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The long range is going to be a little bit more complicated, so don't even try it. ADS is moving at a good speed; I mean, it's not super fast, but it's still fast enough to get the job done. Plus, when you're jump shooting, you'll be able to, you know, jump shoot and actually get on target with the enemies, so that's something I really like to use.

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In my opinion, I think that it's probably just as strong as the Vaz, if not a little bit stronger. Mid-range I think at close range. Vasnet might have it beat, but at mid-range, absolutely. Asnev beats it, and it just, in my opinion, has more power per bullet, so we're going to move on to the Vasnab now.

I actually have a lot of versions of the Verizon that I want to show you, but I'm going to stick with keeping it to two just because I feel like a lot of people are going to be upset with the amount of, you know, diversity. For the Vasnip, I really have one with the barrel and one without the barrel.

I'm going to show you the one with the barrel first, so Verizon 9K with the barrel; this is a broom pendulum. Kaz, 1 381 millimeter, and FSS Shark fit 90 True Tech Grip and are not reset stock so broom pendulums for vertical and horizontal The eco-control at the quad said that outside it was stable, so stability put the gun control at 30 inches and the aim down side speed at about 0.57 ounces.

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I increase the aiming out stability by 1.78 inches and the aim down side speed by a negative 3.48 ounces true, tack grip for Sprint to fire speed and aim down side speed at the cost of recoil control. I increase the sprint to fire speed by -0.16 inches and the aim down side speed by -0.55 ounces. This thing has a great range and great accuracy.

Now, long range is a little bit more difficult, like I still would not recommend picking a super long range gun fight, but the short and medium range are just killing much faster, like I think there are literally two bullets left, so you can literally tell the difference when you're watching, but the close range is a little bit slower.

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If you're using a basic vasnev, you're going to be adsing a lot faster than this, but this still does ADS pretty quickly, so if you want to use this, you will have a good time and you will have good luck in many more gun fights in my opinion, especially if you're already an idiot. So if you're already an idiot, say you're getting cut off, and you're just waiting for them to come around the corner, boom, they're just already dead.

modern warfare 2 best class setup

It doesn't even matter if they're at a distance; you're already dead and already going to be dead, so they're not going to be able to suspect you. The bass version is pretty good. I have actually two versions: the bass version and the one with tuning, so the bass version, I think, is actually just overall the best, but with tuning, I feel like it depends on your playing style.

It actually works pretty well, so the broom pendulum If it's a shark, fit a 90-degree True Tech grip and not the present stock. Now, the one with the tuning here is the one where we actually put the kick control at 0.30 inches for vertical recoil control. Horizontal recoil control in the classroom announces size as being stable; now the aim down side speed is at - 0.57 ounces, FSS.

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Shark fin 90 Aiming out stability is maxed out, down side speed is at -0.23 ounces, and increasing aiming out stability for True Tech grip freshmen to fire is being aimed at a downside speed to reduce the cost of recoil control fire speed at a point of negative 16 inches and an outside speed of negative 0.55 ounces.

modern warfare 2 best class setups

Last but not least, average that stock at 1.78 inches for aiming out stability and negative 3.48 ounces for aiming downside speed for aiming. Well, aim for walking speed and sprint speed at the cost of stability. This thing, I think, is pretty good. I think it's actually fantastic. The only downside to this is that, like I said, I don't think that it is as strong as the one with the barrel, and it still does ADS extremely badly; like you said, fire speed is fantastic.

Sprint to Fire Speed is great in my opinion, but—and this sounds crazy—I feel like the bass version might just be better now. It might just be a placebo. Maybe it's just in my head. I'm just going to show you guys that, in my opinion, I can see and feel like it's either just as fast or maybe it's just an element, like maybe it's in my head.

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So, I did a little bit of tuning and left some things alone, like the high velocity and TV Cardinal stock. I left alone so, that is for aim walking speed at, the co well in Sprint speed the cost of aiming stability and, then the high velocity is bullet velocity of the cost of damage range But what I did change was the FSS combat grip for recoil control, the cost for aiming stability, the amount of grease to submit to fire speed by 0.29 inches, and the recoil stainless by 0.03 ounces.

You don't have to really tune that; you can just leave that alone if you want to. I also changed the phase 3 grip; that's something that a lot of people actually don't use, but the weight to negative 0.08 ounces and the aiming idle stability at 0.35 inches; no, this is for aiming out stability, hip fire accuracy, and recoil stabilization at the cost of walking speed in aim down sight speed.

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I also, last but not least, changed the 17.5 Tundra Pro Barrel. And with all that being said, this thing is insane, and it has plenty of mobility to get the job done with a super, super low recoil—I mean, ridiculously low recall. I think you're just strafing all over the place if you really want to, whether you're just anchoring or trying to hold the middle of the map, you're just trying to cut people off like this thing is just gonna do the job and it does plenty of damage, so whichever build you want to use if you want to use this build.

I think that it is in your best interest.

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Modern Warfare 2 Ranked Play TOP 5 BEST CLASS SETUPS! MW2 Best Class Setups. warfare 2.
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