News - Should You Spend Time Grinding Tier 3 Warzone 2 Zombies

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Today we're going to be going over whether it's actually worth grinding it or not, if you're going to get good schematics, if you're going to get good rewards, or if it's really not worth grinding at all and it's only worth playing for fun. The reason I'm making this article is that a lot of people have recently been saying how good the Tier 3 rewards are.

However, every time I'm in a game, I'm completing contract after contract after contract in the Tier 3 zone, running around trying to get luk. People are saying you can get legendary AA tools, Tier 3 pack-a-punch crystals, and Tier 2 pack-a-punch crystals, and I'm going to just be going over whether it's actually worth grinding.

Quick, before we get into that, guys. Turn off any of the best Modern Warfare 3 zombie content. So with the recent update, as I just mentioned, they have apparently buffed the loot that you do get in Tier 3 for completing contracts and also just upgraded the loot that you can find by simply running around and looting and opening chests and things like that.

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Like I said, since the update, there's been a lot of times I'm in tier three and I'm just grinding through contracts, hoping for this good loot to come out. I'm completing bounties, Outlast deliver cargo contracts, anything that is appearing in Tier 3 that I'm trying to complete in a game to see if I can actually get good loot from it.

And if I'm totally honest, there are so many games that I run around, and I just get some perks that I've already equipped or perks that I've already got schematics for. I can get some ammo mods, maybe a medium back pack or, at best, a large backpack, and the loot just really isn't too crazy, like I'm running around completing all these contracts, and the majority of the time I'm getting very standard loot that just really isn't too crazy; it's going to make no difference to my game.

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I've already got all the perks equipped; I've got the best gear; you can get a durable gas mask, a large backpack, and a free plate chest; and I'm just not getting anything that's going to benefit me out of the majority of these rewards. And the reason I say the majority is because for every BBE 1 in seven, one in eight contracts I complete, a legendary a for might pop up in the reward rift, a tier 2 or a tier 3 Pack-a-Punch Crystal might pop up in the reward rift, so it does make it worth it in that sense because it does then mean okay.

I can now work with those, and then I've got them available for the next time I want to go into and make a article, whether I'm making a new class or I want to get to Tier 3 Pack-a-Punch. I can go in and I can make that article nice and easy, and it also just means I get a good start to the game whatever I'm doing, so yes, okay, in that aspect, that is great.

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I am actually getting legendary for tools tier three and tier two Pack-A-Punch Crystals. However, the time that it takes to get them, you'll be lucky to get one in one game; it might take you two or three games before you even see rewards of this sort of standard, which for me is still a bit of a problem.

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If I want to go in. I want to complete maybe two or three four-tier contracts at a time, knowing that if I complete at least four contracts. I'm almost guaranteed a legendary tier-three Pack-a-Punch Crystal or something that's going to really make it worth my time grinding these contracts. And if I'm totally honest, I keep finding a better loop by simply running around the Tier 3 Zone with all my perks equipped, and then you can actually see where all the crates are.

All the chests are within the buildings. I just ran in, went, and looted them. I'm finding more legendary tools in Tier 2 and Tier 3 Pack-a-Punch crystals from Simply Looting. Then I am completing contracts in the Tier 3 Zone, which is kind of strange, and I understand that with the Dark Ather and the Elder Dark Ather, that is where you're going to get those crazy rewards; that's where you're going to be getting basically guaranteed legendary tools and guaranteed Tier 3 crystals.

legendary aether tool schematic

But when I'm just chilling and grinding solo, trying to get a bit of loot together for my next article that I want to record, I don't want to have to go into those Z zones. I don't want to go and fight the harder boss and make it a real challenge. I just easily want to run around Tier 3 with some easy guns that I've got, like the Ledo 680, for example, which just makes the game ridiculously easy in Tier 3.

I just want to run around with a gun like that, grind out some contracts, get some decent rewards, and fill myself up for the next article that I'm trying to record. I'm sure you guys want to do the same, and even if I wanted to get into the dark ather and the Elder dark ather. I'm going to need that good loot anyway, so I should be able to run around Tier 3 and get the loot that I need to go into those harder zones so then I can actually easily grind those contracts out and easily get myself some legendary tools, some Tier 3 Pack-a-Punch crystals, and all of that good stuff.


So yes, okay, they have buffed the loot in Tier 3, but I think it may need a little more of a buff for completing contracts. It almost needs to be a situation where if you complete three or four contracts, you're guaranteed a good piece of loot because, like I said, there's been times where I've done two, three, maybe even four games of just grinding tier three contracts, and I still don't get anything that's worth grinding for, and then I might have two games in a row where I come out with legendary tools and tier 2 pack punch crystals in both of them, so it's very inconsistent.

Of what you're going to get, I think they need to make it more consistent or just slightly buff it so you're almost guaranteed it after one game. And I know people are going to say hurry, but that's not going to make the game too easy. But the thing is, unless you're doing the Tombstone glitch and you are glitching your stash, you can only store up to 10 items in the stash anyway, so it doesn't make it super overpowered.

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It's not going to give players all this loot that they can go and store and just keep putting into their stash unless they're doing the Tombstone glitch, but if they're doing the Tombstone glitch, they've got the best loot anyway, and they're just duplicating it, so it's going to make no difference.

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And if you're like me and you don't want to rely on the Tombstone glitch all the time, you just want to be able to get in and get some good loot. Pack-a-Punch your guns, an XFI with legendary A for tools, and some Tier 2 and Tier 3 Pack-a-Punch crystals. They need to buff the loot in the tier three zone so us players that are trying to do it legit can run in and get their loot to get into their next game and have all the gear that they want for that next game, whether they're going into the dark AER, the Elder Dark AER, or again just going back in to grind tier three.

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