News - How To Easily Grind Tier 3 Solo Warzone 2 Zombies

So the main benefits of really grinding Tier 3 are, of course, as I just mentioned, getting those schematics that you might not already have. You've got a whole bunch of schematics that you're going to be able to get and be able to see on screen right now. What schematics there are that you can get for completing the Tier 3 contracts, so youve got a whole bunch of different ones you can actually go ahead and unlock and just get from doing the contracts you're going to get them out of the reward Rifts for completing contracts—none of these are guaranteed to be gotten out of any sort of contract; it's just completely random and an RNG on when they're going to drop, so there's no specific way of getting those schematics; they are just going to spawn at random times when you complete different contracts.

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So this is great for obviously getting ready for the end game; it's also going to get you set up if you're trying to complete all your acts up to act four when you've got to go and kill the red worm. It's going to get you set up nicely for that sort of stuff, and then the other great reason to grind tier three, like I said, is that you can run around, you can loot, you can get a whole bunch of different loot, and you're going to find some perks.

If you've not already bought them all, you're going to find a bunch of items that are worth something in cash that you can then go ahead and buy perks for. Pack-a-Punch, your gun up more if you've not already got up to a higher tier, so you can get lucky, run around, and find legendary AA tools, rare AA tools, all of that sort of stuff, so you can find all of that, and then you can obviously stall it, and then you can go into your next game with that already equipped, ready to go if you've not already got the schematics for it.

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But that's what's good about grinding tier three; it's just going to get you set up for different parts of the game, so let's say, for example, your main goal: you've got a squad of three and you haven't yet taken down the red worm. Your goal, then, might be okay; that's what we're going to do. We're going to get set up, and we're going to go ahead and do the red worm at some point.

What you want to do is apply what I'm telling you right now in the Tier 3 Zone because, like I said, you can get all your schematics ready, meaning you're going to be totally geared out ready for that red worm, but you're also going to be able to go ahead and find a bunch of valuable loot as well that's going to get you set up for the red worm; it's going to find all the signs and stuff like that as well, which is going to obviously allow you to get into the red one zone, but then of course all you want to do is just run around complete contracts.

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Take down Mega Abominations and all that sort of stuff, like I said, if you've got that shotgun class that I recommended. You've got it up on a legendary AA tool or maybe an epic AA tool, and you've got it. Tier 2 or Tier 3 Pack-a-Punch, this gun is going to absolutely fry. It's going to take down some of the zombies so quickly, and again, you can complete the bounty contracts.

You can take down Mega Abominations and all that sort of good stuff as well, but of course, just because you're in the Tier 3 Zone, you're completing contracts, and you're running around looting doesn't mean you're guaranteed anything. I think there have been plenty of times I've been in the Tier 3 Zone.

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I've been doing some of these runs to try and loot up and get myself prepared, whether I'm trying to find a for tools be to record a article for the different guns or trying to find some ethereum or crystals. I can do two or three runs in a row, and I just don't get anything for it other than some schematics that I've already got, but again, if you guys haven't got all the schematics, it's a great way to go ahead and get them all because, like I said, when I do have the schematics, there's a lot of times I use them, but of course there's a cold down time on it, so if I'm trying to record two articles in one day.

I then have to go into the Tier 3 Zone and try and find the different bits that I need so that I can play with them and use them in the next game later on so I can actually make the article that I'm trying to make. But yeah, like I said, that's really the only reason you want to be grinding Tier 3. That's simply because you can get the schematic; if you've not already got them, you can get a bunch of loot and set yourself up for the next game if you're trying to get into the next game, or even if you just want to go ahead and do the red worm.

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If you go and jump in Tier 3 right away, loot up. You're going to get all the stuff needed to be able to do the red worm in that game as well, so that's really the only reason to grind tier three. There aren't too many crazy rewards for grinding it; of course, you've got the joy of taking down Mega Abominations, doing some of the bounces that are a bit harder, and stuff like that, but there's no super big reward for actually grinding Tier 3, like I said, so you're going to get yourself set up nicely.

You can find those AA tools. You can find those ethereums, crystals, and stuff like that. Get yourself ready for those next games that you do want to get into, whether you want to try out some different guns or not. Do some camo grinding; go ahead and fight the red worm, whatever it might be. That's why you want to grind Tier 3, and honestly, that's the easiest way to do it, guys, and you can easily do this solo.

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The number of times I go in, I make sure I've got those three perks. I've got a gun that I'm confident with, like the shotgun, the tyr, snake shots, or something like that. I have a gun like that. I'm confident because I've got my perks. I can see where all the crates are that I'm trying to loot.


I've got my decoys, so if I'm in a building, and there's a lot of zombies around while I'm trying to loot up I can just simply throw the decoy it's going to give me a nice way out of the building, just when you're doing this make sure you're not getting cornered in buildings you want to make sure you actually going to know where you're going in the map and that's one thing that's really going to help is map knowledge and the more you do this obviously the more you're going to start, understanding the map you're going to know what buildings have got one way in and one way out all buildings that have got a couple of Windows and a couple of doors that are going to be the best ones to loot because then of course you can go one door if zombies follow you in you can jump out a window on the second floor and then you're free from those zombies.

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And you're not getting caught in a building where you're going to go through a door; the zombies are going to come in, and you've then got no way out. You've run out of ammo, and there's no possible way for you to get out, so the more you do it, the more you're going to get better map knowledge, you're going to understand the game a lot better, and you're going to be able to loot up much faster, but like I said, you can quite easily jump straight into that tier three zone, especially if you've got some AA tools and ethereum crystals to load in with.

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