News - Infinity Ward Changed The New Animated Ghoulie Camo. Free Warzone 2 Mastery Reward

modern warfare 3

IW already changed that new animated Mastery camo, the gouy camo, which is the final reward as part of the haunting event. Not out yet; they already nerfed the appearance. We'll go through what's going on plus some more updates here in today's article. Be sure to subscribe for more Cod update articles like this, but first up here, here's what's going on with the Gouy Camo.

If you guys don't know, one of the main events happening right now, as part of the haunting update, is the Soul Capture event. It is very simple. All you have to do is play any game mode. Warzone multiplayer, DMZ, Kill real players; kill AI bots. Kill zombies, bosses, and all different stuff. Open loot crates as well, and you'll get souls.

There are certain soul caps for each match, like in War Zone, where you can only get 20 souls per match, for example, but you could back out and those souls will count for your event. Here, pretty much, get all those souls, and you'll have a bunch of rewards to get by redeeming souls, so the first row here is very simple.

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15 30 60 souls per item. You have pretty cool stuff overall. You have some cool weapon blueprints as well, like this one, which is from IW, zombies back in the day, and this other violent red one as well, which does look pretty cool, but there is a final Mastery camel reward here that will be unlocked next Tuesday.


October 24th. That will likely cost 1, 000 souls, similar to what we saw with the last trophy hunt event. This is going to be that animated ghouly cat Mo that we've talked about for a couple weeks now. It's been leaked out time and time again. We weren't sure if we were getting it as part of this haunting update, but now we know this is that animated ghouly camo that originally looked very cool, but now here IW has secretly updated it behind the scenes.

The ghouly animated camo from the Haunting event before and after it was updated, so this camo again will be available for purchase with the souls you earn in game on October 24th. The original was most likely unfinished and too bright to see pass properly, so again, when I first saw a article of this camo.

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I mean. I off the bat said it was probably the coolest camo we've seen thus far in this game, super vibrant, super colorful, super animated, and pretty bright as well, and it didn't seem too crazy bright. I don't know if, based on some of the lead gameplay, people were able to use it early; it didn't seem too crazy, honestly, but I guess IW decided, you know what?

It's not finished. This is not the final camo we want to release, and of course, up on screen is the new camo. Here is the new animated gouie camo that we will unlock on Tuesday if you have probably around 1, 000 souls there for that Soul Capture event, which again is definitely nerfed. It's not as bright, not as vibrant, but I'm not going to lie, it still does look really, really clean.

And if we hadn't seen the camo before, I feel like we would still think this was fire. Now, I do kind of prefer the early version of the camo, but this is still really cool, so this is not that big of a deal. Regardless, it doesn't matter what we prefer; this is the one we're getting. This is the final version of this new one, so if this is the one we're getting, it's still cool, and it may have been a bit too bright for an in-game lobby.

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Maybe once we actually got it, we would realize, Wait a second, this is actually a little too bright, and we would understand where IW is coming from. So overall, it's not a big deal, but it's probably one of the coolest camos we've seen, especially in terms of animated camos in Modern Warfare 2 thus far.

And for a lot of these events here, we rarely see camos like these. So again, originally, the Oni operator was an operator you got for, you know, pretty much pre-ordering or just having the PlayStation version of MW2. Now here, apparently, as of October 27th, so not yet, but in a little over a week from now, all platforms will be able to get the Oni operator, and apparently, if you look at the fine print, this was always intended to be the case; it was always going to be a PlayStation exclusive, just for a year, and after that year ended it would be available to all platforms, but unfortunately here it seems like for other platforms you still have to buy the Oni operator.

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We have this image here on operator skin honor discipline and unflinching resolve comes standard with the on operator you get the bloody percussionist finishing move here it's 1,00. C points You get a blueprint as well, so not a lot of it carries forward into MW3 as well, but for some reason I thought this would maybe be free.

You know, it was for PlayStation; at least originally, it was free. I'm pretty sure all the operator updates were free as well for PlayStation, right? But I guess you have to pay for this year now that this isn't officially out, so maybe they will still make it free. Who knows for sure? It is a pretty sick operator pack overall, and that blueprint I did use last year at MWW's launch was pretty fire, but it doesn't matter at this point.

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Do you guys even care about this? Now we're also getting a second part of the haunting event starting this Friday, so Raven Software said, Here's your first week of playlists for The Haunting. In War Zone, starting today, you could jump into Von Dead or Al Maser's night variation, and then on Friday, zombie Royale and Von Dead at night arrive, so again, as of Friday, here we have Von Dead.

The main one for me is zombie Royale which is the classic zombie mode we saw back from verance, the haunting of verdance and the other event in Black Ops Cold War as well I guess you know the next year Cold War was one was you know it had ghosts instead of zombies but it pretty much performed en acted the same way to where when you die you turned into a zombie, and as a zombie, you have all these abilities you could fly across the map pretty much you could do all these crazy things and you would get a bunch of syringes and if you got three syringes.

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You could turn back into a human, and you got syringes by just killing other humans. You could find the syringes around the map and stuff like that. I mean, it was a really classic and super fun mode overall, so you know that returning is really, really exciting here, and they give a correction. Actually, Von will be live on October 20th.

mw3 multiplayer

Okay, so the same thing, but regardless, that's just a correction to their image. A lot of people were complaining, saying that you know this stuff should have been available at the launch of The Haunting event yesterday. Not a big deal at all because we already have the first Operation Nightmare Alaza version as well.

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