News - New" Warzone 2 God Mode Glitch. Unlock All Schematics. Loot Farming Duplication - Warzone 2 Zombies Glitch

barrier glitch

Wesley here, and today I have a brand new God Mode glitch for you guys that allows you to get schematics extremely quickly in the Tier 3 zone, so you are completely invincible in this spot. You can throw your ether knife, you can use any guns that you wish, and it's very easy to get in and out of.

You can also find the PCH notes in the description as always, so you never have to question if or not a glitch works, so let's get into some of the requirements. On the map here, you'll see a red circle, which is the area that you need to go to in Tier 3. It's very easy to get to without having to face a lot of zombies.

I highly suggest you go to it from the southwest. And the first and only requirement for this glitch and the only requirement is that you have a scorcher, but I highly suggest a few other things. Number one is that you have an upgraded weapon, so make sure you get double Pack-a-Punch if you want to get kills fast, and then make sure that you have a pet dog if you want things to be easy because a pet dog is extremely powerful, and I got lucky here because I had an Abomination right nearby, so I was able to get into this glitch fast and test it out on my first attempt.

black ops

So to do this glitch, it's very easy. You want to find one of these open archways, charge your scorcher, and walk forward at the same time. What's going to happen is that the pillars are solid but the open archways are not, so the top portion is Not Call of Duty is known to have assets that are not solid all throughout their games, as you may have noticed, so you'll fall into this wall here and be completely invincible, but let me give you a couple of tips here that will help you get in and out of this glitch and utilize it to your advantage.

So first of all, getting in and out is very easy. Number one, I just want you guys to know that you can stand on top of any of these pillars, but you can't get out of every pillar. You'll notice that I can't get out right here, and the reason for that is that it's not one of the open archways, so you need to go back towards the left where you first entered, and you can exit that way, but you can walk through all the pillars and repeat the process to go across.


Second, a few things that I highly suggest that you bring are: number one, your ether knife, because you can kill things very easily from the wall. Sometimes it gets blocked, but for the most part, you can throw it at a certain angle and it will work. Also, obviously, bring your pack-a-punch crystals and everything else so you can kill the Abomination if it's near you, and lastly, I would highly suggest that you actually bring a pet dog.

I literally sat here guys for 5 to 10 minutes and watched my dog fight the Abomination before it died, and that's with me doing nothing. If I were to do something. I would have had my healing aura at the bottom right recharge fast enough to actually heal the dog, so this is yet another glitch where you can go completely AFK throughout the game if you wanted to and just attract zombies that way.

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