News - How To Win More Games On Rebirth Island. Warzone 3 Tips & Tricks


But then since I'm out of ammo I go to put down an ammo box and then start to Plate up meanwhile the other enemy flares their third teammate who died on the hill and he lands in our window, due to me not having on any plates and not being ready for this he gets an instant knock on me which eventually leads to us losing the game in a 2v one, so the reason why I wanted to cover this example is that it's pretty incredible how the little things like me not managing my ammo properly, can snowball and lead to you losing a game and if I had used that ammo box I could have knocked the guy on the wall and would have been plating up instead of dropping the ammo box down so I probably don't die to the guy who flies into the window either all right so those are the three examples of mistakes that if you can avoid doing them can really help you to win more games and die a lot less now my last war zone article 93%.

Correct plays to make!

Correct plays to make!

I have free shots and I'm able to knock both of them which leads to us winning the game so what can we learn from this clip well there are a couple things, first my teammate got an excellent entry knock thanks to his position and as we talked about earlier in the article the main key here is that he had high ground in the lake game but also he played the gas with his mask and played his life long enough to give me time to rotate to a strong position, next since I knew that there were no teams where Zone was pulling to it's most advantageous to fight from that position, fighting from inside of Zone and from cover gives you the ability to play a bit safer since you don't have to worry about rotating or having the zone at your back doing damage to you but not only that where zone is pulling in this example.


Also, they will give me the option to play height if I get there first and need to. All right, let's move on to win number two. This clip is all set up by our decision to get to a high ground position. In a late-game circle, one of the most important things to do when you have height at the end of the game is to look for droppers.

The second that you see a flare go off, an enemy get resed, or notice that there are droppers above you, it's important to start shooting at them immediately. Since almost all the cover can be shot through, I throw smoke at the enemy instead of on top of us, which blocks their line of sight but not ours, and also instead of flying.

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Fourth, we live-pinged any players that we saw, which led to us getting free knocks through the walls of the tents. And finally, we clutched up the 1 V one at the end. All right, so let's move on to the last example of what to do right in order to win games. To set up this clip, we can see once again that we're dead center in zone with control of High Ground.


There are a lot of people left alive, but what I want to show is how this fight plays out, and since we're in the game-winning spot, what happens as it often does is that we get pushed by a team that wants to take our position. I get what is a less-than-perfect knock on one player on the enemy team, but watch what I do next.

I immediately start to move from where I was just shooting, not only because I'm weak but also because my teammates and I are stacked right on top of each other. One good nade wipes all three of us out. Now here we get another knock, but since my two teammates are right on top of each other, the last guy on the enemy team is able to knock them both.

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But since I'm not there anymore and I'm pushing from a different angle, I can get into range with my shotgun and give their final teammate the old two. This lets us reset. And then, what do I do? I immediately start to look for people who are rotating, and now we're the only full team left up, which eventually leads to us winning the game.

warzone 3

So in this clip, here are the important things: first, we're already in a good position going into the final circle with high ground and decent cover. Second, after getting a knock and getting cracked myself. I'm moving around and spreading out for my teammates to ensure that we all don't get wiped out by one Nate and third at the soonest opportunity.

We're looking to hold people out of Zone who are rotating, both for free kills and to make getting the win easier. All right, with that, let's quickly go over everything we learned from this article.



First, don't get knocked by people who have the ability to push you from height. Second, let your teammates burn themselves out, and you know for a fact that you can revive them safely. Third, don't smoke your own light unless you have to.

Fourth, always keep an eye on your ammo plates and utility. Little mistakes, like mismanaging your inventory, can lead to game-loss consequences. Fifth, always, without exception, have a plan for rotations in the end game and make sure that the whole team is on board and committed to those plans.

warzone 3 tips

Sixth in any moving End Zone if there are no enemy players where zone is going to be moving their first, before any other teams do is never a bad play; seventh, always try to set up on High Ground going into the late game; eighth, look for droppers and shoot at them even if they have spawn protection; most people don't realize that they're not going to take damage if they're up high enough and will probably start to dive out of the air anyway; ninth, make sure to offensively smoke your rotations to make them painless and also confuse your enemy 10th.

In this video, I do a step-by-step breakdown of some tragic mistakes and amazing game winning plays my teammates and I have made since Rebirth Island returned. By using the tips in this video, hopefully you all will be able to start making less mistakes and start winning more games.
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