News - How To Have Fun Call Of Duty Warzone 2/ Let's Get Kicked For Inactivity

Here's the thing for all those people that come into the comments and say, Hey, you're crying about a article game, and you're a grown adult. Grow up you're not wrong. I am a grown adult, and yes, I am crying about a article game because I love the article game. I remember Call of Duty when it was at its highest form, and I'm not even referencing Modern Warfare 2; I'm thinking that Black Ops 3 was fun.

I actually didn't mind Advanced Warfare once you got Mo used to the movement mechanics inside of it; it wasn't my cup of tea. Vanguard wasn't that bad; it was really, really bad at the beginning, but I went back later on and it was fine. The Cold War was another one that I think got severely underrated.

ground war

Midway through its life cycle, but nonetheless, no matter what I say on this channel, it is coming from a place of love and nostalgia. I know what gaming used to be, and I'm seeing my kids go through a totally different gaming experience than I would ever want them to. Their favorite game is Fortnite, a game that sells them skins from other shows—a game that has basically all the entirety of Roblox inside of it now and is releasing other games just in a lesser form.

Is it bad? No, but it's just that's their version of gaming. They can't come over to games like Call of Duty or Halo anymore because of the skill-based matchmaking. I see them play and they do good, and then they get punished for games after that, and I mean good relatively for a 10-year-old to a 14-year-old.


To be doing, they're not stomping on the lobbies but the spmm, so strict that even if you do a slightly positive KD, it absolutely hammers you into Oblivion. It's just the way it is, so we're about to start the actual experiment inside the game. We're going to head up to the plane, we're going to go up the wing, and we're going to jump on the little ledge that's above the cave entrance.

And then we're not going to move; we're going to see what happens if we do not move here. I've already camped here in another article called The Most Relaxing Game of Cod Ever. But we didn't get kicked out for an activity, so I wanted to test it out again. You guys said that you guys keep getting kicked out for activities even when you guys are sitting in a corner, so let's see how long it actually takes to do so we can kill people.

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We can look around, but we can't move. This is the only thing that we're going for here. Don't expect flawless gameplay here. Like I said, it's just an experiment. You guys said you were getting kicked. I'm going to see if it's true or not, and we're going to see how it is because I have to go at it from my own experience.

kicked for inactivity

So I'm going to have to test what you guys say at the end of the day. Well, we wait to get kicked for inactivity. Let's continue to talk when we come at this from a rage standpoint or we get mad about mechanics within Call of Duty. It's not because we hate the game; it's the exact opposite. It is because we want the game to be better; we want everybody to experience what Call of Duty used to be.

For us, it's not as simple as a new Call of Duty every year; for us, it's a franchise that we've been watching a franchise that we love slowly. Die, it's like Call of Duty had cancer, and we're watching it wither away in front of our eyes, with no help from anybody else, not from the doctors, not from anybody; everybody's just watching Call of Duty die, and the only people standing up for it are a very few handful of YouTubers.

modern warfare

You have the YouTubers out there that are constantly being like at the tee of Activision and trying to get the free Cod points and the Early Access and all that stuff, and they say they're not being paid by Activision, but if you get flown out to go see Call of Duty before it comes out, then you're being paid by Activision, especially when you don't give an honest review at the end of the day.

If you're getting given Cod points to buy merchandise in the store to showcase it, that's getting paid by Activision. If you're sitting there and you're getting any sort of reward that the general public and the general player base does not get and is from Activision, you are being paid by Activision, so there's a very small handful of YouTubers out there that don't do that, a very small aspect of YouTubers that are willing to say.

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Hey, no, we don't like this. I'm part of that general player base that doesn't like this. What makes it even more impactful is that some of us aren't even YouTubers or like big ones or even streamers, and a lot of people love to cry that the only people that hate Asbm are streamers. I don't stream; I hate SPMM.

modern warfare 3

I hate it. It's just people who play Call of Duty all day who hate it. I don't play Call of Duty all day. I go, and I deal with my kids. I take them to school. I do my job. I came home. I feed my kids dinner. I play after work. I'm an average person, and I don't like the mechanics that are in this game.

Some of these arguments I get are like that you have to be the perfect age; you have to be like 15 or something in order to play Call of Duty, enjoy it, and have fun. That's stupid we, the community, can see that there's something not right here. You can feel the games are rigged, you can feel things aren't moving the right way, and you can feel when your bullets aren't working the proper way.

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Ping is king, they say, until you're doing really well because your Ping's good, and all of a sudden you get a latency packet burst and you get frozen in the middle of the map. You don't believe me. Go check out the favella gameplay from earlier or my packet burst gameplay. I don't say the angry things that I say because I hate the game; it's the exact opposite.

modern warfare 3 2023

I want the game to be good for everybody. I'm not saying it because I want it to be good so I can make content and have fun. I'm saying it because I play with my wife, my kids, and my buddies, and my buddies and they all have the same experiences; they all hate the game for the same reasons. The player base isn't that small that everybody came to the same conclusion on their own; it's that small because of the implementation.

That Call of Duty has put into the game to make the player base leave to make the player base smaller to make the player base hate the mechanics that are in the game. It's not our fault; it's the developers fault, and YouTubers like me call out the developers even though they don't listen, but at least somebody feels like their voice is being heard.

modern warfare 3 slow gameplay

Someone can come to my channel and say, Yeah, that guy is saying what I agree with, and I feel heard. I am now validated. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, I just wanted to get off my chest. If you want to have fun, go to Ground War. If you want to see somebody get kicked for inactivity, watch the rest of this, because then you guys are right, you guys do get kicked for inactivity.

I will admit I'm not really moving, but I wasn't also not moving, but hey, anything that gets rid of a camper is okay in my books. And as always, I hope you have an amazing day, and I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Have a good one, guys, and happy holidays!

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This IS A Two Topic Video! Topic 1. You Want To Have Fun In Call Of Duty Then Lets Play Ground War! Ground War Seems Have Way Less SBMM And Waaay Less EOMM Its Just Plain And Simple Fun.
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