News - New Top 5 Best Guns To Use Ranked Play. Warzone 2 Best Ranked Play Class Setups - Warzone 2

best cdl classes mw3

The Modern Warfare 3 ranked play is finally here, so with that being said, in today's article, I'm going to give you the top five best-class setups to be using a ranked play. They will click the thumbs up button, especially if these help you out, because if that's the case, it'll help others as well.

All that being said, let's get to the first-class setup. We're starting off with the MCW, which I think is just the overall number one weapon in rank, so the first attachment here is a Dr.6 hand stop. We get an increase in AIM walking speed, so we get to strafe quicker, making it a lot more challenging for enemies to land shots on us.

We get an increase in aim-down sight speed, so we can be very quick and snappy with our shots. We get Sprint to fire speed, so the weapon comes with quicker spread and a huge increase in movement speed, so overall, our weapon is going to feel less like an AR and more like an SMG, so you could really run and gun, which we then have on the T51R.

best class setups ranked play

Bed, break, and this completely removes any type of bounce or recoil that the MCW has. I mean, you get a massive increase in vertical recoil control gun kick control; it's unreal, and then you pair that muzzle with the MCW Cyclone long barrel, where you get an increase in bullet velocity so it takes fewer shots to kill at longer ranges; another increase in firing aiming stability; aiming idle sway; this Barrel P muzzle works incredibly.

Well, together, iron tights aren't the best, so you can run a slate reflector. I see a lot of other people who like to use the Mark I reflector; it's a personal preference. At the end of the day. I personally like the Slate reflector more, and then my final attachment here is the RB Regal heavy stock, and this just gives you another increase in recoil control and gun kick control, so we bring the same firing range and make sure we add on a plate so it matches the health in Modern Warfare 3, as you could see.

best class setups ranked play mw3

I mean, in my opinion, it is the easiest weapon to use; just in the entire game, it is very quick and snappy, and under Barrel, it has very great movement. The thing has zero recoil on it and very good power, so there you have it. Next, we have the second-best weapon in ranked play, the Rival 9, which is the go-to SMG that all the pro players use, so once again, we have the D6 hand stop, not going to go too in depth because it's the exact same thing as what we had on our MCW.

We have the purefire muzzle breaks where you get an increase in horizontal recoil control and firing aim stability, so the amount of recoil control you get on this is unreal. I mean, a thing that genuinely does not move. You could use this at long range with absolute ease, and you'll see that once we hop in the firing range, we then have the Rival C clear shot barrel, and we get another increase in bullet velocity damage range.

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It just makes the Rival 9 so much stronger, killing a lot more quickly and whatnot, and not only that, we get recoil control, so it sprinkles in some of that, even though that's not the main focus of this attachment. We then have the MTZ Marer stack, and this gives us even more gun kick control and firing aiming stability, so when you have this stock plus our muzzle on it, it is such a deadlit combination—seriously unreal.

best ranked play class mw3

And then my final attachment here is the Rival Vice assault grip, which once again has even more recoil control and gun kick control, just helping us land as many shots as possible. It is very quick and simple to build. Once again, we hop into the firing range. I'm telling you it doesn't move, so we have all these recoil control attachments and still look at how quick and snappy the Rival 9 is.

The thing doesn't move. yeah, that's exact; that's how the Rival 9 is operating, and even at a gunfight like this, which you probably shouldn't be taking, it was pretty damn easy. I think with a buffer, Rival 9 could easily overtake the MCW. I mean, this setup alone is ridiculous. In our third-class setup, we have the retti, which is going to be our secondary, whether it's on our MCW.

best ranked play class setup mw3

Rival 9, or some of the other setups I'm going to give you here in a little bit, so the retti, in my opinion, is probably the best secondary in the entire game. So with that being said, our first attachment is the MLX short competition. Barrel, you don't want any of these heavy barrels; you don't need this at all.

The weapon's already strong; it doesn't move; it has no recoil, so with this, you just get a huge increase in your overall mobility, so you could just draw it out really quickly and just get to work. Next, we have an Opticon just so you can see very well and land your shots, and that is going to be the Slate reflector people like to run the Slimline Pro.

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Just have an optic cuz the iron sights aren't the absolute best, and then the final attachment cuz we only have three is the e XF eclipser, grip, you get AIM walking speed spark to fire movement another increase in your mobility again this is just your backup something quick to take out really quickly, and we can head to the firing range, and you're going to see.

best ranked play class setups mw3

I mean, this is just. Again, it's very OP; you got some really good range with it, and you could just see how quick and snappy it was. The pistol is, overall it is very easy to use and very reliable, to say the least. Our fourth weapon is the CAD AMR, which is one of the snipers that a lot of pro players like to use.

It is very reliable, guaranteed one shot, one kill, so the first attachment is a Predition 24 in short barrel. You get to increase in aim-down sight speed, sprint to fire speed, and trust me if you know anything about the cadr. You're going to need it because it is incredibly slow. Yes, you lose out on damage range and bullet velocity, but with how much power this has behind it, you honestly don't even notice, and if you do, it's all good.

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Our next attachment is the high-grain rounds, where you get an increase in bullet Ling damage range. You literally just gain back what you lost, so that's why we have this on. We also have the tactical stock pad on for another increase in our aim-down sight speed, because, again, trust me, you're going to need it.

best ranked play classes mw3

Our fourth attachment is the Fural Quickbolt. I, butchered that so bad, my apologies, we get rechambering, speed, so if we maybe got like a wall bang hit marker miss a shot, you're able to shoot again a lot more quickly, so this definitely comes in handy, and then our final attachment is the Phantom grip, where once again more sprint to fire speed aimed at sight speed, and we can bring this to the frying range, and you're going to see it is a guaranteed one shot, one kill, starting from up close there, we have the one play down, two just shred right through it, and all the way down here at the CH, one shot, one kill.

Modern Warfare 3 - Best RANKED PLAY Class Setups MW3 Best RANKED PLAY Loadouts MW3! These MW3 RANKED PLAY Classes have NO RECOIL and INSANE DAMAGE in Modern Warfare 3.
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