News - Warzone 2 & Warzone 3 Audio Tips & Tricks "best"audio Settings ( Meta Audio) Of 2024


Inbound. Stairs, as you see. I heard this guy coming upstairs, and without this audio tune. I probably wouldn't have heard this guy using a redeploy to sneak attack me because it would have most likely ended in a last minute and me dying if I had regular. Tune, all right, so now I'm going to switch my audio to voice meter.

I got this audio tune and this whole setup from Arst War; he's on YouTube. Please check him out as all credit is due to him, and this is what we use for our regular audio and anything besides Call of Duty, so when I switch it, just notice the difference, and you can see how this regular audio to the art tune is completely broken, and you guys should definitely use it if you're on.

Tune in the benefit of this is being able to shoot, your gun not being super loud, and you being able to hear around you if someone's sneaking up or not. If you don't want to do all the audio tuning settings from Arst War but you still want good audio, I do recommend using a PC speaker if you're on a PC.


And if you're on console, I highly recommend using headphones—bass, I mean, I'm sorry, bass boost. And yeah, that's what I pretty much use when I'm on console, and when I always did, so you can get that ump on, footsteps and all. Now when it comes to your perks for your perk 4, you want to use Flex, as it reduces the noise, and this is like almost using Crack when it comes to just hairing because it just pushes that so loudly that it makes it even better, so if you're on Console I know you can't do this tune, but I still highly recommend using Flux because this perk is really good and a lot of people don't use it because they don't really see many people talking about it as far as audio, but it's definitely good for audio.

Now, here's another thing you can use if you don't have a PC: you can if you have a good headset. At least I know the Steel Series does this. I have the Arc 7 Steel Series. You can download your app and customize your audio, so when you plug it into your console, you have better EQs and whatnot.


Just look up some settings or a article on YouTube, and then it can definitely help you get better audio, but I don't think it'll be as good as this art tune from Arst War, so if you're on PC. I highly recommend checking it out. And this is the Arst Wars channel. Once again, please check it out, as I wouldn't even have this article if it wasn't for him, and this audio is great.

This is why a lot of streamers aren't telling you who they're getting their audio from, and they just keep it a secret, so all credit is due to this guy. Please check him out, tell him I sent it to you, and if you're still not convinced on why you should use the Arst Wars tune, we're going to close out on a clip where I got seven kills in a little over a minute.

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