News - Massive Season 1 Balancing Patch Details. Warzone 2 Buffs & Nerfs

Mwii gun reserve ammo

Mwii gun reserve ammo

modern warfare iii

And no it was exactly the same either way I also tested the point blank damage, while aiming down sight and that was 200 and then in t stance it was also 200 so I didn't see any difference to damage there as well so honestly I don't know what this means but perhaps you'll notice that the lock WD 680 is a little bit better in tack stance now, after that let's move into the Modern Warfare 2 guns and the adjustments they got for Modern Warfare 3, the first thing is they now equalized the reserve ammo between Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3 guns that was one of the big upsides prep patched to using a Modern Warfare 3 gun with those you would generally spawn in with an additional three magazines in your reserve whereas with Modern Warfare 2 Guns you only had two magazines in reserve now that has been equalized so Modern Warfare 2 guns will have three mags in reserve, additionally across the board they decrease the hipfire spread benefit of underbarrel vertical grips on Modern Warfare 2 guns and they decrease the hit fire spread benefit of applicable lasers by 2 to 5% for Modern Warfare 2 Guns .

M4 buff

Then let's get into the specific weapon adjustments. The M4 caught a massive buff here in the maximum damage range. We now deal with 34 damage to the entire body, whereas previously it was only 28 up close, and this means it's now a guaranteed, five-shot kill to the body up close, whereas pre-patch it was a six-shot kill, and that means our time to kill potential was reduced from 370 milliseconds, which is very slow down, to 296.

Taq-v buff

Taq-v buff

Milliseconds which is extremely competitive, and while this also came with a headshot multiplier Nerf this is still a massive net buff to the M4 and it's probably going to be feeling pretty good after this update, now one quick thing I want to point out here is if you read the patch notes it says that this upgraded it to a 35 damage, however in game I tested 34 and I'm going to go with what I actually experience in game rather than what I see in the patch notes , as for Modern Warfare 2 battle rifles the tacv got a really nice buff here pre patch we had different body multipliers for the leg the lower torso and the upper torso and arms, whereas now they've just equalized all of those to the prepatch upper torso and arm damage so this is just going to make the TAC Fe significantly more consistent no matter where in the body you're shooting them and it's much less likely that you're going to drop off to a six shock Hill in close quarters for instance .

Vaznev-9k buff


After that we have the Modern Warfare 2 SMGs and the vasn 9k actually got a little bit of a damage buff in the second damage range so not the maximum damage range but just beyond that and while this was a very minor adjustment, what this does is it now guarantees, a five shot kill anywhere to the body in that second damage range whereas previously if you mixed a single leg shot in there it would now make it a six shot kill so this is actually going to feel quite a bit more consistent in that mid damage range and that's nice to see and we actually saw really similar done to the iso 45 but instead of the second damage range this is in the maximum damage range, pre patch we had to hit every single shot to the Torso.

Iso 45 buff

Kv broadside buff

Kv broadside buff


If we wanted to get a five shot kill and mixing one leg or arm shot in would increase that to a six shot kill whereas post patch with this minor Improvement to our damage, it's now guaranteed to be a five shot kill no matter where in the body you're shooting them after that in the Modern Warfare 2 shotgun category with the KV broadside they slightly increased the medium far damage range from 99 M to 10 m but on top of this they mentioned they decreased our aim down sight spread a little bit and it turns out this was actually a very noticeable Improvement to our aim down sight spread, we saw a roughly 20 to 25%, reduction in this spread while aiming down sights and therefore if you are stretching the range even just a little bit with the KV broadside you definitely want to get aim down site now then for Modern Warfare 2 lmgs we saw an improvement to the ra mg our M down sight time was cut down from 470 milliseconds all the way down to 390 milliseconds that's a huge Improvement to your aim down sight speed, and also our Sprint out times were improved quite noticeably as well from 375 Mills down to 320.

556 icarus buff

Milliseconds as for the 5.56 icus this one also saw some adjustments it saw a little bit of a buff to its body damage up close so now it's a guaranteed five shot kill anywhere in the body whereas previously you couldn't even get a five shot kill to the body up close so that cuts Our close-range Time to Kill from 385, milliseconds all the way down to 308 milliseconds which is much more competitive however this did come with a headshot damage Nerf but this is definitely a net buff to The Icarus, now we're almost there just a couple more guns to go in the Marksman rifle category for Modern Warfare 2 Guns the spr 208 saw a pretty nice Improvement to its range its One-Shot kill potential to the upper torso used to be about 15 M and now it's 20 M so that's a nice boost there and on top of this our aim down sight time was improved from 370 millisecs down to 340.

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Basilisk buff

Milliseconds And then finally, for the weapon-specific adjustments, the basilis saw some pretty nice buffs to its range values across the board; our one-shot kill potential to the upper torso has been increased from 5 m up to 7 m; and then all of our other damage drop-offs as well have been improved aside from the last one that's still 35 m, so in general, you should notice a little bit more power with the basilisk.

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So there we go, wrapping it up for the weapon-specific balance changes that came with this update.

Attachment changes

However, there were also a few key adjustments to attachments across the board; these don't apply to just specific guns; they apply to all of the guns that can use these attachments. The first one is the S37.


CDL breacher device: this is the one that gave you a massive improvement to your hip fire and tax stance. Previously, it would reduce all of these values by 20%; that was a massive improvement, whereas post-patch it's now only reducing these values by 6%, so this one isn't nearly as good as it was pre-patch, and we saw basically the exact same story with the Brewin tactical vertical grip pre-patch.

This also gave you a huge improvement to your hip fire and tax stance, which spread at 20%, whereas post-patch it didn't get nerfed quite as hard as the previous one. Now it's going to cut these values down by 12%. I also noticed it appears to be helping now with horizontal and vertical recoil control, whereas pre-patched it didn't help with those values at all; it only helped with your gun kick.

Huge hollow point nerf

Huge hollow point nerf

Now, finally, for attachments, I saved the most interesting one for last year. And this is basically just how long of a delay you have after being shot in the legs by a hollow point before you can get back into a sprint, and you can see that delay is almost non-existent; it will still stop you from sprinting, but you can get right back into a sprint almost immediately now.

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Season 1 of Modern Warfare III is here and with it, we saw a ton of weapon attachment balancing, key bug fixes, spawn improvements, and more! Today, I wanted to hone in on the details of all of the weapon balancing as well as many of the highlights that will directly impact multiplayer gameplay.
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