News - Modern Warfare 2: New Gameplay Update Is Why You're Losing Gunfights. Warzone 2 Update


There has been a gameplay update with MW2 and Warzone 2 that has seemingly gone under the radar since launch that makes it very different from previous years' Warzone 1 in MW 2019: Cold War Vanguard, and this is a change that ultimately is going to drastically affect your gun fights. Not necessarily every single one, but it could be the most important one of the game that costs you your life either in multiplayer when you're on a big streak or in Warzone 2 when you are going for a win, and what we're talking about here is recoil. Because they have made some very big changes to how this works this year , this has been talked about by a few people.

New modern warfare 2 & warzone 2.0 recoil changes are␦. weird

New modern warfare 2 & warzone 2.0 recoil changes are␦. weird

I think truegame data has already done a article on it a bit, but Warzone Loadout here, who has a really cool site that shows off, you know, meta loadouts and a really cool app as well for war zone 2, and they had one back during MW2019, in war zone one as well, they put out a post the other day, and this is a really good visual representation of what's going on here.

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I want to dive deeper into this and explain how. Exactly how this is affecting your gunfights and if there's actually anything we can do to improve and fix this so that you can consistently win more fights and not have to worry about this, but they say this is why long-range fights don't seem consistent in War Zone 2.

cod modern warfare 2

Have a recoil chart here using the same gun with the same attachments and the same exact tuning for maximum recoil stabilization in the same place or at the same distance that they're shooting four at. Different mags and different patterns every time. What's going on with the second one? If we look at the actual image here, we get some crazy results.

So this is the same exact weapon being shot; there are no variables here outside of the recoil pattern apparently, so the first time they shoot it, it goes up and to the left ever so slightly and then goes all the way up to the right. The third time they shoot it, it goes up all the way to the right.

The fourth time, it goes up to the left and all the way to the right. One, three, and four all seem like the standard recoil patterns that we've come to know throughout the past few years of Call of Duty gameplay. Basically, throughout the past three years, especially here in Warzone, every time you shot the M4, it was going to behave the exact same way.

cod mw2

The recoil pattern would be the exact same, with a few variables here and there. Maybe one bullet goes straight left and one bullet goes straight right, but the overall pattern up and to the right and up and to the left were exactly the same. So we have the second pattern, which goes up into the right a little bit here first obviously it's going up a little bit, then it goes to the right about the same time that these other patterns go to the right, but then suddenly, about halfway through its horizontal movement here, it just jumps back to the left and starts going up and to the left more, which obviously is going to throw off any shot past this pattern, so one, two, three, four, and five.

six, eight, nine, eight, nine, eight, nine, eight, nine, eight, nine, eight, nine, eight, nine, eight, nine, eight Shots here are going to randomly jump to the left, and that could happen at any given point. If you go through and say this is for the M4, he didn't specify which gun this is, but let's just say, for example, that this is the M4. If you spend an hour using the M4 and you feel like you've got the recoil pattern down, you've mastered it, you've shot it in some private matches and seen this up into the right pattern, you start shooting that in game knowing that it should be going up and to the right, and then this starts happening with the second pattern, that's going to throw off your aim completely, you're going to miss all those shots, and that enemy is going to have a very easy chance to kill you, so even if you go and game here.

Can you counter this recoil update for mw2 & wz2?

Can you counter this recoil update for mw2 & wz2?

I'm using the m13b, for instance, because this is already a low-recoil weapon that's super easy to use, and I'm going to go ahead and get all this tuned for maximum recoil control, so I'm a I've got the furthest eye position, so the visual recoil is going to be the least it can be. I've got the D37.

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Grip on here and tune for maximum steadiness and the best stability. I've got the pineapple under the barrel on here, which helps out with recoil steadiness, and keep that in mind when it comes to recoil patterns based on testing from true game data and exclusive Ace recoil. Stabilization is just going to help with a little bit of visual recoil and side-to-side bounce steadiness.

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Is all general recoil, so vertical and horizontal, so that's a super important stat you always want to look for smoothness, is basically some visual recoil and very, very minor. Recoil. Changes are not something you'd substantially notice in the game whatsoever; vertical and horizontal recoil control are self-explanatory, and any stability is just your weapon's sway right, so those are the ones you want to look out for here.

I also got the sack and the Shred 40 muzzle tune for Max stabilization and Max unkick. Control then the echelon barrel for better range velocity control tuned for Max steadiness, and if we were to go into the firing range here, we're just going to fire off into the wall here right because this is a pretty easy place to hit.

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I'm not going to control the recoil on any of this. I'm just going to let the patterns play out. It's basically up and to the left; it's pretty minor. We start here, up, and to the left. There and to the left, there are a few bullets that jut out to the right here that are a little bit awkward, but it is what it is overall, that's a very easy pattern.

cod warzone 2

We start over to the right here and shoot again, not controlling anything about it. It was the same thing right from the start. The point was a little bit higher there, but it starts to shoot up into the left, up and to the left, but you'll notice here there is this more harsh zigzag in the center on this one; it's up and to the right if you jot out to the right left and then back up this one, which is up and to the right.

Left up, right left up, and left like that. War Zone 2, and DMZ is right here, and around 60 of the viewers watching are not already subscribers, so if that's you and you want to join us on the road to 900,000 subscribers, we're less than 8 000 away at this point, and it'd be awesome, it'd be absolutely insane, if we could hit that by the end of the month.

That's a lofty goal, but we'd love to try, and we'd love to have you join us here. A very important announcement is starting today and going until midnight on the 28th. Gamer Advantage is doing a 35 percent off sale for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Considering what's going on here, you'll notice it's again this.

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