News - New Maps Coming To Warzone 2 Ranked Play. Hardpoint Locations, Snd Sites & Control Points

I'm really excited to play this, and I'm now getting into the high-o locations for this here, so I've played I've played through this on a private match quickly before, just when it first came out, but I've not actually played this at all on pubs, but it definitely looks like quite a good map. It looks very much like a Black Ops-style map, and in my opinion, it looks very much like Close Quarters and is very fastpaced.

cod update

I can remember here that this P1 is in this like top little restaurant area here; it's definitely going to be a very mix of hills. To start off, you can see the blue team here is going to run through this doorway to this door, and then the red team wants to run through that way to get the shortest route to P1, so there's going to be some proper 50/50 trades going on here and again straight through the middle, so it's going to be a proper mixy.

P1, then for P2. I would like to potentially see P2 move to this bot on the right side, but I guess with it being in the middle, you know, it means that either side doesn't have favorable spawns. When you do compare it to other certain maps where one side of the map has really favorable P2 spawns, it's quite good that it stays neutral and just moves across to the side.

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But I think it was in quite an open area on the map, and then moving into this P3, obviously the back left corner here, so you definitely want to be holding this from this side, ideally, but obviously depending on how the spawns work. You never know; there could be some dirty little spawn trap here.

departures hardpoint

For all we know about how the spawns work so far, it definitely looks like you want to hold it from that back side and force people to kind of push through on that P5 area. I think that's like a little bridge there, so people jump off that bridge; they're going to be really exposed, and there's like a little stairway in here, so it's definitely going to get a lot of people going through this area, then P4.

Again, yeah, maybe P2 and P4 should be mixed. I feel like P4 should be on this side of the map rather than I don't know what it is with Sledgehammer this year; they always seem to want to put two hills on the same side of the map next to each other, and it just doesn't make sense because you should be, you shouldn't be rewarded for holding the same side of spawns with two hills in a row; it should always be flipped, and then you've because if you're holding this spawn and they've got this spawn, you should then always be trying to flip around for the next one.

departures mw3

You know if P4 is on this back right corner, I can remember it's down some quite steep stairs. So again, definitely going to be on to holding these angles at the top, so again, definitely looking like for vist, it's going to be mainly looking to control this left-hand side of the map, but then flipping over like we do for P5 to this back right corner of the map, and you are very close to P1, so that P5 to P1 rotation is going to be super close, kind of similar to some of the old terminal hills that old terminal P5 to P1 that library to, the old P1 Burger Shop area where it's not much of a rotation, so as long as you're sporing fairly close from P5, you should be good for P1.

Then into the bomb seat for search and destroy. I would personally like to see BBM maybe pushed up a little bit further. Just because there is that bridge there to protect people, maybe if it were a bit more out in the open, it would kind of give the attacking side a bit more chance because it looks like for the attacking side of Search and Destroy, maybe it is going to be a bit easier to attack because you can kind of get some more.

departures mw3 hardpoint

Pressure on the map early on, but it's definitely going to look like quite a campy SD map, you know, with these bomb sites being over the halfway line into the defensive team form. It means that it's going to be quite hard to win these attack rounds, so you're definitely going to want to hope that you're on these defensive rounds early on to get a few little kill streaks going on early on because you know if you can train together a few little defensive rounds, and maybe still in an attacking round, you're going to put yourself in a great position for this map.

But it is looking like a proper, nice, fast-paced map. I cannot wait to play this and then finally get into the control points here. For Vista, now they actually flip sides compared to the search and destroyer sites, so they're not on the same page as the search bomb sites. Again, maybe I'd like to see a push a bit further up because, again, it's going to seem like everyone's going to go for B first because it's the fastest one to get to.

departures ranked mw3

But well, to see how the spawns work, it could be like, not terminal sorry, it could be like invasion, where you know everyone goes for the bombs first, or a control point is sorry because it's so hard to cap, so maybe people go towards a control point, get it capped off, and you can finish B. But you know with fist B and such as map you're definitely going to be seeing I reckon a lot of games where, the rounds just go down to kills rather than time because this I think from when I've run around this some custom games it's maybe like, trying to think what a map size is similar to maybe something like Rio where it's about that similar size map where you can get from one side to the other probably in about 20 to 30 seconds so I think you're definitely going to see a lot of fast pace control maps which would be good you know I think on a lot of these maps like Karachi or Invasion.

iridescent cod

Control can be so slow and so snail-paced in a game mode where it definitely needs something to kind of spruce it into action because whenever I'm playing it, it's so boring, and whenever I'm watching it like the CDL. I find it's the most boring game mode ever to watch. So, Control definitely needs something to spice it up.

I personally think this would be a great capture of the flag map, but I don't think there's any chance to see TF coming back into the C deal anytime soon, guys.

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