News - Easiest Ways To Get The Best Schematics Warzone 2 Zombies Rare Loot


So I've seen quite a few comments from some people who are still struggling to get those really rare schematics from the red worm. I'm talking about the Flawless Crystal schematic, the legendary ether tool schematic, and the scorcher case. Well, this article is going to be for you guys because today we're going to be going over the easiest ways for you guys to be farming the red worm, especially for the solo players out there.

I appreciate everybody stopping by the article today. I really appreciate it. So initially, when I started this match, I was actually going to end up doing a article on the Damon pistols. And I noticed somebody in chat say that they needed help with the red worm, which actually kind of brings me to my first tip: always be watching the chat and don't be afraid to use it in a lot of my matches here in Modern Warfare Zombies.

I see people typing in there all the time that they're either going to do the red worm or asking if there's somebody in the match that's going to be doing the red worm, like right after in this match when this guy asked for help with the red worm, we had another guy ask if we had all of the USBs, which this guy responded that he did.


Situations. Like this, it doesn't really require any setup for you. Besides being ready for the fight, I would advise you guys to bring in two durable gas masks with you, as you're going to be spending the entire fight inside of the gas. Now you can refill your gas mask at the ammo caches that are going to be here at the boss fight.

It's nice just to have that spare one in your back pocket, just in case. Also, I would buy and store as many sentries and guns as you absolutely need. Can those definitely help you out with this worm fight? And if you're running solo, be sure to bring in at least a couple self-revivals, because this worm has a lot of chances to knock you down, and you never know if the people around you will react to you.

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But like I've said before, you don't actually need to join up with the team that is setting up the worm fight or starting it in order to take part in the fight and get those rewards. As long as you get in a good few shots and you're actually causing damage to them, you're going to end up getting those rewards.


Once he dies, the worm's health does scale to the size of the squad that starts it, so you never know. I've had these fights last for up to 5 minutes, and I've also had these. Fights last for under 5 seconds; I'm not even sure. Joking also besides watching the chat another thing you guys can do is pull up your tacm, and look where The Ether storm is right along the outside of it you should notice two ammo caches spawn somewhere right next to each other and that's going to be where the boss fight is so if you notice a bunch of people hanging out around there especially, towards the end of the match you know that they're most likely getting ready to do that fight and you can just hop over there and join along in with them now next I know this isn't going to happen every single match you're not always going to get lucky enough to have a bunch of other people set this thing up for you but it's actually really easy for you to do yourself now I'm sure if you guys have set up this thing before or if you've attempted to you probably know that you have to go to one of these two locations, and find out where the four USBS are going to be spawning well I'm going to put up this map on the screen right here that's going to show you where those starting locations.


And it's also going to show you where all of the USB locations are, so you guys can just go straight to those things if you'd like, especially if you have a scorcher case. This is really easy to do, but once you've gathered up all four of the USBs, just go ahead and open up the chat and ask the lobby if there's anybody you'd like to join you for the red worm fight, and I can guarantee you that nine times out of 10, you'll have a bunch of people that will join the Modern Warfare Zombies Community.


It has honestly been one of the most helpful and nicest gaming communities. I've ever been a part of this, and you guys are, honestly, absolutely. Amazing with the way things really are right now you could honestly just ask in the chat if there's anybody that wants to drop you any essence or anything like that or just go to the one of the many known drop locations, like over at the dark ether Rift and usually you'll have somebody there that's willing to hook you up with a bunch of essence and stuff so you can completely set yourself up for this thing also once you're done defeating the red worm and if you get a schematic, that you already own be sure to drop it on the ground for somebody else that's around you cuz there's probably somebody else that's been grinding this thing just like you and this it's maybe missing a schematic or two and you know people really appreciate that kind of thing so that is going to be about it It's honestly very simple to set up this thing or to even just join in and get these rewards from it.

Once you guys repeat this process three or four times, you should have all three of the schematics that this thing has to offer, especially if these things have been a struggle for you guys to get. Never be afraid to accept the help from others in the game, and don't be afraid to use that game chat.


If you usually do, put forth just a little bit of effort to run around and gather up all of the USBs. There's usually a bunch of people that are going to be willing to help you and make this thing really easy, so I'm going to wrap it up there. I hope the article ends up helping some of you. If anybody is new, have a wonderful rest of your day, and I will catch you guys in the next.

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