News - I Completed 50 Tier 1 Contracts. Here's What I Found. Warzone 2 Zombies

mw3 zombies all rewards

There are a lot of other viable mid-time strategies here, and these spot control contracts can be done really quickly. The ether extractors. Really surprised me with how fast I could complete some of these, but thinking about it in Tier 1, there's only three of those things you got to do, and you can do them pretty quickly, so that's not a bad contract to do if you have the time or space for it, and then of course we have Outlast contracts that are in there that are also pretty good, but then we start getting to the slower ones.

The raid weapon stashes take a good amount of time, and of course the stupid defend the ground station contracts are just so slow; the escort contracts are a lot slower than I thought they were going to be taking upwards of 5 minutes. That is an insane amount of time just to get a freaking green ether tool, so if you're really going for as fast as you can, avoid those defense ground stations and don't even touch the escorts.

Personally. I love how many zombies spawn at the escorts; that's why I always do them , but looking at the contract completion time and the.

Contract completion time vs reward quality

Contract completion time vs reward quality

I guess, quality of the reward. I don't know about you, but I really don't see any correlation between getting a fast time and getting a good reward. You can see I got two schematics when I did an HVT contract in like a minute, but then you can see I got my other schematics doing other contracts that took me well over 2 minutes, so for me, unfortunately.

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Or I guess, fortunately. I don't see any connection between the quality of loot and how fast you complete.

Contract type vs reward type

These contracts now, in terms of the rewards, are tied to specific contracts. This was a very interesting question that I heard right when Modern Warfare Zombies was first released.

I heard that the mercenary-focused contracts gave you stuff like self-revivals and RU sacks, and you know, more human things, but all the zombie contracts, like the Spore controls and Outlast, are the ones that got you the Pack-A-Punch crystals and the perks and all that stuff. Taking a look at this when we sort it by the rewards, once again.

mw3 zombies contract reward probability

I don't know about you, but to me, this doesn't look like there's anything statistically significant here; each reward has basically all of the contracts within it, and unfortunately, this is kind of the biggest downside of only doing 50 contracts. You really can't get a huge variety of the different types of contracts in here, so maybe in the future we'll do a test with 100 contracts, but here's the data.

I don't think there's any correlation; if you want to prove me otherwise, then please, I would love to see that. Actually, that'd be pretty cool. Here's a different way of looking at it. Here are all of the contracts organized again. You could see the contracts on the left and then the rewards on the right.

mw3 zombies contract reward stats

I do not see any discernible pattern of hey, these contracts usually get these rewards, and then these contracts usually get these rewards, and you can kind of tell my scientific method isn't the best because we only did three defend the ground station contracts but we did like seven or eight HVT contracts, so even if there is a correlation between contract type and reward type, if we don't see it after doing 50 contracts,. Maybe that connection isn't the most obvious, and maybe not the most.

What loot we didn't get

What loot we didn't get

Impactful, it's cool to see what we got from tier one, but what's even more interesting and something that we should pay attention to going forward as we do tier 2 and tier three is what we didn't get anything of; we didn't get any Wonder Weapons; we didn't get any legendary tools; even though we got a purple tool, that's pretty cool; we got an Epic tool, but we didn't see a legendary tool; we didn't see a pack-a-punch 2 or a pack-a-punch 3.

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Crystal, we didn't see any higher killstreaks other than a blue killstreak; clearly, no cils or dark ether items. No large rug stack, no two-plate vest—that one was surprising to me—and no three-plate vest as I do this test for Tier 2 and Tier 3—those are going to be one of the most important questions that we have to answer.

Tier 2/3 testing

mw3 zombies contract rewards

Answer now: I already have some progress made into the Tier 2 spread sheet; however. I'm worried about different seasons and different updates changing the probability of these drops, so I might make the hard decision to restart this test entirely, maybe not for Tier 1, but definitely for Tier 3, and maybe for Tier 2.

Of course, grinding these contracts can take a little bit of time, especially in Tier 3. That's why you have to be extra prepared to go into Tier 3 and really dominate that area, and if you don't feel comfortable with that, you're going to want to make sure you watch this article first and stay.Beautiful,

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