News - Unlock All Warzone Bunkers & Exclusive Rewards. Rebirth & Urzikstan - Warzone 2 Season 3 Reloaded


This is DK Dynamite, and today we're going to be talking about the opening of all bunkers over in War Zone, some new Secrets rewards, and even more. Drop a like, and it's been a crazy last couple of days. I really appreciate all the support you guys have shown me in my recent articles. There was so much to cover with the launch of season 3 Reloaded, and a ton when it comes to Black Ops 6, I got so many more articles on the way for you guys over the next couple of days as well.

Make sure you guys get notifications, but with that, we also have plenty of brand new article coverage going up over on Detonated Decom for those that want to stay up to date with all things Call of Duty.

The bunker mystery in warzone

The bunker mystery in warzone

So when it comes to our new bunkers here over in the war zone, these bunkers have been present on Ukhan for the last couple of months, but none of them were able to be opened, except for one that was opened by default as of a season and a half ago. I believe with the launch of season 3, they closed this bunker, and inside of this bunker, you could see a bunch of test tubes and zombies.

How to open all urzikstan bunkers

But with the 11 total bunkers we have here in the big battle royale map, you can open every single one of them using the same key card. You can get this key card by completing one contract while playing a match of Battle Royale or even plundering. I recommend doing this on plunder just so you guys don't get interrupted during the process and have to worry about the goolag.

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So once you get this bunker access card, you can go to any one of the bunker locations in Urzikstan. And what's cool is that, as a quality of life feature, you now get a little bit of a popup on your tack map as to where a bunker is. You'll get a question mark on your mini map, and it just indicates that you're nearby one of these secret bunkers.

Now, for some odd reason, there's one bunker in particular that can't be opened; I believe it's bunker 7. And you don't even get a prompt when walking up to it to use a key card. That's why I'm thinking it's probably a bug because if you guys listen closely, you can actually hear loot inside of this bunker, so you know the sound effects that the loot chests do make, so I'm assuming that this bunker is just bugged for the time being and probably will be fixed at some point in the next couple of weeks, but once inside any of these bunkers, you'll just find a bunch of random loot, like legendary chests, vests, gas masks, armor plates, cash kill streaks, field upgrades, nothing extraordinary, nothing too wild.

What␙s inside the new bunkers

What␙s inside the new bunkers

There is a really odd-looking door within the bunker itself, and I think this door is in every single one of the bunkers on Zakhan. It seems like it could be opened. Maybe it will be later for an Easter egg or an event of sorts. We're going to circle back to that, but there's nothing exactly special about any of these bunkers.

There's nothing crazy going on with these bunkers. People out there may be disappointed, with what these people were maybe hoping for an Easter egg of sorts similar to some of the old war zone bunker Easter eggs, for whatever odd reason these bunkers aren't accessible over in zombies. I think it's odd that considering Moder Warfare 3 zombies use the same map as Big Battle Royale for War Zone.

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I think it's odd that they just don't have any transferable Easter eggs for mode to mode, and anything cool that's been added to the big map for regular War Zone hasn't made its way into zombies. I understand not everything can, but I think it would be cool if Easter eggs like what we're seeing in War Zone could get added to the zombie experience.

At some point now, we'll get back to the big map in a little bit.

Secret rebirth bunker finally opened

Secret rebirth bunker finally opened

I now want to talk about a secret bunker located on Rebirth Island, so this one is located at the bottom of the stairs in the headquarters building if you guys remember back during War Zone 1's rebirth, and I think specifically during Rebirth reinforced, which was during Vanguard's life cycle.

There were some cool bunker Easter eggs added to Rebirth, and they involved those yellow vault doors. Now those same three doors are present in the new war zone, but none of them can be opened. What's really odd is that a good couple of days ago, people discovered that upon scanning for their biometric key card on a 27th day, it doesn't have to be consecutive, but after scanning on 27 different calendar days Not only would they unlock the welcome to the main frame of the Universal Camo, which looks pretty cool, but they were also given access to this secret room located at the bottom of the stairs over at headquarters.

Unlimited money reward & more

modern warfare 3

So upon going into this room, there's some basic loot once again, kind of similar to the ö bunkers, and there's some other interesting lore in here, which I will touch on in a second, but there's this unidentified item, which is a phone, that actually gives the player. I think, a good $500 to $1, 000.

Every 30ish seconds, it's a really crazy reward to essentially have what I would say is unlimited money in your match of rebirth, and it's extremely helpful if you guys are going for Champions Quest on this map since during that Champions Quest you actually need a ton of cast to buy things at buy stations, which I believe helps with a timer or something.

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I haven't gone for Champions Quest myself, but this is a massive boost for those out there going for that quest. For those out there wondering if maybe they've missed the mark with scanning for a key card. I'm going to assume they may end up vaulting the rewards that you get for scanning on different calendar days.

You get rewards for scanning like every three, five, seven, I think 20 days or whatnot, and then on day 27, you're supposed to get a camo and also access to this room. Maybe they'll keep those rewards in the game. That's a little unknown right now, but I did see some reports that people out there were scanning on like 23 or 25 different days and blocking the camo earlier than expected. That's probably a bug, but hey, I guess that's a lucky bug if you guys out there managed to get access to this room and the camo before hitting day 27 now.

Easter eggs for the story found

Easter eggs for the story found

In the room here within Rebirth, there are a couple of hints as to who was orchestrating all the attacks on Vondo. For those interested in the actual narrative going on with MW3 in War Zone, there was a team that attacked Vondal, and it does appear that whoever did that was orchestrating.

As they were, I guess, monitoring the situation from within this room, you could see a bunch of Vondo-themed goodies. You have a hat, and you have security cameras. Pretty cool lore. It's not exactly clear who's pulling all these strings, but somebody connected to somebody that con is going face-off against.

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