News - I Grinded Tier 3 All Game & This Is What I Found Warzone 2 Zombies

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I wouldn't be surprised if we're very close to actually completing this, which it looks like we are going to be very close to completing as well. I mean, I've somehow managed to go down there—not ideal, but let's see what we can actually get out of the contract reward. Let's see what we're going to do to get another self-revive.

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A rare RA for Tool and yet again another sigil, so again, nothing too crazy that we've not already had or we've not already seen, and we've not already gotten our stash at some point. The contracts have been pretty poor so far the loot that we've been getting has actually been very poor unfortunately so far, so once again another Spore contract these ones are always quite fun to do to be fair because they're very easy to get done like you can just run through the Spore contracts very quickly, just Chuck them down move on get on to the next thing it's very easy to as you can see we've already done half the contract already it's only been live for about 30 seconds so it is a nice easy one to get done someone's just running around placing all the things down I can run around just after them just destroying them also, really easy contract to get done especially if you got a full Squad it's going to make it real nice and easy but again another contract that's going to be completed, let's hope we finally see a legendary to a tier 2 or tier three Pack-a-Punch Crystal and just see if it's actually going to give us anything at any point.

So this one's going to give us another sigil, another rare AOL, and a brain RW ammo mod this time around, so again, nothing good so far; we haven't had anything that's actually worth grinding as of yet. So next up is going to be yet another Outlast contract that we're going to go ahead and complete.

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I'm really hoping that at some point in this I'm going to come up with maybe one or two legendary tools, a Tier 2 or a Tier 3 Pack-a-Punch Crystal. That would be the ideal situation here, but I just don't know if it's actually going to happen, if I'm totally honest. Like I said. I know that sometimes you can get really good games in tier three where you're going to get a lot of loot and you get some games in tier three where you just don't get much, and hopefully this isn't going to be one where you just don't get anything.

But I'd also be interested, guys, in what is your best loot that you've got out of the Tier 3 Zone? If you've had any games where you've had like crazy, crazy good loot or if you just had like pretty mediocre loot the entire time, you're sort of getting into this game where it's not the worst stuff to have, but it's also just not going to be game-changing to the loot that you've already got; it's not going to make a big difference to your game.

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So yet again, another contract finished up. Let's hope this time we actually get a decent little bit of loot. Let me get inside the reward rift. I feel that's going to give us the best loot. We get another self-revive, tier one Pack-a-Punch Crystal; okay, it's something different that we've not already had speed Coler I can equip, and do I realistically need another self-revive?

mw3 zombies

Probably not i will take it. I'll take it over Tombstone because I've already got it. Actually, you know that the tombstone might be the only one that I don't have, so I might keep that just in case I don't have it. I'll replace the Clust mod because I'm just never going to use it. So next up is going to be the easiest tier three contract that there ever is, like everyone used to grind this at the very beginning, and it is the deliver cargo contract; it's just super easy to do.

I mean, this contract is super simple. You follow a route that you know. I don't know if this guy does the same route as I do; he looks like he's going for the other route, but yeah, you just follow the route it's very quick contract to do it doesn't take too long at all it's a very quick contract to get done, nice and easy you can come into tier three and do this without any loot if you really wanted to if this is available come in just don't even have any guns don't have any equipment just come and do this one and it's the easiest tier three contract you can, complete.

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Again at this self-revive. A rare raer tool and a Tier 2 armor, which again, is nothing that I'm going to be taking out of that one, unfortunately. So now we have yet another spot control contract, a pretty simple one to get done. Hopefully, we just want to see some decent loot. Lu, I don't know if that's too much to ask at this point, but I just love to see a decent bit of loot.

That would be great. We have two inhibitors left to take down again, which is nice and easy to do. It is not going to take us very long; we are just praying and hoping we see a legendary AOL, a Tier 3 Pack-a-Punch Crystal, or something along those lines. It would be absolutely amazing to get out of a contract, finally, please.

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Another tier, one pack-a-punch crystal, a sentry gun, a medium rock sack, and yet another sigil. So I mean, so far, it really isn't looking great; it's really not looking great for this run, like. I don't think I'm even asking for anything too crazy; it's not like I'm out here asking for mags of holding schematics and stuff like that, which obviously you can't get in this zone, but you know what I mean.

I'm not asking for the craziest stuff. I just want something a little bit decent to write home about, and you know it's actually going to make the grind worthwhile. But our team has started up another Spore contract, so let's get over here and finish up this. We've only got 50 minutes left of the game, so far we haven't really got that much longer left of the game, and we haven't seen anything crazy yet; we really have not seen anything too special.

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And that's going to be that Spore contract done. Please, for the love of everything, give me something semi-decent. Okay, so we're going to get an epic a for the tool schematic, which I've got, but I'll offer it out to a teammate in case someone actually does need it, and then we get an epic a for another sigil and a tier 2 armor vers.

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It's just nothing great. Is it like we're really struggling to just come across some good loot for some reason I don't really know why? Like I said, I'm hoping to get into that new dark AA Zone as well, so we can hopefully get some decent loot out of that area. Even if we end up getting nothing out of this one, and I know, of course, the dark AA isn't tier three, at the same time.

I need to test it out and I need to get something decent out of this game, so we now have a Mangler Bounty Target, which obviously we're going to go ahead and complete. I wouldn't be surprised if that's basically finished by the time I get there, which it looks like it may be. And there you go. It is already finished up, so we didn't even have to do anything for that one, but again, we're going to go and see what loot we get.

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