News - Modern Warfare 2: New Weapons Leaked, Content Update Teases, More. Warzone 2 Leaks

cod modern warfare 2

We've seen several new updates go live in MW2 and Warzone 2 recently, and curiously enough, these updates themselves are the source of several pieces of information seemingly leaking accidentally in the game, which is pretty funny when it comes down to it. Usually leaks stem from things like the game files or something like that with data miners, but this time around we've got several new pieces of content and different, you know, content concepts that I would say have actually leaked accidentally.

appeared in the game for players seemingly in season two, and I think that's the most likely time frame for this stuff that we're talking about here today to release, with the exception of one thing, and we'll talk about that when we get to it, unless of course we do have some random surprise update in the middle of January that does end up adding in some new content.

New weapons leaked for mw2 & warzone 2

New weapons leaked for mw2 & warzone 2

We'll have to wait and see for that, but First things first, it appears we do have some new information on, potentially, a new weapon coming to Modern Warfare 2. Warzone 2, and DMZ in season 2. In the form of a new shotgun, and the only reason we have any reason to believe this is because in private matches there were a couple of new compensators for shotguns, specifically, that were glitched and, you know, didn't have any placeholder icons, but they were definitely new and only added into the game after.

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The season one reloaded update, which likely indicates that this is for future content, is a shout-out to my boy Maverick over on Twitter. Man's a beast when it comes to in-game stats and cool details and all sorts of stuff there. He ended up posting a tweet, which is actually where I saw this first.

cod mw2

He said he saw new, unfinished compensators on Shoddy in private matches with Gumi. Do you know how these are unlocked? This is hardly something you know. Set in stone, this could be a season three, season four, or season five weapon. These could be scrapped compensators; we don't know. I, Am I really surprised?

not all that much. I won't lie now; as I mentioned earlier, most of the time when it comes to new weapons being leaked or revealed in non-official ways, it's because of data-mined game files, and we do actually have one weapon in particular that was apparently found in the game files after this last update.

This is coming from Cod sploits, images over on Twitter, and this tweet in reference was actually already taken down. We of course can't show leaks on screen, and we never will, so that's just kind of how it is, but according to the game files, there are now new references to the crossbow once again returning.

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For another year, this has been a DLC weapon. For the past three seasons, did we have a crossbow in Vanguard? I can't remember, but I know we had one in MW 2019, and I know we had one in the Cold War. It seems like, according to the game files and potentially Season 2, we could be getting another one: Crossbow, variants, As a new weapon, I won't lie; I think the crossbow is kind of gimmicky.

If you're sort of throwing it out there as a brand new DLC weapon for the season and it's one of the main ones now, if it's taking the place of like a special weapon or where a melee weapon would be and we still get too ranged, like maybe it's the new shotgun and, a new rifle or a new sniper, and a crossbow that'd.

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Be cool, but I'm hoping that doesn't take the place of, like, a main primary that's used a lot more like an LMG, a sniper's rifle, or an SMG. Just because that's something that's very niche and it's a fun weapon to use, don't get me wrong, but overall, in terms of a new weapon and new content, that is on the lower end.

I would say, but regardless, there is apparently a crossbow coming to MW2 in War Zone 2 soon. They've got prescription or regular lenses available for all their frames, plenty of different frame options, and different colorways. They're super comfortable to wear underneath headsets, like, for real.

If you are, you know, working, doing school, or playing games, and you look at screens for long periods of time on a day-to-day basis, these things are game changers. If you ever want to cop a pair for yourself, code Immortal has you covered with a nice little discount link for that at.

Multiple new dmz maps on the way

Multiple new dmz maps on the way

DMZ Maps Debut Now that we've heard all this stuff with Building 21 and how it doesn't technically take place in all of the Mazaramazara I'm pre-recording this article, so maybe by the time this is out we'll have more information on that building itself, but to me that concept seems very weird.

But regardless, you know, we talked a bit ago about how there was a new Resurgence map that was leaked, and apparently it's going to be applied to the DMZ as well, so we could be on the verge of starting to see that stuff start to surface again. I don't necessarily think we're going to see all this happen in season two; that seems kind of early for an additional new map for the DMZ and War Zone 2.

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I'm thinking more so of season three, maybe season two, 2.5, and that Season 2 reloaded would be a good time frame as well. We'll have to wait and see, but after this update, it does appear that screen has also been glitching in the game.

Another operator leaked for warzone 2 and modern warfare 2

Another operator leaked for warzone 2 and modern warfare 2

Then, the final main thing here, also relating to season two, is that apparently within Building 21, because people have been able to glitch into that and actually data mine the files for Building 21, there are a lot of references to Velikin, who is returning as well.

cod warzone 2

Velikin was an operator back in Modern Warfare 2019, of course, and he was obviously a part of Shadow Company. Shadow Company has very significant ties to the Modern Warfare 2 story this year, so I would not be surprised at all if we did an obscene Velikian return as an operator again. Potentially, in season two, we already know for sure based off of previous leaks that in season two, the cover art is supposedly Ronin from MW 2019, so he's likely to return as a brand new operator, and from that same cover art, it was also revealed that the castle from World at War, and obviously, we had it in Vanguard as well, is set to return as a brand new multiplayer map, or I shouldn't say brand new multiplayer map because it's just another remake, or a recycled map, another one of those.

We've had a lot so far this year and are hoping for some original 66 content soon, but that would be in addition to Ronin potentially debuting as well, so that would potentially be two out of the three operators we would likely get in Season Two if that leak is in fact intended. For season two again, with all this stuff today, you know we assume it's all season two related because that's the closest major content update.

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