News - Modern Warfare 2: The Big 2023 Gameplay Updates. Warzone 2 Gameplay Update

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I really do appreciate you guys always tuning in to the articles and the channel supporting me with so much love, and I hope you guys are all having a fantastic holiday.

New updates coming to mw2 & warzone 2 in the new year

New updates coming to mw2 & warzone 2 in the new year

And for a fun holiday season, let's We'll talk about the future here because right now obviously we're on the sort of holiday break gap period, if you will, for updates within MW2. War Zone 2, and DMZ. Rumors, in an actually confirmed schedule lined up for early 2023.

New ranked modes for modern warfare 2 & warzone 2

So today I wanted to focus on those first major updates for the new year, so Initially, we have two different major competitive updates coming to MW2 War Zone 2 in DMZ over the course of the next few months, in the form of ranked play for multiplayer and then also ranked play for War Zone.

The latter we have a little bit more information on now; the former was introduced way back at Call of Duty, the first time we ever heard about anything ranked. Officially, Call of Duty and Activision were actually talking about War Zone 2 when they gave their basic rundown of what they planned to do with War Zone 2 in the future.

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In their initial goals, they wanted to talk about expanding the Modern Warfare universe and also leading to Warzone ranked play before we had any confirmation for anything multiplayer. Based on ranked play, they said outright that they are interested in and looking forward to ranked play in war zones, so this is an update that I think will actually debut after the multiplayer version of it, but regardless, we should have a ranked play system coming to Warzone that likely will mimic the system that we end up seeing debut in Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer.

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Now speaking of that version of ranked play, this has been confirmed several different times; we know for a fact that Treyarch is actually leading the development on ranked play. Basically. Treyarch has their hand in the pot for anything that's related to competitive play, the CDL, and all sorts of stuff like that, so, for instance, the CDO Mosh Pit, which we've had available in multiplayer here for the past little while, is all Treyarch; they're doing all the custom game CDL stuff there as well, with the restrictions, the bands, and the gameplay updates that have to do with competitive gameplay itself.

Treyarch is in charge of all of that, so you know they've always done, in my opinion, at least the best versions of ranking; obviously, nothing I think will ever top Black Ops 2 League Play, but regardless. Now to me, this could mean a couple of different things. There are basically three main timelines or three main dates that I want to look at here.

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One could be that potential candidate by mid-January. sort of surprise update to hold this over to season two on February 1st obviously if that's the case we're gonna find out here pretty soon once the devs return from break because they'll start revealing it and they'll start promoting it and stuff like that.

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The other next day would be the launch of season two on February 1st, obviously falling in line with early 2023. And we know for a fact that season two is going to be the next major Big Time content update and expansion update for MW2. War Zone 2, and the DMZ, so it would make a lot of sense to see that happen at that point.

The third and final potential date for ranked play debuting would then be season 2 reloaded, which will probably happen, and maybe late March or early to mid April somewhere around there, which I guess would also sort of classify as early 2023. But those are the main three time frames that I'm looking at for ranked play in general, and like I said. I think it's going to drop in multiplayer first, and then it'll shift into war zones as well, and we'll have two different ranked play experiences.

Dmz stats & combat record update

Dmz stats & combat record update

Now, as we move on here into some other confirmed updates for early 2023, just a reminder if you guys are new to the channel. Let's try a name for 2 000 likes on this one, another confirmed update that we actually have for early 2023.

There is a combat record and stat system for the DMZ now. Of course, the delays that we've seen throughout the past few weeks with combat records in multiplayer and War Zone, and leaderboards for both as well, have been disappointing to say the least, but in my recent call with the studio developers.

Raven and Infinity Ward did mention that they're currently looking at some point in season two to release DMZ. Stats as a separate thing from War Zone 2 and Modern Warfare 2, so we will officially have a combat record for all three modes at some point in time, and again, like I said, their current time frame is sometime in season two, which could be the launch, could be season two reloaded, it could be on a random Tuesday in the middle of the season, we just don't know for sure, but that yet but that Target date does fall in early 2023.

Party games & new modes for modern warfare 2

Party games & new modes for modern warfare 2

We also have some leaks in terms of, you know, upcoming content here with the season one reloaded update, and we've already talked about some of the things that started appearing in game, including potential future map selections in War Zone 2 and DMZ and some other content-based things with weapons and maps.

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Well, we also have a new mode that has appeared in the files via data miners, and this one in particular leads me to believe that we're likely going to see some kind of party game or party game Mosh Pit style update debut in Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer here pretty soon, just based off the confirmations and the leaks that we've seen previously as well.

The newest mode to appear in the files is actually "Party Game." One in the Chamber is, of course, a very popular party game mode that we've seen in a handful of different iterations. Previously, we also had leaks for infected and gun games as well, so we have plenty of leaks for full-on party games from a long, long time ago.

I've talked about this several times on the channel. Still, we've yet to see an official confirmation, but it was several months before MW2 even launched. Gunfight was confirmed and was supposed to be dropping during season one; I have no idea what happened to that, but Gunfight was officially confirmed to be an MW2 post launch, so we have four different party games or party style Mosh Pit playlist modes that are now in the files and or officially confirmed, so pretty soon here we should start to see a full-on party game version of Mosh Pit available in multiplayer as.

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