News - M13b Better Than M4 After Buff. Best M13b Class Setup (warzone 2)

Stop it right there, so as you can see, the M13 custom build that we have personally made clearly got to the wall first while the base M13 has not reached it yet, so we're just going to continue it using our aerial keys, and now it's finally reached the wall, so it's pretty definitive here that our M13 build has some pretty good mobility here, and that's exactly what we want.

We want to balance out the weapon as much as possible because the M13 already has some really good recoil attributes, so why not turn it into a powerhouse? It's a pretty aggressive setup while still being able to control that recoil at the same exact time.

Ads testing

Ads testing

Man, this is just absolutely incredible Alright, for the next test, we have our base M13, and we are going to test out how fast the aim down sight speed is, and then we're going to compare it to our new custom build. Since I'm hand testing this, of course, the results may not be as specific as you would see on a website like SimGaby, simply because they literally rip the data out of the game itself, but since they haven't updated the website yet, we can only take matters into our own hands.

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So how do I measure this? I take a look at the background here, so just pay attention to this wall and look for any sudden movement. All right, and I'm going to use my arrow keys here instead of playing it, so just take a look at this area right here. Wait for some movement, and I'm just going to be going frame by frame, and there you go, we see a little bit of movement right there, and that's when we want our timer right here to start, so let's keep it going.

best m13b class mw2

All right, we're going to wait for it to stop, so I think we've gone a little bit too far. Let's go ahead and back it up a little bit, so you see that tiny little movement right there, and if we even continue to try to go farther, the background still doesn't move, so all right, and we're going to back it up just one more time for extra measure at 200 milliseconds.

We're going to go ahead, forward one frame, still no movement, go back, and we have a 200-millisecond ad. All right, the same principles apply here, the same exact protocol is there, and that zoom-in effect is in the background, and our timer has started. I'm going to keep it going here, still going frame by frame.

best m13b class setup

All right, it looks like it's already stopped. There's that last movement. We go one more frame at 200 milliseconds. We're going to go another frame once again, and I do not see any more movement the further forward we go. Yeah, so 200 milliseconds, so that's actually really good to be able to keep the RM13 build as close to base as possible regardless of all the attachments that we put on it for recoil control, because when you add attachments for recoil control, it just tends to make the weapon a lot slower.

That's how attachment balancing works in Modern Warfare 2. When you're focusing on one end of the spectrum, the other end tends to be weaker, so in this case, when you add on recoil and attachments, your aim down side speed is going to be weaker as well, but the fact that we can keep this as close to base as possible is pretty insane, so like I said, we're hand testing this, so this is as close as we can get to a sort of baseline of how our custom build is versus the bass, you know, we're really mainly looking for major discrepancies. major negatives or major positives to our testing.

Recoil pattern comparison

Recoil pattern comparison

All right, and for the final comparison that I want to show you guys here, on the left hand side is our base M13 recoil and pattern, and on the right hand side is our newly custom-built M13 class setup, so like I was saying before, the M13B.

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has a really great recoil pattern and is one of the easiest guns in the game to control that recoil, so as you see here, the base recoil pattern is fairly vertical, but that's pretty much all you have to worry about at the end of the day, which is why we added that attachment for vertical recoil control, and this is the result that we get, so we do get a reduction to our vertical recoil control, which is nice to see, as far as horizontal recall goes, there's really barely any horizontal recall.

best m13b class setup mw2

It's just mainly that vertical recoil, and this is super easy to counteract, and you'll notice when you're using this class setup yourself in real-life situations that it's not that hard to counteract. The recoil, you know, doesn't just sit there and just let the gun fly; you know you have to actually try to control the recoil still with your thumb sticks, so make no mistake about that, it's still going to be a very easy gun to control.

I'd really appreciate it. A lot of work does go into these articles; any kind of feedback is welcome.

M13B BETTER THAN M4 AFTER BUFF! - Best M13B Class Setup Modern Warfare 2.
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