News - How To Solo The Red Worm 3 Minutes Warzone 2 Zombies Season 3 Reloaded

Whatever gun you do have, because shooting him inside the mouth, you know, pause, but that will hurt him a lot once he spits you out. Be sure to spam that parachute button. I can't tell you how many times he has just straight up shot me out of his mouth and I slam the ground, and I'm just instantly dead.


That's not fun. Also, be sure to bring in decoys. If you want to be throwing those just to be distracting, there are a lot of these zombies, and that's really about it; the rest is just really up in your confidence. You got the weapons, the tools, the perks, and everything else to make it happen.

It's just getting there and making it happen. Look, I know that there's going to be plenty of people out there who are going to be saying, Look, that's just way too hard. I'm not ready to do that yet. Look, if you guys don't try it, then you'll never get there. I swear, if you guys just try it once or twice, you'll eventually get to that point where you're confident enough that you'll go all right this time.


I got it. I'm going to beat him this time, and you most likely will. Hell, you never know; you may end up surprising. The hell out of yourself, and you may beat him the very first time that you triy, guys. I grew up playing stuff like Super Nintendo. PlayStation n64 you know that kind of stuff and back in those days whenever we had a game at the house and we were playing it when we were kids most of the time there wasn't no internet, you know what I mean and there wasn't nothing that we could go look to for guides and stuff like that if a game was like ridiculously, hard or even if you didn't really like it because of certain reasons or if something was hard to get past like you were usually stuck with that game probably either until like the next birthday or the next time that you went shopping and your parents would you know maybe buy you a new game where options were usually really limited, and whenever we would come across something like this where we would get absolutely stuck or something was way too hard I remember us usually sitting there either all night attempting to try and beat something, or if it was on a level that was actually that hard, sometimes it would take us days or weeks, but when we finally accomplished and beat whatever boss that we were trying to beat, got into that next level, or actually beaten whatever game that we were stuck on, that feeling of accomplishment was just insane.


Guys, just confidence and practice, and I know you guys got this coming up right here. This is going to be our final shot with the VR11. Bloating this guy into a million pieces and making it rain blood God, I wish they would have put Slayer in right here; that would have been so cool. Whoever did the animation work on this red worm, especially when it explodes, did absolutely incredible work, and this guy ended up dropping us two Wonder Weapons.

We ended up getting a Wonder W case, and then we ended up getting a scorcher case, so I will definitely take those. Then we're going to make our way over to the rift over here, and we ended up getting that Flawless, Crystal schematic. If you guys are still needing either that legendary ether tool schematic, the scorcher case schematic, or that flawless crystal, you can get it by doing it this way.


Now it's time to make my way over to the new Elder Dark Eternity, and that is actually where we're going to end up starting the next article, so if you guys want to see how that Elder Run turned out, be sure to watch that next article, and plus. I just greatly appreciate it. This run was, honestly, absolutely crazy.

Not only were we able to defeat the warm red solo, but we also did the storm caller, and then we went into the Elder Dark Eternity. I really do hope we were able to help somebody out today. Maybe somebody's been struggling to do this, and maybe we've been able to give them the confidence to be able to get this redworm.

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Done hell, even if I just managed to entertain you for a little bit, hey, mission accomplished. Be sure to drop it a like if you enjoyed it or if you found it all informative. I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day, and I will catch you in the next one.

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