News - I Grinded Tier 3 All Game & This Is What I Found Warzone 2 Zombies

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Hopefully, for the first time in this game, we get something decent. And the answer is, no, we're going to get elemental pop, brain rot, and a sentry gun. This is just very poor, isn't it? This is a very poor showing of what we could be getting. So we're doing yet another Outlast contract. I'm just hoping and praying that we see some form of loot come out of this, like I really could do with a legendary tier 2 or tier 3 Pack-a-Punch Crystal, and honestly.

I'd be happy with how bad this run's been so far. I'm almost praying. I'm almost praying at this point. We see something decent come out of this reward, and we're not going to get it again. It's Speed Cola, a rare WRA at all, and a Tier 2 armor vest. It's just, it's actually poor. It's a very poor showing of what we could be getting so far with this bounty, but I have got one of the worst tier three runs I've had in a long time.

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Okay, so I'm going to try and do this bounty, but I have got one problem: my team keeps canceling the contracts because they want to go to the old dark AA Zone, and as you can see, they canceled the last one that I was doing, which was kind of frustrating. I'm not going to lie. Okay so we should finish up this contract here as well the game's not making it easy for me though I will say I keep running out of ammo and I killed so many zombies, and had like no ammo to pick up which really isn't helping but all of them zombies are now going to go down again no ammo that I've been able to pick up so we get a we get a schematic for the refined Crystal which again, is basically no use I get a large backpack and then the dead Bol ammo that's just a it's just it's just not helpful it really isn't helpful nothing that I've got so far has actually been any use of for me or any good to me, so we've got no contracts left in this zone so I'm going to go up to the dark CER Zone and see if we can get that started up or not.

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And if we can't start this, then it's been a very unsuccessful tier three run, and I know sometimes I could get better runs than that, but for me, that seems to be like a lot of my tier three runs a lot of my tier three runs end in this way. Okay, so I've spent my time taking down the orb. I was kind of hoping I'd get, like, maybe a legendary AOL from that, but we didn't even get a legendary AOL from the orb we've got; we have nothing out of this tier three run, and nobody wants to do the arer with me.

I don't really know what the plan is here. Well, I mean, we're sort of going to have to come out of this with basically no extra loot from what we came in with, which is kind of unfortunate. So guys, no one wants to help with the new dark a fori, so I'm actually going to have to go and fill normally, and this is the loot we came out with out the tier three the tier three run, as you guys saw.

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I was into tier three with about 5 minutes into the game at the very most, so I spent about 40 minutes in the tier three zone basically grinding contracts and doing as much as I could to get the best loot possible. And all that we have come up with to show for it is a couple of self-revivals of a tombstone schematic.

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Two tier-one pack-a-punch crystals and two sigils, and that is literally all we have managed to get out of a tier-three run, which is kind of. But that's actually very bad, isn't it? It's a very, very bad way to end the Tier 3 run. So I've spent 40 minutes in the Tier 3 zone and ended up with that, which is very, very poor.

But I'm going to leave today's article there, guys. I'll be very interested in what you guys have to say. Do you guys think the Tier 3 contracts give out enough loot? Do you think they have the best loot they can? We could definitely see some better rewards come out of Tier 3. Please be sure to give me a thumbs up, as it helps me out way more than you will ever imagine.

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