News - New Glitch To Equip Blocked Attachments. Warzone 2 Warzone Attachment Glitch, Mors Sniper Iron Sights

attachment glitch

Today is an awesome one for you guys. What we have today is an attachment glitch that I have even just figured out a way to be able to make so you can equip blocked attachments, so yes, we can now build the X13. Pistol with the invisible barrel part with the bullets exposed from Modern Warfare 2 that we haven't been able to build for a long time now we can finally build that and Modern Warfare 3 we can also build the Moos sniper rifle with no scope like you see right here So in this article.

I'm going to teach you how to build this no-scope more sniper rifle, and I'm going to teach you this new way that I've got to be able to equip blocked attachments and all sorts of stuff, so what that means is that you're going to be able to build the XR13, which has the invisible barrel that you just saw in the intro, and you're going to be able to also put other stuff on with the Moors, but more so, you're going to be able to do what you see right here, which is actually equipped with blocked attachments.

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Okay, and fully set up this gun like you see right here. Afterwards, okay, so we'll do this in two stages, so we'll start out with the Moors sniper rifle. To make the Moors sniper rifle, we equipped the base. Moos Sniper doesn't use variants for this; I've noticed that affects it, so if you have any trouble, do it with a base weapon.

b man

Okay, so we have the base Moors equipped. All we do is go into the barrels and equip the downfall, the light barrel. Then we save it. As you see, it's 100% invisible at this stage. Match, now that we've left match we've taken it in and had one game of it where it was fully Vis invisible we can now go along and add some attachments to it so we're going to add some aim down sight attachments we want to add the antimaterial slug to it to make it one shot grantier, and why not we'll add extra instead of a grip we will add a laser so that we can see where we're aiming now we have the gun set up now we can come along and we can add a camo on to it and everything and fully set it up as we want it to be so we'll go along and we'll add this on the charm so you can see the date and everything so you guys know that this is current and then we will load into game just like so and now the gun will no longer be invisible, and it will not have a scope on it guys we now have the no scope sniper rifle What we can do at this point is come along, come into here, come the gunsmith, and we can actually save this as done.


Whatever you want it to save, it will stay invisible—well, not fully invisible. The visible gun has no scope on it, so the scope that you see on it will not be on it when it loads into the game, and now that you have it like that forever, you've just saved yourself a blueprint with which you can even take it into the war zone and use it in the war zone.

If you have trouble with it loading into the war zone, just put it in the pregame. Lobby, so when you're in game before the game starts, you edit your loadout and you'll be able to equip it in there for war zone, but as you see now, we've got it in game and we have it with no scope on it, guys, so you can go along and play with that sniper with no scope, simple airs, easy airs.

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Now with this, obviously, after you've done this point, you can go along and we can adjust this more if you want it with no stock on it and you want it to look cool with no stock; you can even take the stock off it, and then you have it like this with no stock as well, and all sorts of guys, but that is the sniper rifle.

binary morality camo

Now let's get in and show you guys how to do the pistol and other sorts of interesting things. Things, guys, so we're coming through, and that's our sniper rifle right now for the pistol. Now this is where things get a lot more complicated, and I've only just figured this out today, so this is fresh information for you guys.

Maybe there are other weapons in the game that we're going to be able to find stuff for and do this with, but maybe at this stage we only know about this gun, and hopefully one of you guys will be able to try this stuff out with other block detachments on other weapons. You might get invisible barrels, and you might get all sorts of stuff, guys.


If you do, make sure you join my Discord server. With that said, let's get into the XR13 invisible barrel glitch. Now coming to here again, we're going to need the ability to save one, so if you don't have the ability to save one, make sure you have room. Okay, so we'll come in, and then we want to start with the base gun, so I equipped the base gun we came through, and for this, you're going to need a stock equipped.

You're going to need to have a Kimbo equipped, but you cannot equip a stock with a Kimbo. And to have a stock to be able to equip the stock, you need to have an impact point barrel before you can equip the stock, but you cannot equip an impact barrel and a kimbo together. So this one's a triple combination that you need to get around for this, so that's why this one's really complicated, and that's why this is a new method that I've found to be able to get around that.

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Auto, then you come into here and you equip the impact point barrel. Okay, then you go along and equip this stock right here, Xrk Dynamic Stock. Sorry, you cannot see that, so for this, I am going to actually readjust my face cam to right here so that you can see this, so we've just come along and equipped the impact barrel.

camo glitch

Then we equipped this XRK Dynamic Stock. Okay, let's then, after this, all we do is go along and save it. Now we come back into the stocks, and we equipped a different stock. As you noticed, it did not equip that one. The second one that we stock is actually a second one that you should keep in mind.

Okay, so keep in mind that the second item that you equip when you're stacking is one that's in holding, and it will be removed without getting removed. Okay, this is the key to this. So we now on this gun have an impact point and we have two stocks. Now, from this point on, we want to come across We want to equip a grip, but not a grip yet.


Sorry, we want to come across to the impact point, and we want to equip this barrel. Boom, just like this, it will remove the stocks, but because we had a different stock stacked in the back, it doesn't remove that stock. We have now just got a blocked attachment. On our gun, we have a barrel that is on this when it should not be on this without the impact point stock or barrel, so now that we have that, we're able to go along and equip a Kimbo, but we can't equip Kimbo just yet because if we equip a Kimbo, we won't be able to get the impact point back on there.

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