News - Ultimate Warzone 2 Movement Guide

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Guide, so this has been highly requested since my last three Wars articles, in which I've shown y'all some movement that I've been doing, and yes. I'm finally going to be showing y'all how to do all the movement that I'll be doing in my articles, so the first thing we're going to start off with is the settings.

So the settings are obviously a very big part of movement, so for my button layout, I play bumper jumper tactical; for your butt layout, you need to find something that suits you. I play Pokemon tactical. I'm a non-claw player, so bumper-jumper tactical just works really well for me. And then you also need to find a level of sensitivity that suits you as well.

I play 1515 right now; I've been changing my sense a lot lately just trying to find the right sense, and 1515 has felt the best so far, but yeah, so just make sure to find the sensitivity that suits you, something you can use, and yeah. And then also, when we come down here, you're going to have your automatic sprint on automatic tactical sprint; this is going to make it so you run at the fastest pace possible.

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And then also, on your interactions, that's reload. Behavior: Put that on tap to interact. For some reason, it's not defaulted on "tap to interact," so make sure that's on so that you can move more fluidly around the map and pick up stuff quicker. So that's pretty much it for the settings. Now the first thing I'm going to show you for movement is the tactical sprint, because this is like the most crucial thing you need to do for movement.

So technically, a sprint is when you're running at the fastest pace possible, like this, and when your gun's up in the air, like this, your tactical sprint ends, and you run like this. So, to reset your tactical sprint, you can melee like that and then see it reset, or you can do what I do, which is crouch twice, aim in the air, and then go like that.

best settings

So I crouch, say "amen," and that's how I reset my tactical sprint. I reset it like that so that I can keep a fluid movement and I don't have to stop and just melee like that, and then, you know, you could get yourself killed while meleeing; you could just get started getting shot at and you can't do anything about it, so I do it the other way so I can keep a fluid movement and just keep running at all times, and the next day I'm going to go over jump shooting.

Jump shooting is huge in this game, especially with no bunny hopping and no slide canceling, so jump shooting is huge in this game. So when you're jump shooting, you can jump shoot at little corners like. Let's say we peek out here right, you can jump shoot and make sure when you're jumping shoot you're aiming in mid-air, so when you're in mid-air you need to aim in because when you're jumping your gun AIMS in slower, so if you're about to peek, aim in mid-air, and then right before you peek, make sure you're all the way aimed in so that you can start shooting at someone.

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And jump shot is just really crucial in this game, and then you can do a little bit of a bunny hop, kind of like this, but it's not really useful but you can do it sometimes if you want to throw off your enemy, but yeah, so bunny hopping is not that good in this game but you can definitely do a little bunny hop if you want to, and the next thing we'll go over is drop shotting.

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So drop shotting is really easy; it's just that when you're shooting, you drop all the way to the ground, like prone all the way down, so you just drop all the way to the ground. and then you drop all the way to the ground, like prone, so you just drop all the way to the ground, so when you're shooting, so when you drop all the way to the ground, so when you're prone, so when you drop all the way to the ground, so when you're pretty much with dolphin diving, you can use this movement technique to like get out of fights.

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So let's say you're shooting at someone and you're about to get killed or your plates get cracked. You could like dolphin dive behind something and then like peek back out, but you can really just use dolphin diving for like defensive tactics and to like just get away from fights to dive away from enemies, so like if you just start getting shot, you could just dolphin dive away like that, and it's like an easier way to throw off your enemy so that they can't track you through the air, and it's just a way to like get out of fights, so that's how you can use dolphin diving in fights and Warzone.

And, now what I was talking about was the d-hop, so a d-hop is another like, d-hop, but this is more offensively, so a d-hop pretty much is when you're on something and then you have to like, bunny hop pretty much, it's like a bunny hop, but like dolphin diving, so you dolphin dive on something right when you land, you jump, and then it's like flat, like like.

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You can learn it; it's harder to do, but once you get it down, you'll be really good at it, and you'll get that little bunny hopping animation. There are spots like on Warzone where you can do it where it like literally bounces you super far and you'll really like cameraing your opponent, and yeah, the Japanese is a really good way to offensively win fights, and I really recommend getting that technique down and you'll really win a lot more fights and get really nice kills.

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Now the next time I'll go over what sneaking is. So snaking is really huge in this game, especially with like the no movement, so sneaking is pretty much when you're behind something and you're pruning down to the ground and then you go back up like really fast. Pretty much like this, so you're prone all the way down, go all the way back up prone all the way down, and you'll like see that you can peek your head a little bit and get little peak shots like this.

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And you can just like get shots off at any time as possible, and like you can see, you literally only peek your head, so it's going to be really hard for your enemy to shoot you, and this is just a really good technique to win fights. Now, the next thing I'll go over is shouldering. So shouldering is also huge in this game because you want to get info, and especially with the really low ttk, you'd be dying like super fast, so if you get info on people, you can definitely, instead of just running out, don't get shot, just shoulder like this, and you get like a little bit, kind of like this, a jiggle peak shot, and you'll get info on that, and then you don't have to run all the way out to get info, because if you get shot, you're literally dead in like three bullets because of the ttk in this game.

So, pretty much, the Super Glide is when you get on a ledge and then you fly without pulling out your glider, so, pretty much like this. I hope you all enjoyed it. I got you all. I'm starting to enjoy the game a little bit more. It's just a little bit iffy right now, but if they make a couple changes, it'll be a great game, and I think it could be really enjoyable.

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The Movement King's Ultimate Warzone 2 Movement Guide! This video will show you everything you need to know about Warzone 2 Movement.
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