News - New Warzone 2 Zombies Map Revealed & All Season 2 Content

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So season 2 of Modern Warfare 3 is just around the corner, and we have now got the road map. We've got everything coming out, and we know exactly what we're going to be getting within the season update, and unfortunately for us zombie players, it's really not looking too great, so as you can see on screen right now is the entire season 2 road map for February 7th, when the update does drop, and as you can see, there's a whole bunch of War Zone content, a whole bunch of multiplayer content, new weapons, and new aftermarket parts.

New operators, new events, all of that sort of stuff, including a dune and The Walking Dead collab, and if we just switch our focus to that very top right-hand corner, as you can see, we have got Modern Warfare zombies. And you'll be able to see there's a new story mission coming; we've got a new dark ather Rift, new schematics, and a new warlord coming, and you might be thinking Harry, that actually sounds like a decent bit of content, which it does it looks quite exciting new schematics to go ahead and grind for a new dark AA Rift to actually go and explore as well as some new story missions to go and complete and a new warlord to try and take down actually sounds like a whole bunch of content however the eagle eyed viewers amongst you would have known noticed that it all says in season, none of it is dropping at the start of season 2 so when season 2 comes out,.

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War Zone's getting a bunch of content. Multiplayers are getting a bunch of content; there's new weapons; there's new aftermarket parts. With all that sort of stuff. Zombies isn't getting anything to start off with; it's all going to come in season, and when it says in season, it usually means the reloaded update, which is probably going to be two or three weeks from the season's date.

So I'm sort of expecting all this zombie content to actually end up dropping around the end of February and the start of March, which again just makes us zombie players feel left out. It is just not boosting the content. I made a article the other day making a class out for one of the guns, and we were talking about the new stuff that could be coming and whether zombies were actually going to be taking a bit of a back foot, and it looks like that's going to be the case.

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However, one thing I will say is that a lot of the content in season 2 is very zombie-related because of the Walking Dead collaboration. That's going on, and as you can see from a lot of the stuff, there's going to be a zombie. Target in the war zone; you're also going to be able to use Wonder Weapons and zombie power-ups in the war zone, all that sort of stuff.

There's going to be some extra game modes that are going to be zombie-related, and a whole bunch of the battle pass has also got some zombie-related skins, and apparently it's also going to have a bunch of zombie rewards that we can get. So you remember last season, when season 1 came out? When you went through the battle pass and completed stuff, you could get some ammo mods and some Pack-a-Punch crystals.

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You can get some Aether tools and stuff like that, so apparently we can expect a lot of that sort of stuff in the battle pass so we can get some good zombie rewards to help with the grinding zombies; however, the zombie content isn't coming out till midseason. However, with the new Walking Dead collaboration, we are expected to get a brand new map for zombies, so it's not just going to be on Ukan.

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So the new map that we are going to be getting is going to be Fortune's Keep. As you can see from the footage from the trailer in the background, we got a couple of images that clearly show Fortune's Keep. It does look like there's been a couple of changes to Fortune's Keep, but you can also see things like a certain teddy bear popping up, and it's very zombie themed, so we are actually going to be able to play Modern Warfare 3: Zombie on Fortune's Keep, which is super exciting.

So with the Walking Dead collaboration, they should be adding zombies to Fortune's Keep, which will be super exciting to see. It's not 100% confirmed that Fortune's Keep will have its own zombie game mode, but there will be zombies added to Fortune's Keep. I just really hope we can actually play zombies like normal zombies in Fortune.

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It's not just a certain collab game mode where it's like a mixture of war zone and zombies; I hope we get a war zone game mode. So I'm really hoping they take this approach with zombies, and we don't just get stuck with zakhan all year for zombies, so I'm not too sure how it's all going to work with the Walking Dead collaboration.

Like I said. I just hope they give us a zombies game mode for it, and I also assume that the new Axe and the new story missions are going to be tied in with The Walking Dead stuff which will be super exciting to see how ukan, changes with that collab, see how we're going to play Fortune's, keep with the collab as well so hopefully we get access to two zombies maps which going to have ö Stan like we already do and then hopefully we are going to be able to play Zombies on Fortune keeper as well that'll be super exciting to see if that does work out exactly like we're hoping it does like I said there's nothing fully confirmed on it but people are assuming that that's how it's going to be but then again like I said it could be a case of them mixing war zone and zombies, together so you can run around it's normal PVP.

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Like War Zone would be, but there's the addition of zombies in there as well. I'm hoping that's not the case. Hoping we do get a zombie game mode that is separate from the war zone game mode, but we'll just have to see how it does play out when the update does fully drop, not too sure how it will work in terms of where they'll put tier three tier 2 and tier one if it's going to work the same so the outside is all tier one then you've got tier two and tier three in the middle or if it's going to be a certain section is tier three and then building up to that is tier 2 and then the rest of it is all going to be tier one, not too sure how that is all going to work but we are expected to get a brand new map for Modern Warfare 3 zombies, but one thing of course we are going to be able to do in Modern Warfare 3 zombies IES even though it's not going to be a massive update at the start of the Season we are going to be getting new guns and new aftermarket.

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Parts and new operators will actually go and take part in Modern Warfare 3 zombies, which will be quite exciting. There's going to be a BP50, an assault rifle, and a Ram 9 added to the game as a subverter. And then, of course, the soul render, which is like a big samurai sword. I'm super excited to try that, and of course we can get some new aftermarket parts.

In this video we take a look at the new mw3 zombies map as well as the walking dead crossover in mw3 and all season 2 content for mw3 and zombies.
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