News - Inside The Mind Of A Warzone Pro: Vondel Park Resurgence

Though guess guy in game chat knows me so because we have so much money we're going to get a quick yui going take a look at this guy in the wall here close somewhere very close to me always flying enemo the AO they flying are going to get this kill and then the other guy was on the building he just ran back inside so we did just R his teamate again this C's flying in, again, right most likely just live pinging for his teammate, we are going to try to get that same kill again he's going to be one shot but now we do know this guy just roke glass my right we got the audio q and now we can kind of play this fight.

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Accordingly, now he going to break this guy's camera and slam him now my now his teammate did land in, we are going to get this gas masket again self stuff really important right here we are going to get a self, and we did see his teammate Landing in the water on the left now I really do try to stay away from water fights cuz obviously they're just a nightmare got s in the tower here so we are going to try to get under them but not die in the back to the kid that's in the water that was the guy before me again all of this is just information from my mini map not a lot of people left I do want to clear out this backside, but again all of this stuff is just coming from information from the mini map nothing crazy nothing special, just basic information here now, there's shots up top so we can kind of get a little bit involved here but we don't want to again overextend knowing there's a lot of snipers on the map and things like.

Now I don't see anything in the tower, yet there's still a counter-up, meaning somebody's shooting like a jack muzzle or something like that. I'm not going to see it, so we do see that zone kind of pulling away from us. The best-case scenario here is going to be to try to rotate early, knowing there's not a ton of people left.


Now we do see the guy still sniping, trying to snipe me. Actually, for whatever reason, leave me alone. If possible, we are going to try to take height. Here, we see a lot of footsteps that we are hearing, so we saw one here. See if they possibly. Overextend and if so, we are going to get a kill now I am going to hit a Mot strike here I did not mean to fall off nor that in I thought that was a ledge and honestly because that that's a pretty safe rotation I'm going to go straight back up there and just kind of play height now there is a solid red dot now two solid dots on the bottom floor and there's for sure at least two people on the bottom that is the information I have so far now I do have a guy close to me this guy, now I'm not going to play this fight too aggressive because most likely has teammates that are now going to be looking over him right here you are going to get that break but again I'm not going to overextend that's not a fight that I should be taking because obviously those guys have each other's crosses and we got to kind of play this a little bit different now see if possibly we could go here and kind of reposition.

warzone 2

As of now, we never got our full kill on the other guy here, so we are looking for him. We just don't know where he is. We are hearing some footsteps and stuff up here, but we don't really want to overextend if we don't have to unless we have clear. I think we can maybe get a little gas. There, we can all be good.

We have height up here, and this is honestly the best spot to be in hoping these guys should be fighting. We'll see let's jump down a lot of shots and stuff. They are going to be fighting. The problem is, there's not a ton of ways to actually get inside the building, so we kind of have to make a play.

warzone 2 pro tips

Soon now I am going to check this for, no self there kind of stinks for me but is what it, is that guy got slam really bad now it's a 1 V2 V1 with a precision air strike now we are going to have to play over here to play far from this precision and this is not going to help us now do have a stem but that stem is not going to really save us especially in this scenario we saw a guy in the building our best case here is to just get, this, so I got to be honest I don't know where this guy is, we're going to hit this hit double.

Stemies this to me again, and we are going to Ego Chow this hope I get this win and get the win beautiful. Now, honestly, that was a pretty sweaty end to the game. Usually the endgames aren't actually that crazy. Again, just using your brain sometimes and repetition right there. I knew that because I run stems in Vondal, I have stems.

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JoeWo takes us Inside The Mind of a Warzone 3 Pro and walks us through how he plays Resurgence on Vondel Park. With the announcement of Ranked Resurgence coming along with Fortune's Keep in Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Warzone Season 2.
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