News - Modern Warfare 2: 15. New Updates & Changes Revealed. Warzone 2. 0 New Update


Earlier this week, there was actually a war zone. 2 drop modern Warfare 2 season 1 dropped. DMZ dropped, and, like, pretty much every single major launch in gaming right now has its fair share of issues; however. Infinity Ward and Raven have actually already revealed a ton of different updates, changes, and fixes that they are working on for Warzone 2 and season 1 of MW2, as well, so we are starting first here on the Modern Warfare 2 Trello board.

Modern warfare 2 new updates & fixes detailed

Modern warfare 2 new updates & fixes detailed

If you guys don't know what the Trello boards are, these are basically the different online threads that Raven and Infinity Ward have for MW2.

and a gunsmith, issues So first up, they are investigating an issue affecting the social menu. You'll notice that after MW2, season 1, there were a lot of problems going into your friends list and actually joining up with a party and getting in with your friends. One way to work around this is that I created an in-game channel with all the people that I play with and I invited them to that channel, and then you can go through there and don't actually have to go into the social tab to get there, so that's nice and easy and that's worked for me, but if you're just trying to go into the social tab you'll know that your game's going to, you know, glitch out and mess up a lot.

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They are aware of that and are working on it. So hopefully we can help improve the game and get good updates. With that, another thing they're looking into is the battle pass tokens. They're investigating an issue where some players are unable to use their tokens and they encounter a "Max Tokens" error.

The free tier just does not require you to buy the battle pass to unlock that content, whereas if it's not a free tier, you can't use your tokens on it. That sector, right, is still going to require a token on a free tier, but there is that as well, so just keep that in mind when you're going throughout your battle pass.

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They're also investigating an issue where players cannot equip the default operator executions, so the whole execution menu right now seems to be kind of buggy and inconsistent, and they're aware of that as well. Laser attachments in the third-person POV are currently disabled, so if you are playing in the third-person mode Those lasers are not going to be working as intended, just to raise some heads up there as well.

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Now a few of these issues have actually already, you know, been fixed, and the fix is coming in a future update, as indicated by this little header here, so obviously a ticket-created fix is coming in a future update. That includes a bug affecting the helicopter height in ground war, where you can actually fly out of the map sometimes to get into a very glitchy, very buggy version of all Mazra, and an issue with the DDOS field upgrade being unavailable.

At certain times, there is also an issue on Santosini with the APC and a few other new updates that were added here. The CDL Mosh Pit was supposed to go live yesterday, according to Treyarch, Did they end up tweeting it out though? Yes. Treyarch is in charge of all the CDL aspects of MW2, and here they talk about how, when they were play testing, they found a pretty big bug with the mode, so they had to delay it so it's not live now.

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We don't know when that's going to be live, but it'll probably happen in a few days, if I were to guess. Also, pings in multiplayer are still disabled, but live pinging is going to work in Battle Royale for War Zone 2 and DMZ. As well, just in multiplayer, there's still that bug where if you live ping someone, it'll keep that live ping on them the entire game, and it's just a free wall hack for your entire team, so that's why you can't ping in multiplayer right now.

They also added the gunsmith tab here, which is really nice, so they already fixed an issue with some weapon camo progression, although in MW2, season 1, it seems to have been bugged out. Stuff is still tracking, but on the menu. It might show that you have 0 out of 51 platinum atoms or 0 out of 51 polyatomic atoms.

That's just a visual bug. Your camos do still track I was working on mine yesterday for some of the DLC weapons, so that's still all fine and dandy, and that's what they're referencing here with the issue impacting camo progression. This is like the same issue, listed twice, but one was from before and one is now new, and then this other stuff here, single-player special operations , is not as big of a deal.

Warzone 2.0 new updates, changes, & fixes detailed

Warzone 2.0 new updates, changes, & fixes detailed

Warzone, and Warzone, and tips to help you improve the game, this is your one-stop shop. with the comments that you guys leave below.

But be sure to drop a "like" on the article. Let's try and aim for 3,000 "likes" on this one. Let's jump over to the war zone board though; this one doesn't have as many things listed as of right now, but we do have things like the playlist schedule, which they'll preview as needed. This one's currently live until the 24th, and presumably then we'll get a new playlist update with a schedule for events that will include XP events for double XP double tokens.

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But getting into the issues here, we've got some Battle Royale issues that are: We got some game white issues. They also do have tabs; currently, for the DMZ as well, they don't have anything listed, but Raven apparently is in charge of some of the DMZ issues as well, but for game-wide issues, they also listed the max tokens error here because this affects multiplayer, and Warzone has the same conversation as before.

The social menu is also listed here as well, so you'll see some repeats if they affect the entire game, and it's nice that both of these Trello boards are aware of things that are game-wide, hence why it's in here rather than just being for war zone two or four, you know. MW2, multiplayer, where the executions are the same thing, and then also the play again button after a match has been disabled currently, so you'll have to back out into the main menu and re-queue because apparently there was some kind of bug going on with that caused some issues.

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I'll zoom in a little bit as well to make that text a bit bigger for you guys, but yeah, just a heads up if you're trying to continuously play with your same squad, the "play again" button might not be working for you. It's not a problem with your game; it's a widespread thing, so that'll hopefully again get fixed here soon for Battle Royale.

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