News - Modern Warfare 3: The Warzone 2 Weapon Overhaul Update. Are Warzone 2 Guns Still Good

Now there is some RNG here, as you can see, especially in the middle.

Mw2 weapon behavior in modern warfare 3 overview

Modern warfare 2 attachment data comparison

Modern warfare 2 attachment data comparison

Has the minimum stats of all those attachments from MW2. And on the razor back, if we go through and you look at the compensators, the Kodo heavy compensator here, if I scroll through and I find it, it actually on MW2, according to Sim, gives you a 40 millisecond increase in your ad time, a 7% gun kit control for vertical recoil and a 25% gun kit control for horizontal, because of the detailed stats we can actually now go through and see this, and once more, if I go through and I hide the face cam so you guys can get the full details, here we now see a 27% increase in horizontal control we get a 7% increase in vertical control and it's a slightly slower 18%, decrease in that overall ad speed it said it was adding 40 milliseconds to that ad time it's 260 with the kodo heavy if we don't equip that we go through we look at the detailed weapon stats it's 220 so that for instance is an attachment you could use on a multitude of weapons from MW2, and MW3.

modern warfare 2 guns mw3

Barrel here it says it's going to increase your hip fire accuracy your velocity and range and according to sim. G, it's going to help our velocity by 77; it's going to also help out with our damage range by about 28028. So if we go through and look at the advanced stats here (28%), increase on that effective damage range; the velocity is up to 794, and base it was 720.

So it's close—not exact, but definitely close—with that 10% increase that it's offering there on SIM. For instance, in MW2, for The Recoil Control Cons, here it's adding 2.4% in terms of recoil control, both horizontal and vertical, and on SIM. They have listed 02, or 2%, so maybe there are some slight differences overall, so some things have been adjusted in minor ways, and some things haven't been adjusted at all.

General damage updates for modern warfare 2

General damage updates for modern warfare 2

Again, though the big things are going to be things like damage obviously because that has to be able to compete, and when you go into the firing range, you're going to see yes, the Razer back is going to take you know.

The truth about mw3 vs mw2 weapons

modern warfare 3

Three head shot to knock down that first dummy if we were to change our load out to let's say an MCW, and wait for this to come back 1 2 three head shot with that so there are similarities and there's a level of competitiveness, there that'll keep the MW2 weapons competitive, but ultimately we also got to be real here at the same time Activision is money first right and we already have the MW2 guns even if you're a free-to-play player in war zone you've probably leveled the majority of them MW3 guns are tied to the new game the $70 DLC, right they want you to spend time on multiplayer that's why we've got the Armory challenges they want you to buy MW3 multiplayer You Can level the guns and use them here I'd be very surprised if this is a trend that continues especially into war zone where as it stands now, it already seems like MW3, weapons from a handling standpoint, are going to be a little bit more preferred than say the Razer back here it's easy to use but as we saw there's not drastic differences from how these weapons behaved in MW2.

Versus MW3 now, with those new weapons being so low recoil, so straightforward, and so easy to use, that is going to be the big difference there. I feel like, in terms of feel, MW3 weapons are going to win in that category, whereas ttks, there's going to be a level of competition. MW2 weapons will hold their own, but they're going to require more effort and higher risk, and, in a sense, long story short, here are MW2 , guns good in MW3.

So, are mw2 guns still good in modern warfare 3?

So, are mw2 guns still good in modern warfare 3?

It really comes down to player feel and player skill. If you can fry with MW2 guns and you can control them easily, they will be able to compete just fine with MW3 guns, but there are certain advantages that MW3 guns will have in terms of handling and feel.

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Also, let's face it, the meta is probably going to end up being more MW3 weapons over time because those balanced-out MW2 guns will be taken away from sales or bundles of MW3. You know that's not going to promote the business aspect of activities that they want on the Cod side. If there is no distinct reason to want to use MW3 guns and buy multiplayer, then that's obviously not helping sales.

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I imagine that MW3 guns are going to continue to have certain advantages throughout the year or be a little bit more optimal in certain areas, and that's just enough to want you to favor those weapons more than MW2. But they're certainly usable.

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