News - New "best Settings" Season 6 Warzone. Best Controller Settings Warzone 2



In today's YouTube article, I'm going to be showing you guys my best settings here in Warzone season six. If y'all enjoyed it, be sure to give it a like, subscribe with notifications turned on, and let's hop into this.

Best warzone settings

All right, let's get here and break it all down for you guys. My settings are really looking for me personally, but I've altered a few different things.

Mike, and my input device is my controller. I'm not playing on, you know, the mouse and keyboard; I'm playing the controller. What this means is that when I have a six-six sensitivity. A lot stickier than focusing Precision or default, and even though they technically nerfed, it like in like season two or something like that it's still, in my opinion, the best one to be able to run.

best controller settings warzone 2

I've been running Black Ops, and if any of you guys have seen my gameplay, I've seen my aim. You should definitely be you know knowing that Black Ops is the way to go, so definitely run that 80s amethyst on third-person ads. Standard is okay; linear is basically a one-to-one ratio of, you know, stick input versus how you move.

You'll thank me later. I move down to 0.7, then a 0.5, then a point three, and now I'm just basically at a zero because I like to be as close to that raw input as possible, so my controller is overclocked, and that's basically just us speeding up my USB port, which my controller is plugged into, so I get great response time like that, but also on game.

best settings warzone 2

I don't really want to have any Dead Zone on my stick, like when as soon as I move that stick. I want that movement, but I will say this: when I am tuning my guns. I do have to bump this up to, like, point 13 or something like that because otherwise. I have a little bit of stick drift so I will catch that tuning and those sliders will go Haywire so the, other Lookout though just you know switch it out here real quick to like 113.13, if you're gonna be tuning but playing it like a zero or something like that for me I like that I'd recommend though to get as low as possible that you feel comfortable with because the lower The Dead Zone you have basically the faster you're gonna be able to react and obviously Call of Duty isn't you know arcade FPS it's all about reaction time so, fast you can react the better left stick right stick that's just I mean at 0.99 just kind of kept it there left trigger right trigger that's at a zero do not need any dead zone for that as soon as I press it in to be able to throw a grenade throw a throwing knife anything else like that I want that to be just right there.

best warzone 2 controller settings

Controller, orientation is on-up gyro behavior; we don't even mess with any of this gyro stuff, so I'm just going to kind of skip right over it; there's no sense in having this. I mean, that's just on, just in case. Keep this on off inverse slide Behavior dab Behavior that's just kind of inverted, plunging underwater is just on movement parachute Auto deploy I keep that on personally just because I am prone to splatting on the ground I don't be dying to that fall damage you know I'm saying but like I don't know sometimes I just be coming in and I just be hitting the ground it's happened to me a few too many times and so I just keep it on, sprinting door bash on and then ludge hanging mantle behavior is dismantle only now let's go down to my combat Behavior so ads stick swap off Mac pedal alternate control is off a weapon Mount exit is just on up and mount exit delay is short you want that to be as short as possible we do not need any of this to be elongated God, is supposed to be you know a fast-paced.

In the Snappy game, we do not need to have any of these crazy animations going; we just need this to be off. The depleted ammo switch is on in Quick C4. Damnation is off. I don't ever use C4. Then vehicle behaviors This is just kind of down here, but basically nothing down here is too important, all right, so I want to get into this here, even though this is not technically a controller setting.

best warzone 2 settings

This is definitely a good setting for anyone out there. My field of view is 120. And I'll say this right now. I've had comments on Tick Tock Plenty where people are like, You cannot play at 120; you got to go down to 119; otherwise, your aim assist is bad. Then it's a myth that this is not a thing that has been confirmed by Jay God himself.

I talked to him regularly, like, This has been confirmed that 120 is fine, and I feel like I'm living proof that 120 is fine because I'd be playing on it all year. I've been hitting a lot of shots. People accuse me of hacking every single day on Facebook, and I get hundreds of comments. People will accuse me of using sticky wall packs.

best warzone 2 settings controller

Aimbot, like, listen, it's my aim; assist ain't going nowhere, so field of view on 120. I just recommend this because it's the highest possible and gives you the most general you. Weapon field of view, actually I could keep this on narrow my bad I don't know why I was on wide I've just been having it I did some graphics driver updates so some of the stuff actually changed but it should actually be on narrow we don't need our gun to be taking up more of our screen than it really should third person field of view keep that max out on 90 vehicle, field views on default and all this stuff down here first person camera movement keep that on 50 that is the least possible less.

The more camera movement we have when stupid stuff is happening, the better, so, first and foremost, keep it on that, and basically, that is all you really need to know. I always play with the giant dot in the center of my screen; I don't really have crosshairs. I don't know why this ended up turning to Tritonopia; that's another thing that my graphics drivers did, but that should be on default, and here is how you can set up your colors.

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This is just really, really easy to be able to see, and I highly recommend this because it will change the way your game looks and make it look a little bit more vibrant. Everyone likes that. That's all I got for you guys today.

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Today I am showing you the best warzone settings best warzone controller settings in call of duty warzone.
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