News - Super Speed Glitch. Fly Around The Map. Warzone 2 Zombies Glitch - Warzone 2 Zombies

barrier glitch

Wesley is back, and today we have one of the coolest glitches I've seen so far, guys. It allows you to have superspeed. Now this glitch is a bit of a dangerous one, and we'll go into that in a second, but as you can see, I'm able to go 100 mph. I don't even know how fast this is, and you're able to lay down and you're able to stand up.

It does not matter. You can fly across the map, run around, and your parachute will be out, as you can see from my shadow there, and you could just pretty much freak people out in the game, but it's also very useful for traversing the map, you know, traveling around if you need to get to a particular area very quickly, so let's get into some of the requirements of this.

black ops

Glitch, so first and foremost the first thing that you're going to need is an aemo weapon setup so you're going to need to go ahead and unlock this if you don't already for any of the weapons that you see on your screen and I'm going to go ahead and show you guys my setup in a second as well as how you bring it into the game real quick, so here we are at the pregame Lobby screen you want to go over to your gear tab now what you're going to want to use is one of your insured slots for this aimo weapon now again there are multiple different weapons that you can get a Kimbo for and I'm going to put them back on the screen now so make sure that you get one of those unlocked if you already do you know what to do you need to equip this gun with the attachment, now how I saw to do that is at the bottom you'll see there equip, weapon and open.

Gunsmith so once you click that, you're going to go over to rear grip; that is where a Kimbo is stored. Now, most of you know this, but if you don't, that is where it's stored, and then just go ahead and save it as an armory name or something so that you can easily select it in the future. Now, I've already done that.

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As you can see here, I named it just a bunch of letters, but there it is, and you want to equip that and go into the game. Now go ahead and make your way into a lobby, and what you want to do is make sure number one that you have your kimbos. In hand, you want to make sure that you have your Kimbo guns in your hand, and you want to go ahead and find one of these redeploys.


They're spread throughout the map; just simply check them out for the closest one to you. Now you're going to watch me do this real quick. I tried for the first time, but all this involves is a parachute, a redeploy, and Kimbo weapons. Those are your three requirements for this glitch, so you're going to watch me do it here, and then you're going to watch me do it again, but you can see it works.

This was my very first attempt at doing this glitch, so here I go, going back to it after getting down, which we will go to in a second. Make sure that you follow the tips that I have in a minute. I would highly suggest it if you can get down very easily with this glitch. Step one to this glitch is that you want to go ahead and climb up the redeploy.


So as you're going up, you want to let yourself float straight up and then pull your parachute. Now, I was kind of off base here, but it does not matter as long as you're floating down. Now, you see, when I have just my fist out, I'll fly up. However, when you pull out your kimbo weapons, you'll see here that you actually fly down or you go down the rope right, and that is the part of the glitch, so you want to make sure number one you fly up the redeploy.

Right then, as you're floating down towards the rope, you want to cut your parachute. And then third and lastly, you want to make sure that you grab the rope with your aimo weapons in hand, so that's the entirety of the glitch, and what's going to happen is that you will still have your parachute out, you'll be glitching, and the game will think that you are flying through the air, but you're on the ground, and you will have super speed.

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Just check out these clips here of me running around people. I mean, guys, look at this. This is absolutely insane. I'd really appreciate your support. Subscribe for more articles, and I'll catch you guys next time.

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