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Third person making a comeback.?

Third person making a comeback.?

but I'm also curious if this was a part of the Warhammer collaboration considering third-person multiplayer technically did return in the form of the Jugger MOS LTM.

I'm curious if they timed it that way, hence why they just brought it in. View BR, to kind of close out season 2 with the Warhammer cab; who knows if it was coincidental or not, but it's still cool to see nonetheless. Hopefully, this mode is well received to the point where someone higher up at Activision or even somebody over at Sledgehammer says.

Hey, it did well for War Zone, and it's been a while since that playlist has really been seen, so maybe it'll do well for multiplayer. So fingers crossed they will end up cycling that back in at some point, possibly in season 3, who actually knows what they're going to do, but hopefully the future of the third person is bright for the Cod franchise.

mw3 mobile drops

I think we're likely going to see a variant of third-person in wars on mobile at some point, so might we also add that every now and again to the mainline Cod series?

All new modes & playlists live now

About two days ago, we got our small patch notes for multiplayer in War Zone. They were nothing crazy, so we went over them in my recent article talking about the new bass B lever action amp.

Also read:

Aside from that, though we didn't get a playlist rotation for War Zone as of yesterday. I think it's been really random every week, seeing either Wednesdays or Thursdays be the days we get patch notes playlist updates. Multiplayer only got Ship House, which isn't bad for those that wanted to see that playlist, but War Zone didn't get anything until today, so as of now we do have the mixed view BR for Quads Urzikstan only available for a week.

mw3 mobile event

We then have the ranked play trios option over on Fortune Keep, which'll remain a staple for a while. Lockdown quads, then we have Battle Royale solo duos and quads ukan. Trio's Vondo, then for Resurgence, we have solo Vondo duo Asika, Trio Fortunes, and Quads Ukan with POI rotations. People are going to be sick of these, especially when Rebirth gets added back in likely next season.

People are going to want every squad size option for just that matap for a while. It's just a controversy every single week with the playlist rotations.

Activision finally acknowledged this.

Activision finally acknowledged this.

But I want to end this article off with some more war zone details that came in from IGN during an interview today, so they actually went ahead and interviewed Activision, in which they first confirmed what the deal is with Wars of Mobile supporting 120 players while regular war zone only supports 100; we had up to 150 back during war zone 1, so for those wondering if it was some type of technical limitation for why we've decreased.

Having only 100 players seems like a silly design choice, especially with these BR maps getting bigger and bigger every year. I mean. Urzikstan is a pretty large map, so you could say. Hey, maybe it'll be a faster pace match with more action if you have at least 120 players, at least match the number that War Zone Mobile does.

mw3 mobile reward

It almost doesn't make sense as to why they want to have fewer players in the main war zone experience, unless it somehow helps matchmaking since there aren't that many folks in a lobby to the point where that can outpopulate other lobbies that need more people. I just wonder what the design decision actually is, but also for those worried about how much content we're going to be seeing inside of MP War Zone and now War Zone Mobile.

Will that be even? Will there be a fair amount of content drop for each mode for anybody worried about that? Luckily, Activision did confirm in the interview today that mobile will not take over the focus from console or PC Cod, and both will be supported continuously. I quote. There's more effort and resources on the Cod console and PC premium experiences than there's ever been, so with that statement in mind.

mw3 operation day zero

They might have impacted seasons 3, 4, 5, and even the next Black Ops title. That's something that we just don't know the consequences of yet, but fingers crossed that only those folks find other jobs elsewhere as soon as they can. But hopefully, on the content side of things, we aren't going to start seeing less content now since Microsoft is shaking things up and trying to bring things in house and then outsource other projects

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