News - New Glitch To Equip Blocked Attachments. Warzone 2 Warzone Attachment Glitch, Mors Sniper Iron Sights

So to do that, what we need to do is go along; we need to equip a different stock first, and then we need to save the. Gun, sorry; save it as the same letter. Then we need to go along, and as the second stacking attachment, we need it to be the a Kimbo right because this one is not the one that displayed, now, after doing that we can come into the impact point and we can equipped impact point it will say that it's, removing a Kimbo but because a Kimbo was that second stacked one that doesn't get removed, remember, it won't get removed, so we equipped it on, and as you will see here, we now have should have it if we do it all right, it should come up perfectly just like that, so let's go through and do this properly without me explaining it in a technical way, and we will actually show you how to do this, so I'll go through, and we will come in.


I will delete that save that we just made, and I'll equip a base x113. Sorry, this can be complicated because there's quite a lot of stuff that you have to do. So you equip the base, come in, and then equip the equi-impact barrel; then you want to equip the XRK, dynamic stock; then save the gun; then go along and equip another stock.

Then go along and equip the XRK side with six barrels; that will remove your stock. Then you want to go along. And equipped. If you have a grip that's not a Kimbo, then you want to save it with the same letter so it doesn't take up a different slot, then you want to go along and you want Equi a Kimbo as your secondary stock that should not show.


Then you want to come along to your barrels, and you want to equal the impact point. It will say that it's removing the akimbo, but it will not remove it; you now have akimbo. XR cark, bar stock, and impact point You now have the gun all set up. You can finish setting it up by putting on a 50-round drum and maybe a laser, and now that you have the weapon fully set up, we can go on and add on our camos and stuff like that.

You can go along and save this however you want it to be or whatever now, but you can save this and take it in, and you now have the full gun, that is, with an invisible barrel, so we'll load into the game and we'll show you guys that working 100% working now at you get that how that works is what we do is we equi an attachment.


Then we come in and we save the gun then we equipped a secondary attachment, this one is the secondary one that is the one that we want to be our on when we equipped a blocking attachment right then after that we can go along and do another action that would normally remove this it will say that it's removing this attachment but not remove it then we have both of them on there that's how this works now after this we'll show you that this is working with the xrk is working with the invisible Barrel when we load in game and then I will get on and I'll show you some more things that I'm experimenting, with this methods, and we'll see what you guys can give it to you guys to see whether or not you guys can go out there and find something more interesting to bring back to us guys But here we go.

We load in, and as you see here, here's the gun and here's XRK. They are just like this, so we've got the no-barrel, and it's really cool. It's just got an exposed battery—I mean, not a battery-exposed bullet—and it just looks cool. Some people like this sort of stuff, and well, some people don't.

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It's not for everybody, but it's just for some people. Some people really like that stuff. Now, with that said, let's get into a bit more of this other stuff here. So what else we've got is this right here, my secret weapon, because, as you see right here, it looks completely different than any other weapon normally.

gun glitch

If we take the camera off and you take a look at its barrel right there, it's got the barrels, but they're on the outside. Now, normally, this gun here with this kit would look like this. This is right, but mine doesn't look like that; mine doesn't look like that; mine doesn't look like that. Mine doesn't look like that, and it doesn't look like that; mine looks like that.

How have I done that? I've stacked these two attachments on here right, but I've stacked them in a way that worked to create this. If you stack them in the wrong way, you won't get this result, so what I did was remove, see, and REM, and we had that one, so we've actually had both of these attachments on the same gun, and we just stacked them up, guys.

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So to do these, I'm actually not going to show you this one because I want to show you guys how to experiment with it a bit more, so I'm going to explain it. The easiest I can do is explain with this gun right here. So the hay maker, right? You have the hay maker, and normally if you equipped the Jack Magift kit, you would not be able to equip an ammunition type, right?


Well, we can get around that by going like this: we equip say explosives, we save a blueprint of it, then we come along and we equip dragon's breath, and then we come across and we equip the dra Magift. Why don't do the one with the, skin, and now we have Dr dragon's breath equipped with the Jack magift now unfortunately, guys this one does not work in game and we don't actually get dragon Bri in working in game on this but I guess it's just like that x13, and the sniper rifle we've just got to find the right combinations, that do have effects and do work in game so knowing that guys just like this one here I was able to do that same thing with this one and we've got the Jack Titan Shadow kit but we've got a barrel on this one and stuff like that guys and all sorts of different stuff you guys might be able to find different cool combinations so it's really cool real awesome and it's just really cool thing that you'll be able to glitch out and play around with I even tried putting the Jack purifier.

invisible attachments

Flamethrower, on the Jack Raven kits BP50, because with that movement speed and the flames coming out, that would have been awesome, but again, it didn't work, guys. So with that said, guys, that's today's article. Get out there, experiment, have fun, and create some cool weapons. I'll catch you in the next one.

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