News - Top 6 Most Op Weapons To Use Season 2 Warzone 2 Zombies

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In today's article. I'm going to be going over the best guns to use in Modern Warfare 3 zombies for season 2, so obviously when season 2 did come out, there were a couple of Nerfs and a couple of buffs on certain guns, as well as the addition of a couple of new guns that we're going to go over as well, but the first gun for me coming in at number six spot is going to be the Fenick 45, from Modern Warfare 2.

This is actually a very fun gun to use in Modern Warfare 3 zombies, and it's got really, really good mobility. Two, it's got a great magazine size, and it's also got a really fast fire rate, and once this thing's packed, you get up to a 90-round mag. I believe it's an absolutely insane gun, like I said, and it's got good mobility as well, so if you've got stamina up, you can get around the map ridiculously fast with this gun out because that mobility is super high, but the fire rate is also just ridiculously high, like it's one of the fastest fire rate guns in the game, which is what helps it take out zombies so quickly.

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So yeah for me the fck was a very fun gun to go ahead and try and just use for myself and just see how it played so when it comes to like normal zombies and even some of the boss zombies the feni is a very viable option he really good against armored zombies and normal zombies, and it also holds its own against the special zombies as well it's not too bad and again because of that fast fire rate it does take them out nice and quickly, the one thing that I will say to you guys is bear in mind that because of the fire rate is ridiculously, fast you are going to go through your magazines very quickly so just keep an eye on your reserve ammo so you don't end up running out of ammo because that was the one problem I said I had with that gun was the amount of times that I was running out of ammo because it simply just gets through it so fast even though it's got a big Reserve, you can get through the magazines and the reserve so quickly especially in tier three when there's a bunch of zombies around so that's one thing that you need to bear in mind.

Next up, guys, we've got the brand new HM, R9, and SMG that have just recently been added to Modern Warfare 3, and when this gun came out, I wasn't too sure how good it was going to be in the game. I was a bit skeptical about whether it was going to be good. I was just hoping it was going to be good with it being a new gun.

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It gave us a new method to try out in zombies, and it actually turned out to be the case. It's a very viable gun. I'm sure you guys have seen a couple of people using it now. It's actually a very viable option for you guys to go ahead and do the build that I've got for you guys, which you've just seen is actually pretty good for long range as well, like medium to close range is where this thing thought of thrives, so with that longer barrel, it does make it a little bit more powerful at mid-range, so you can use this at close to mid-range, but obviously as an SMG, it's going to absolutely fry up close.

The class I've got is actually very good for both recoil control and mobility. The firing rate is all of that sort of stuff. It's a very, very all-round build for this gun, and it does actually melt through zombies very nicely. It can go through armored zombies and normal zombies. It holds its own, just like the fck against the boss zombies.

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It's a very, very good gun. It's a very fun gun to try. Is it the best gun in the game? Probably not the best gun, but it is definitely a viable option for you guys to go ahead and try it if you've not already used it for yourself. I was actually a big fan of this gun when I did try it out, so I highly recommend you give the new HMR 9 a go.

So coming in next, guys, is one of my favorite guns, and it is going to be the M16. From Modern Warfare 2, this gun is super fun to use, as you can see from the class that I've got it and get up to control recoil and be more accurate, and the reason for this is once you pack-a-Punch the M16, once you are going to get this gun to go fully automatic, so you're going to pack-a-Punch it and get up to 120 round mag, and it's going to go from a burst fire gun into a fully automatic weapon, which is absolutely insane.

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The bursts on this gun at just a pack-a-punch are also very powerful, so once you start getting that damage profile but you can make it fully automatic, this gun is absolutely nuts to use. It's a lot of people's favorite gun in the game, but it's also slept on by a lot of people as well. I don't know too many people who have been trying this gun out, so if you've not tried out the M16.

I highly recommend you go ahead and try it because, for me, it's a very fun gun, but it does still have a little bit of recoil it's got a little bit of a bounce from it simply because the recoil pattern is quite High where it should be a burst weapon we're now converting it into a fully automatic, weapon so the class I just showed you is very good for controlling recoil on the gun, but it does still have a little bit of recoil but this is amazing against boss zombies, special zombies, armored zombies, and normal zombies.

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It does not matter that this M16 is going to absolutely fly through everything that comes in its way, and I really, seriously do recommend that you try out the M16 if you've not tried it out yet. In my opinion, the M16 might just be the best assault rifle in Modern Warfare 3. I genuinely think it is the best assault rifle.

There are some other good ones, but I don't think anything quite comes as close to this M16. Because this gun is, as I said, ridiculously powerful, it's got a great fire rate, and it's just very good at taking down all types of different zombies and bosses within this game. It's just a very solid all-round gun.

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I highly recommend you guys give this a try if you haven't already. Next up, we've actually got the FTAC Sieg. There's a lot of Modern Warfare 2 guns in this article compared to the Modern Warfare 3 ones, which is kind of surprising because you would have thought the Modern Warfare 3 ones would be a bit more dominant, simply because you need to have Modern Warfare 3 to play zombies, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

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The ftac Siege is coming in now, and as you can see from this class, we do not have it a Kimbo. It's a single-ftac Siege; we're not a Kimbo in it, and the reason for this is that it's actually very powerful on its own, and you can go up to 144 round magazines. It's got insane damage, and the fire rate is absolutely insane on this gun, like ridiculously insane, and it's also got really good mobility, so it's very similar to the Fenick in that aspect, but it is a bit more powerful than the Fenick.

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