News - How To Play Call Of Duty Warzone Mobile On The Odin 2


I'm going to click cancel on that because I don't want to add a home screen icon, and now we have a new application called Fancy Pants, and we can just go right back into Magic Magis. Well, it's called Fancy Pants now, and now this is hidden from applications like Fortnite. Call of Duty: any applications that are looking for Magis because it's changed the actual package name.

If you don't know what a package name is or what a package is, then Google it. I'm not going to let you know all that kind of stuff right now. As an Android developer, I know this kind of stuff, but anyway,. Now that we've done all that, we're going to click reboot again and wait for it to reboot.

I know there's a lot of rebooting, but this is the process of what I did. All right now that we're rebooted, we're going to go to settings, scroll down to apps, and search for our application in the Google Play Store and Google Play Services, so click on the three dots. Go to Show System and click Search.

Click play or type in play and go search. And we're going to clear all the data from Google Play services, Go to storage and cache, manage space, clear all data, click delete, and now we're going to go back, go back again, and go to search. Go to play again or type in play. Click Search, Play Store, Storage, and Cash.

Click Clear Storage, then click delete. Click back keep going keep going now we're going to long press on COD War Zone if you already have it installed like I do; if you don't, then just install it. Go to storage and cash. clear storage and cash, so just clear cash. Don't clear storage because you're going to get rid of all that user data, so click Clear Cash.

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C back Go back, go back. Now we're going to install an application from the Google Play Store called Yasnac, so type in Yasnac just like so. So this is just a safety net checker, and this is going to check if our device is actually certified or not. If it's not certified, we're going to do another set-up, which is going to be really quick, but let's go run the safety net check, and there we go.

We have two passes, which is great. Now that we have this information, we can clear all this out. To clear all this out, we can double check our Fancy Pants application by going to settings. And we can go to our deny list and make sure that everything's denied, including the Google Play Store, Cod War Zone, and our Google Play services, Will be denied as well.

Now we should be able to go into Cod War Zone and start playing our game, and you should be able to actually search out games like Teraria, for example. And it doesn't look like our device is actually certified, so let's go to settings, go to about, and it is certified, so give us a second, let's go back out again, and let's search it again, so let's close this out and try one more time.

And if that doesn't work, then we're going to long press on the application, go to storage and cash, go Clear Cash again, and clear storage, then delete, And we will go back to the Play Store. Now we're going to search, and there we go, so there it is right there, so it was just a bug that I wasn't actually grabbing properly, so Terraria is loading up and you will be able to play some games like Mario Kart.

I think you need to actually use the deny list as well on that, so I'm going to double check on that one, but when I played it last night, it kept on crashing on me, and I think it's just because I didn't put it in my deny list, so what that does is basically kind of hide it. Being on our certification list sort of thing, I'm not going to go into the depths of that, but you can Google that as well.

I'm just trying to get you to actually be able to play this as quickly as possible, so now we're going to go into Cod War Zone, and we'll see if we can load right into our first game, and there we go. We're loading and checking for updates again. This has already been installed on my device. I already downloaded all the 5 GB of data that is like this app or game actually let me download all the data and stuff and then it would not let me get to this screen and that's the screen that you want to see obviously, so we can start playing and we're going to jump into a match, and there we go, so this is just the actual waiting for Lobby to fill, so this is just messing around for now, but I will let you see the actual game play again.

I did a showcase of this last night or the other night on the channel, where I shared article gameplay of me playing on this device with my other one. As you can see in the top left-hand corner, that's my blue model, and that's the one that I was playing on, so enjoy. I hope this helped you. I hope you enjoy gaming on your $500 device because we should have this certified by Ayn by default and have all these options to be able to play this game without having to jump through hoops, but I'm not seeing this happen anytime soon.

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Who knows i'm not part of Ayn. If they want to sponsor me, contact me with the email that is listed on my about page. Have a nice day, guys.

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