News - How To Get Easy Bullet Penetration Kills Warzone 2. Wall Bang Tips

And the reason behind this is that in a scrapyard, you have this chain link fence here, and shooting through this fence will yield wall bang kills. The best part about this is that you lose very little damage shooting through it, especially with an LMG, using one of the ammo types that improves bullet penetration.

It's often still going to take you the same number of shots to kill through this chain link as it would if you weren't shooting through anything, so that's excellent. Additionally, you can obviously see your target the entire time, so you're not playing a guessing game and trying to track hit markers through a solid surface.


You can see your target the entire time there, so basically, just post up on this chain link; it doesn't matter which side you're on, so that's great. The enemy team can be spawning on either side of the map, and you should be able to get tons and tons of wallbang kills through that chain link fence, so that one's super straightforward.

However, there's also highrise, and the best part about highrise is that, at least at the time of me recording this article, we currently have the Hangover 247 playlist, which is a variant of highrise, and all these wall bang spots work on this, so if this is a challenge you really want to get done. I'd recommend doing it right now before we lose this playlist.


But the big thing about highrises is that we have chain link fences basically everywhere, and all of them have the potential to work for wallbang kills, so I'm just showing off a few of the different angles that I like using and keeping an eye out for depending on the situation. Obviously, you will have to sort of maneuver yourself around and position yourself well so that you can line up your enemies in those wallbang spots, but these chain link fences are just incredible for getting wallbang kills on high-rises.

On top of that, I just wanted to show a couple of alternatives here; these ones admittedly are a little bit less consistent at getting wall bang kills compared to the chain link fences. Especially in core game modes, you do lose a little bit more bullet damage through here, and then also. I do find it's a bit of a coin flip as to whether or not the kill will register as a wallbang kill from here, but I did want to show these off anyway just to provide you guys with a little bit of an alternative here. Now, of course, these aren't the only maps where you can efficiently get wallbangs; I just consider them to be by far the best maps to get wallbangs.

Wrap up

Wrap up

And as we wrap up this article, I just wanted to share a bunch of random spots that I found on other maps in the game that can also be great for bullet penetration.

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If you want to do this a little bit more organically and you just want to play the game normally on any map in the game and still work on these camos, obviously, it's not going to be nearly as efficient, but they're still great spots, and with that, that's pretty much it. If you haven't already, I'll talk to you guys

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Bullet Penetration Wall Bang kills are required to unlock Camos for all of the LMGs and the KATT AMR Sniper Rifle in Modern Warfare III and I get asked for tips with this challenge a lot so today, I wanted to share my best wallbang tips and spots to help you complete these challenges fast and easy.
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