News - New" Ranked Play Top 5 Best Class Setups. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups

best class setups

I'm going to make a deal with you guys: these are actually the best loadouts or best class setups for Modern Warfare 2 ring play, so if you guys use these glasses, don't be mad at me if somebody else uses them on you and absolutely destroys you because these are insane, like every single build of these.

We're actually going to start out with the cast off because, why not, so cast off 762; this thing is quite literally broken; it's one of the most broken weapons I've ever seen in ranked play, and they honestly just need to put a freaking red sticker like a denied sticker over it so they can't use it okay, so we're going to start out with a lock shot.

KT 85, so this is for vertical recoil control and horizontal or equal control at the cost of side speed aiming stability; you increase the recoil stabilization by 0.62 ounces now. Here's the thing for this build: you're going to just want to be adsing the majority of the time; you're not going to be adsing that fast, so this is going to be about the power; this is going to be pretty much like an anchoring thing, or if you're trying to get like cutoffs, you're going to want to be in the middle of the map cutting off with this weapon, so cast 10 5 84-millimeter barrels.


For damage range velocity, fire accuracy, and recoil control at the cost of a mount's speed. The hip recall control movement speed increased, the damage range increased by 0.31 inches, and the recoil strength increased by 0.35 pounds. But, on the Slimline Pro, move the eye position to max out the far distance, When the kstv rpk factory I did not tune this; just leave it alone.

It's for the aiming stability and recoil control of the in and down sites. Well yeah, and outside speed Sprint speed, aim walking speed, and crash movement speed are lastly put on the true attack grip, so it actually has some sprint to fire speed, aim down side speed, and speed at the cost of a little bit of recoil control, but this thing is already maxed out for recoil control, so this Things are dangerous; check this out before you melt.

cod modern warfare 2 best class setup

Extremely fast at any distance, and I didn't even need to try, so like I said, this is going to be nasty and ranked play because, like these targets, they already have extra health and are already going down extremely quickly with very low recoil, and it just does the damage. I mean, it gets the job done, so if you want to use this build, you're literally just going to shred and rank play; it's not going to be fair.

But we're going to move on to something else, which is the FSS hurricane. Now, the FSS hurricane is actually very interesting. I know a lot of people don't really know much about this weapon, like they don't really use it that much, but my buddy actually carried me with his weapons, so I have to show it off.

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The brune pendulum and the broom pendulum are really nice for her horizontal and vertical recoil control, and even outside speed aiming stability did not tune it, just left it alone, but on the FSS candid, 16-inch, did not tune this either for damage range hip fire accuracy. Boulevard velocity at the cost of an outside speed and hip or equal control.

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I just don't think it's necessary to tune it; if you want to tune it, feel free, and if you wanted to actually make it a little different, maybe you can just increase the recoil stadiums by a little bit, maybe by the teens, but for me. I don't really need to do that, so I'm leaving that alone also.

Demo Quicksilver, stock for Sprint speed, aim for welcome speed Craftsman wind speed, aim down side speed the cost of aiming stability and recoil control now if you want to do something about this the best thing you can possibly do is maybe increase the aim walking speed by a little bit that way you see the bar actually move significantly if you don't want to do that I mean you can move it on the opposite end and give yourself some more aiming stability either way it's going to have a positive reaction depending on what you want to do if you want to move around the map extremely fast with aim walking speed.

modern warfare 2

If you want to be more accurate and aim for idle stability, but it already has very low recoil, last but not least, use the X10 grip for Smith fire speed and aim for downside speed at the cost of vehicle control. I didn't tune this either, but if I did, I would increase the sprint to fire speed so that this could literally be an extremely fast speed build if you really wanted to make it that way.

I can also show you that too, like it'd be sprinting to fire speed and then aiming down side speed, and that thing would just absolutely be insane. This is just an overall build. I'm leaving alone, actually; Broken has a 50-bullet long range, which is a really big downside. It was on range, so I wouldn't really deal with that.

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As you guys see, it just bounces all over the place. That will require a little bit more tuning. The short-term medium range is actually very good, and like I said, if you want to get some more damage, you can increase the damage range. I'll just give you a quick demonstration, like show you that, and we're going to increase the recoil stay just a little bit just about right there if you guys want to make it a little bit better, and then broom pendulum we're going to actually increase the gun kick control recoil.

modern warfare 2 best

It's going to kill even faster, so it's absolutely nuts. There are absolutely no stairs. The Lockman Sub is a literal G This thing is on the scene. I put on the room pendulum; now I put it on for the vertical and horizontal recoil control at the cost of aim downside speed and aim stability. I increased the gun kick control to 0.14 inches, and that didn't change the weight put on the FSS shark fin 90 for aiming for stability.

I increased my aiming out of stability to 0.18 inches and increased my aiming outside speed to negative 0.75 ounces now. Ftech, N Sub-12-inch bullet velocity increases damage range, recoil, control, and hip-fire accuracy at the cost of inbound side speed. Moon speed and hip recall control I increase the damage range by 0.37 inches and then recoil, but it's now 0.21 pounds, which is absolutely insane.

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Recoil, control, and aiming stability now I increase the sprint fire speed by negative 0.19 inches and the aim down side speed by negative 0.45 ounces. Since this thing is already optimal for recoil control, you don't really need to change anything with aiming; you just want to have your mobility on point, your handling under control, and last but not least, your feet.

Mobile stock for, aiming stability Cash movement speed is called outside speed; the cost of aimless walking Sprint speed and recoil control now I increase the aim downside speed by negative 3.48 ounces, and I did not change the length. This thing is absolutely beautiful at short to medium range, and it does great damage.

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Modern Warfare 2 Ranked Play TOP 5 BEST CLASS SETUPS! MW2 Best Class Setups. warfare 2.
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