or hard point, you do have the option to go ahead and collect 12 souls.

The max that I have seen in multiplayer is Search and Destroy, which is 20 souls that you can go ahead and collect, but that means you're going to have to go ahead and get 10 kills, so if you're going for 12 souls, you only have to go ahead and get six kills, and with the six kills, it does have to be every single team member on the other team, as you can't kill a guy twice and get four lots of souls from him.

how to get souls fast in mw2

You have to kill every single member to go ahead and get your souls, and of course you need to go get them, but shipment is the absolute This method, but you cannot leave the game, so you have to complete the full game, so you want to be looking at game modes like Team Deathmatch, which would be fantastic for you guys to go ahead and play as it's a shorter time window, but you also get your soul, but like I said, multiplayer is a bit stinky with it because you cannot go ahead and back out, which is frustrating.

But it is what it is in regards to being able to back out if you head over to War Zone. I don't think you're supposed to, but it's meant to be in the game, but currently you can actually go ahead and get your souls back out of the game and then jump into another game and have zero problems losing your souls, so you will get your souls instantly get your souls back out and go again.

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Now there are a few different options you can go ahead with. You can obviously play the Battle Royale, but that is up to yourselves. But the options I am going to give you are actually going to allow you to get as many souls as you possibly can, so first of all, with DMZ, guys, it is restricted to one life, unfortunately.

how to get souls in mw2

However, you can get up to 16 souls, which is obviously fantastic, and as I've mentioned, you can back out of DMZ once you've got your 16 souls, but you would need eight kills. However, if you kill the bots, you can go ahead and get your souls from them, but they do seem to be a little bit slow on dishing out some lovely souls for yourselves, so this could take approximately 5 minutes.

modern warfare 2 haunting event

Hop on, get the few kills. Jump off and go again, and you're going to get your souls very quickly, and like I said, you can go ahead and get 16 souls, which is the next option. Then, guys, you can go ahead and play Massive Resurgence. Now this is a respawn game, so you actually can respawn as many times as you possibly can, so if you are dying on a regular basis, yeah it's a little bit of a problem but it doesn't matter so this with the this with massive Resurgence you do get a 20 Soul cap which is absolutely fantastic which what we want and so you guys can actually hop in there and you can go ahead kill the Bots and have a lot of fun and you can also Kill the Zombies, so by killing the zombies and completing any of the challenges, by killing the zombie bosses you can actually go ahead and get up to three souls in this game mode and once you have got your 20 Souls then you can back out of the game and reload, and so forth so you're going to quickly level up if you get all your 20 Souls let's say in a 6 Minute time frame and then you back out hop back into another game you're only going to need five games and that's it you've already got your first 100 Souls so you're going to get through this pretty quickly unlike if you was playing let's say kill confirmed on multiplayer.

Now, of course, with it being a respawn. Obviously, you can keep respawning, and it's going to be a lot easier and quicker, and you're not challenged by that one life. And then, lastly, guys. I did say you can't back out of a game in multiplayer, but you can play multiplayer, likeminded game mode in War Zone currently, so you can actually go and play V Vel lockdown.


What V Vel lockdown is basically hardpoint. In Call of Duty War Zone, instead of playing multiplayer, you can go ahead and play this, and it's essentially like playing hardpoint. Now it is a respawn game; however, the only downside is that you can only click 16 souls, but you do spawn with your load out, so you can actually go ahead and use your load out right away.

FASTEST WAY To Get Souls in MW2 and Warzone The Haunting Event! MW2 unlock GHOULIE Camo Fast.
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