News - Get Everything You Need Just One Game Of Warzone 2 Zombies

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So you just died in Modern Warfare zombies or more likely you got disconnected and lost all your stuff well you're in luck because today I'm going to show you how to go from zero to hero in just one game let's not waste any more time well isn't this one of the luckiest spawns we could have for a Zero to Hero Run we here at the top very top of pop off power in this tier one area and this is very important it's not a necessity, but it's really nice if you can do this little side Easter egg for some free death perception because death perception can really help you get on your feet a little bit faster all you got to do is jump off of here or somewhere high enough it doesn't matter where you jump off of so long as you go through these three rings without touching the ground you should get a free death perception, just like that we have a free death perception with that out of the way we need to think about why we're here doing a Zero to Hero Run and what should we prioritize.

Here, so we're going to look for the next camp up the road, which is awesome, and then we can fight these guys. I guess that is worth noting. I did decide to go with a random contraband weapon that I had; weapons aren't too scarce to come by, especially here in modern warfare zombies compared to DMZ.

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But let's see, you don't even need to complete the camp to go into this cash here. Okay, we got a two-plate and a mercenary stronghold key card that is very important, and then I'm actually going to look for a Cronin Squall here. I like this one a lot more, and maybe an MX9. I'll take that, for sure.


Once we have this mercenary key card and a two-plate vest, we're going to be looking for a mercenary stronghold. Which should be back up the mountain as you're progressing feel free to loot up certain things if you want to take certain items and whatnot although I really don't emphasize this much these little ATVs, are super fast so if you ever see them and need to travel a long distance be sure to take them now these strongholds, are going to be kind of annoying when you first do them you have to unlock it and it's going to spawn them in it usually spawns in a guy right away a shield guy right in front you try to shoot his little arms as best you can but feel free to run away from him cuz he usually gives you a lot of trouble here if you have like a simx or something he goes down really quickly but I for some reason put on throwing knives so with death perception you can clearly see it is significantly.


Easier; to get these guys, you could see them through walls. We've got company here, but along with these strongholds, They are going to drop in, as you probably saw a helicopter's worth of mercenaries. Here it's not too bad but it's just something to be aware of especially with death perception it's really not that bad at all and look at that a medium Ruck set cool these chests here always open those large Merc caches, very worth it we got a teammate here doing this look at that large Merc cach hey look at that there's a killstreak that another medium ruck sack very good we're going to come in here stronghold clear we'll open this up we've got Napal burst a symol monkey that's great but this is what we're after and I hope this guy doesn't need a three plate here cuz I need a three plate here see this is a good example you could pick up these comic books and on the nearest, in the nearest buy station you can sell those for points and you can use those points to get perks and Pack-a-Punch.

how to

And more items that we're going to need to buy but once we loot this safe you can see that guy looted that safe there's going to be just one and only one little, group of mercenaries, that are going to drop down here but they usually come up single file so it's really easy to take them all out if you're Got The High Ground here not too big of a deal the safe in these mercenary strongholds are usually found on the second floor and they're pretty obvious right here and there's usually a little audio log too if you want but once the safe is opened, you can clearly see there is a three plate vest and there's a medium ruck sack as well as the Legacy Fortress key card that you need for the Legacy Fortress but we won't worry about that now you know what I just noticed.

mw3 zombies

I got all of my points from my Tombstone, so what we're going to do is, like I said, we're going to be the honorable ones here, and we're going to drop all of that Essence because that is very unfair. Thing to go off of okay cool but now we are going to focus on a little bit of contracts, here to gain up Essence to gain up points but I guess that's a good example of how Tombstone Works cuz I died in the previous game and I died in the previous article if you hadn't seen yet if you have the tombstone perk it will save your backpack and it'll save your points so we're going to do a quick Spore control contract here not only is completing contracts going to get you points but it's also going to get you rewards like perks, self revives, and you know AMOM mods Pack-a-Punch crystals all the good stuff killing zombies will get you points but not as much as completing contracts, going to go to the buy station real quick here sell all of my things now one thing I am going to do is I'm going to spin the mystery box because as you can see the color on my weapon is gray as well as gray those mercenaries only have gray weapons.

But usually the mystery box will get you a higher rarity weapon, and we got a Lockwood that's green, which is awesome, and because I'm a gambler. I'm going to go again and see if we can't get a bullet weapon here, and there's a polute that's also green. Now if you don't want to roll the DI on the mystery box, there are definitely wall weapons here, and you can see this is also green for just 750.

mw3 zombies 3 plate armor

Points and the fun thing about the mystery box is that the later in the match it gets the rarer the guns become so towards the end of the match you can pull out legendary and epic weapons all the time yeah Lockwood without the slug attachment, not really impressed, that's why I got this it's going to be a lot more effective look at that and it's got a lot more rounds there too no die get out of here okay cool yep we're good there there's another death perception can that's really nice and also I should mention if you ever find these weapon lockers these actually have quite a good few weapons here too I'm going to take this hurricane out honestly I've heard good things about this and I might just do this lochman 762, it might just be well it might just be a little bit more mobile than that lmg was so if you're playing solo, the first contract that you complete will actually guarantee you a self-revive.

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