News - New Tombstone Duplication Glitch Warzone 2 Zombies. After Patch" Season 2 Mwz


Today we're back for another Modern Warfare 3 zombies article for you guys, and in today's article. I'm going to be showing you guys the updated Tombstone duplication glitch that you guys can do within Modern Warfare 3 zombies. It's really simple to do, but, as I said, the requirements have changed slightly so the requirements.

In order to do this have also change slightly so the first major change with this glitch is that you guys are no longer going to be able to do this absolutely solo, you can do it solo but you're going to need someone to revive you so whether or not that means that you were in a team and then you left your squad and got your friend to revive you or you just ask someone in the chat to go ahead and revive you either one as long as someone revives you you're going to be able to do this so all you guys want to do is simply come in game with all of the stuff that you want to duplicate, or all of the stuff that you're going to want to use on a game by game basis, because the way that this new duplication glitch is going to work is it's not necessarily.


You are going to be duplicating items to take out of the game and put in your stash. You're going to be duplicating items to use in that game and that game alone, so I would highly suggest that you guys come in with a whole bunch of stuff that you guys can use in every single game. If you guys look at my Tombstone.

I pretty much have everything that you guys will need on a game-by-game basis, so every game that I come in. I can come straight to this Tombstone, and I'm pretty much set. I have a golden armor plate, I have a dog, I have a legendary tool, a triple pack-a-punch crystal, an AA blade, and a scorcher to get around the map.

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I also have a tombstone park in here so that I can keep on setting my tombstone every single game, and I also have a large backpack. You're looking to unlock the new mod Warfare 3 camo, such as Interstellar or Borealis, hard-locked, or play in bot lobbies where you guys can level up your guns and unlock camo rapidly, get all the best schematics, or even instant delivery of pre-made accounts.


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Be sure to use the code first for 5% off once you're satisfied with everything that's in your backpack. All you guys need to go ahead and do right now is go down. You guys can go down with a zombie. You guys can go down by full damage, however it is, but just make sure that you guys have the tombstone perk active, so make sure that you guys have drunk the perk, and also make sure you guys don't have a self-revive.

mw3 zombies

Now, once you guys go down, you just want to die out completely; you don't need to plead for help or anything like that; you just want to die out completely, and then once you guys have died out completely, your teammate or whoever it is that's going to revive you is going to go ahead and revive you now once you get up your Tombstone, is now set so you guys can go ahead open up your backpack and everything that's in your backpack you guys can go ahead and use, and the next game is still going to be there because you just set your Tombstone.

So that's pretty much the first step in order to do this now. The second step is obviously to go ahead and play that game now when you are satisfied, and you do want to leave that game. You can't just xfill as normal, and you can't use any Mission X fills to keep your Tombstone anymore. What you guys have to do is go ahead and actually die.

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As you guys can see. I just killed myself for the purpose of the article, but essentially, you guys would have played the whole game, and then all you guys would go ahead and do at the end of the game when you're satisfied. Just die as I said, you can die by a zombie, or you guys can go ahead and die by full damage, and this time around, it's pretty much the same thing; all you guys want to do is bleed out completely.

mw3 zombies glitches after patch

Do not plead for help, because if you plead for help, it's not going to work. Just let the play timer go all the way down, and then you guys will see the eliminated screen, and then you guys will see the screen that you guys are seeing on screen right now, which is pretty much the summary of the game, and then it will let you guys leave the game, so from here you guys can leave the game, and now, as I said, your Tombstone is pretty much set, so all you guys need to do now is pretty much go ahead into another game, and then from there, as you guys can see your Tombstone, will be in the game, so go ahead, go to your Tombstone, and it's going to have all of the same items that you guys set the last game.

So, as I said, just make sure you guys don't use anything from your backpack until you go ahead and die again with a new tombstone, and then actually set that tombstone. Again, pretty much from here, the first thing that you're going to want to do is, if you don't have a large backpack, obviously go and get a large backpack.

mw3 zombies season 2 tombstone glitch

If you don't have a tombstone perk, go and get one, and then I would say go and set the tombstone right away. That's the first thing you're going to want to do in every single game, because once you guys have set your tombstone, as I said, you can then go ahead and use everything in your backpack, but if you just go to your tombstone and start using stuff, it's not going to be duplicating items because it's not going to be there the next game, so the first thing you want to do is go ahead and set the tombstone.

And then you can play it; that's all I can stress to you guys. Obviously, you will be doing this with someone. If you guys don't have someone to do this with, join my Discord. There's going to be a whole bunch of people trying to do this, and as I said, everyone is going to need someone. So you will find someone to help you with this.


I can guarantee it. People will probably be helping you. It's the start of the new season, and everyone's pretty much trying out the new glitches. This method is also going to allow you guys to get Max Essence really quickly, because you guys will be doing it with multiple people at a time, so you guys will just be able to accumulate a lot of money by sharing your money amongst each other, and in every single game you can share more and more money.

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