News - New" Easy" God Mode Glitch Call Of Duty Warzone 2 Zombies

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Weaver X, today I'm going to be showing you how to do a semite tether God Mode glitch right here in Modern Warfare 3 zombies. I say Semite tether because you can technically still go down by the special zombies, the mimic manglers. Disciples and abominations can still do damage to you, whether you get hit by the Zap Grab Cannon or the sucky suck.

You're definitely going to go down from that, so do keep that in mind. You're not immune to the special enemies; you are, however, completely immune to zombies, armored zombies, and hellhounds. Now that we have that out of the way, I would also like to mention that there are four things that I have found in my testing so far that will take you out of the God Mode glitch.

Those things are going down, whether you go down from the special zombies or another reason for going down. Two would be: deploying your parachute by using the Scorch, Wonder Weapon, or any other reason why you would get your parachute deployed; that'll take you out of it. Number three is going through any ether portal or ether rift, and number four would be entering any type of vehicle.

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So now that we have those out of the way, let's show you how to do the glitch. So all you're going to need is one Juggernaut suit, and if you don't have one, you can buy one at the Tier 3 shopping center for 10K points. The easiest way to get 10K points is by doing the Tombstone glitch, if you don't know how to do that.

I'll drop my article down in the description so you can learn how If not, get into the game grind contracts, or better yet, just ask someone in the game if they have extra Essence. Nine times out of 10, somebody's going to give you more Essence than you know what to do with, and probably the schematics that you're missing.

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A big shout out to the zombie community; it's such a wholesome community. I love you guys. You guys are awesome. Say the season, am I right? All right guys, now that you have your 10K points and your jug suit, this is where the magic happens, so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and throw our jug suit down.


All right, guys, and from this point on, we're just going to go completely prone. Next to it, we want to hold our interact key while tack sprinting. Away, on the mouse and keyboard, it's going to be double tapping the shift key while holding interact; on controllers, it's going to be double tapping your left thumb stick while holding interact; and then from this point forward, you're going to see we're clipped down into the ground like this, so all we want to do is let the drug suit run out completely, and once it runs out.

I'm going to show you what to do. We're not going to be in God Mode glitch just yet, however, so as you see, we're clipped under the ground and can take damage right now, so what we want to do is sprint and hold the dive button. Sprint, and then hold the dive button again. Now when you're moving around, you're going to see we're in prone animation, but we are in God Mode glitch.

camo grind

As you see, we are no longer taking any damage from the zombies. We're completely free to go ahead and get our 20 kills without getting hit. Get whatever you need to do for Camos. I would like to mention though if you start sprinting you come out of the God Mode glitch so right now I'll show you, we can take damage as you see we will take damage we're no longer in god mode but to fix it all you do is Sprint and then go into your dolphin dive, as you see we are now moving around again like we are prone and we have now re-entered the God Mode glitch so you do need to keep that in mind when you are moving around whenever you whenever you sprint you will come out of it so you have to Sprint and dive again that'll re-enter it and then a good way to know if you're in God Mode glitch is really just by walking as you see we'll get the animation that we are crawling, that we're prone even though we are standing up as you see in our shadow here so that is all there is to it.

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