News - How To Beat The Red Worm Warzone 2 Zombies Greylorm Guide

how to spawn greylorm

The easiest place to do this, and the place I always do it, is at the military base in the Northeast. If you go to this building and you go up the stairs you'll be able to see this kind of picture on the wall and there's four photographs sort of aerial photographs, showing areas of the map, now I think there's at least 12 different locations that these can show but they're normally pretty easy to work out so you just kind of look at the shape of the buildings and then try to find where they match up, they won't necessarily all be in different tiers or anything like that I had one today where there were three in tier one and then one in tier 2 that's definitely possible but all you're doing is looking for these locations and then you're going to go to each of these locations, and look for a little UAV Tower it's easy to spot because it's got the little spinning dish on the top when you find it and like I said they're all super easy to find once you find the right location.

how to spawn red worm

Then you'll be able to interact with it, and a couple of seconds later, it will pop out a little USB stick. You need to pick that up. There's four of these, Alpha, Beta, Charlie, and Delta, that you're going to need to summon the boss at the end of the round. Don't panic if you see somebody else going and picking these up or anything like that; they might be coming and helping you to fight the worm at the end, which is pretty good, but you can also just interact with the laptops about 2 minutes after they are laid, so just go and do another one and then come back to get your own copy of that USB stick.

Once you've got all four, you just kind of want to play the game as usual and get as powerful as possible, so make sure you've got Tier 3 Pack-a-Punch for your main gun. Try to make sure it's the highest rarity you possibly can. Make sure you've got free plates. Make sure you've got a large backpack.

mw3 zombies

And super importantly make sure you've got a durable gas mask each, and then I'd suggest filling up the rest of your space with maybe three or four self- revives and then a bunch of sentry guns I don't find the other killstreaks that useful like precision air strikes or even a juggernaut suit so I personally, wouldn't bother with them at all and I don't think any of the locations where you can fight the boss there's any dead Bol turrets nearby if there are that would be amazing so where are you going to fight the boss basically you want to look on the map for where the radiation is spawning and then somewhere near there you should be able to see two ammo dumps that are kind of out of place, sometimes they'll just be out on a field or near some rocks they can also spawn in the stadium so in the Southwest of the map that can spawn there and you'll be able to tell because the munition crates will be on the kind of top and bottom side of the stadium so that means that the worm's going to spawn there but you should be able to find it somewhere fairly close to the radiation.

Now, around those ammo dumps, you're also going to have four machines for these sorts of things, like when you start the data transfer mission. I think when you're doing that contract, you see these similar machines. There's going to be four of them, each one of which is going to be labeled alpha or bravo.

mw3 zombies guide

Charlie, or Delta. That's where you're going to put the USB sticks the catch is that you can't do this until the gas covers them so you're going to be waiting right until the end of the match when the gas starts expanding, then just before the gas gets to you make sure that you set up all of your turrets I would do them in a really big circle a little way away from the sort of center point where those four machines are because otherwise the boss is going to destroy them really quickly so make sure you set up all your sentry guns and everything and then as soon as the gas touches those machines, you can put the USB drives in now there is currently a bug at the time of recording this article where sometimes you'll interact with them and you'll see the progress bar but you won't see an animation of you using a tablet, if that happens it's not working so you need to kind of back out of that animation back out of that progress bar and then go back into it just mess around a little bit with the interact button until you see the animation, where you use the tablet.

mw3 zombies tips and tricks

Once that's been done on all four of them and between your team, if there's more than one of you, you can have different people doing different ones. That's absolutely fine. Once all four are done, you'll start hearing some voice lines talking about how they've set up this experiment, and then something big is coming.


Now at this point, it's probably worth saying that this is definitely possible solo; we've always done it with a group of three. I know some people, and like Noah said, it's easier if there are more people, so you can try to rope in other people from the server. I think the worm's Health actually scales so if you're solo it's not going to have very much health if you've got fre people it's got a normal amount of health and then if you get loads and loads of people like you've got a six-man squad or you get more people from the server in so you've got like 24 people there I think it will have an almost impossibly, huge amount of health, so personally I think having fre people is probably the Sweet Spot cuz you can organize those free people make sure they've all got the best gear they've all got the best guns and they're ready to go, personally I wouldn't buffer with any Wonder Weapons or anything like that the ray gun while it's pretty good at fighting zombies doesn't see seem to do that much damage to the worm and all of the other guns just feel way too slow.

So as the gas will be over, you now make sure you keep refilling your gas mask by interacting with the ammo dumps; yes, that completely resets your gas mask, and then after a bit of talking, you'll have a bunch of zombies spawning. You need to kind of stay on top of them if you've got loads of turrets up and dogs; they'll probably manage it for you, and then the worm will spawn, and now you've got to kill this thing fairly quickly, because there's probably only about 9 minutes left in the game.

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I have seen one person actually completely finish this with 0 seconds left on a timer and it still counted, so don't worry too much, but I've also seen Noah J fighting this and then it despawned with 90 seconds left, so I'm not entirely sure how it's meant to work, but whatever you're doing, you need to kill this thing fast.

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